Author's Notes: Hello everyone! Firstly, let me say that I'm SO SORRY for this! It's been OVER A YEAR since I last updated this story! I FEEL LIKE CRAP FOR THAT! Believe it or not, I've actually tried working on this story but things always kept coming up. To give you a tiny taste of what I mean, since the last chapter of this story was uploaded I've had to deal with the death of an uncle, continuing my graduate studies, looking for a full-time job, and my first forays into on-line dating. And all that combined with me having so many stories started, not fully knowing where to go with this one, and the difficulties of P.O.V. writing only made it worse.
Even though I never intended it to be the case, I was tempted at points to simply stop this story. But there would always be something that would stop me. Despite me not updating this story in over a year, this story because one of my most popular! The number of people who have favored and followed this story is mind-blowing, and it spurred me to not giving up on this tale. I must give a massive THANK YOU to everyone who showed support for this story even when I didn't! Honestly, its people like those that are half the reason why I'm still doing this! With the other half being that I enjoy writing so damn much! Lol :)
Now, I must give particular praise to a single supporter of mine…Kenju! As those of you who've read my other stories might know, Kenju is my co-writer and editor on "Unbreakable Red Silken Thread". It was because of his guidance and help that I was able to finish this chapter, as well as have a general idea of where to go next. Kenju, words can't express how happy I am that you got me to write this again!
For context of where this chapter takes place in the timeline I established before, it takes place at the end of day four, the same day the last two chapters happened on. I'm not fully sure about this yet but in the near future I'm going to start skipping days so I can pick up the pace a little bit. Regardless, this chapter shows things from the perspective of a character that hasn't been around for a little while…Gwen.
Here's the eighth chapter of "A TDA Love Triangle with Betty, Cody, and Gwenny": Insights at Night
(Gwen's P.O.V.)
You know, after being on Total Drama Island, I really shouldn't get shocked anymore. I mean, it's hard to think of anything being able to surpass the sheer WTF factor of things like giant man-eating beavers, a real life psycho-killer-with-a-chainsaw-and-a-hook, or a mentally instable redheaded teenage super-genius that use to work with the military. That last one was Izzy, just in case you know any other brilliant, bat-shit crazy redhead teens.
God have mercy on you if you do.
But, as always, there is an exception to this rule. I see something that shocks me.
I see Cody surfing…with Bridgette.
Well…it would be more accurate to say that Cody is trying to surf with Bridgette. I was walking towards a restaurant to get some dinner, but I honestly wasn't that hungry anyway. I just needed something to do. Anything.
Anyway, because of that, I decided, for what was likely somewhere between ten and twenty minutes, to watch them surf. I honestly can't tell why I am so transfixed on watching. Is it because the idea of Cody surfing seemed so crazy? Or because I never thought I'd see the two of them hanging out?
If any of you out there think you know the answer, by all means please try to tell me. Just don't be expecting any kind of prompt response on my part.
Anyway, then, after a impressive ride through a funnel of wave (I don't know what its called…do I honestly look like the kind of person who goes to the beach enough to know what its called? I think not.), Bridgette and Cody get out of the water.
I imagined that they would see me, as I am out in the open and I have no reason to hide. But they didn't. They take a different pathway. With nothing else to do, I follow them.
My mind, likely for a lack of anything else to occupy it, can't drop the image of Cody surfing. It just seems so out of nowhere. Okay, time to be totally honest here. Even with him and me recently amending broken bonds yesterday over digitized renderings of unrealistically incredible violence; I don't actually know Cody that well. But even so, I do know him well enough to know that surfing just isn't something he would be into. I bet the only surfing he's done is one his TV or laptop…the same as myself, I suppose.
But, on the other hand, and prepare to have your minds blown wide opened by this…no, seriously, click out of that porn you have tabbed, stop listening to that god-awful pop music that most people eat up like sugar, and draw all of your attention to the screen.
Bridgette, the Surfer Girl…likes to surf!?
Mind-blowing, isn't? Like crossbreeding seeing Cthulhu's face with the Ark of the Covenant. Though I guess the later is more face-melting…but I think you get the idea.
I'll wait a few moments for you to piece up the bits of brain that are now covering the floor from when you went all Scanners in your bedroom/basement/man-cave/lady-cave/place of employment because you were looking at your phone instead of working.
You have seen Scanners, right?
Scanners? It's a movie that-seriously? Okay, go onto Youtube and look up "Scanners". Trust me, it won't be long until you find what was at one time 'the most paused moment' in any rented film, at least according to one survey. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.
So why would Cody be doing something that he's never done before with Bridgette?
Then, for whatever reason, I remembered something that was said the previous day.
"Uh, sorry Gwen but…I can't hang out again tomorrow. I'm, uh, kind of…making plans with someone else. Normally I'd cancel them to hang out with you but this person really could use some company. I won't to say who it is but she's also pretty lonely these days."
Could it be that…?
Nah! That can't be it! I mean, sure, her relationship with Geoff clearly isn't the best right now…but I doubt its bad enough to where he would spend the entire day with her. Still, I wonder. Should I head over to them and ask what's up?
Nah! It's really none of my business regardless.
Besides, I'm still not exactly feeling like BFF's (God, why did I just say that!?) with her. She might not have been as bad as Geoff was, but Bridgette still wasn't exactly a pillar of support during my televised grilling session with the bonus of nearly being crushed and then fed to some Amazonian fish! Yeah, shocking that I'm not too willing to hang out with someone who has given me nothing but a hard time since I got back here, right?
Sorry, I got sidetracked. Where was I? Oh yeah, me being cool with Cody hanging out with Bridgette. Yeah, I'm fine with it. I'm fine-fine…
But then why do I find myself getting irritated the more I look at this? Seriously, I don't know why? And no, to all you dumbasses and misogynic pigs out there, I'm not on my period!
Despite it not being my time of the month, I'm finding my initial confusion and minor amusement morphing into a bad temper. And me, not looking for any more bad moods, decided to leave.
I know this is silly, and I hate being silly, but I can't seem to let go of this feeling. Why would seeing Cody and Bridgette hanging out cause me to get so…so…worked up?
I debated that, with no results found, until, in my very focused and observant state, I ended up colliding with the one guy around who might give Owen a run for his money in terms of bigness, though his bigness is of a considerably different kind.
"Oh, snap!" DJ said, clearly taken by surprise by me hitting into him. Can't imagine why? "Ya 'kay, did I hurt ya!?" He asked, acting like I had broken a leg or something. Typical DJ; as sweet and caring, yet prone to panic and overblown fears, as one could be.
"Yeah, I'm fine," I said, as I got up and dusted off my clothing. Fun fact kiddies, wearing black clothing makes EVERY little bit of dust and dirt a hundred times more noticeable. "I think after being on Total Drama, I can handle a gentle, accidental shove."
"Yeah, I guess. Still, I don't wanna make your time here worse than it already has be'n."
Typical DJ. Never chance. "Thanks for that. Believe me, hearing that means a lot."
After that nice little bit of refreshing pleasantness, we divulged into run-of-the-mill conversation. I'll be merciful and not bore you with most of the trivial details. Your welcome, by the way. Instead, I'll summarize what was said. I told DJ about how I spent the previous day with Cody and how my general opinion of him has gone up significantly because of that. He was pleased with this. Remember, he and Cody are good friends. Plus, and this is just pure speculation, I feel like he wants Cody and me to hook up. Sorry but that isn't happening. Sure, Cody's a good guy, but that doesn't mean I like-like him. God, why did I just say "like-like"! Have I suddenly become Lindsay of all people!?
It takes me looking down at my boobs, which are definitely not the same double-D overkill as that vapid airhead's, for me to quell that minor bout of internal panic. Sure, it might be illogical but being someone as shallow and stupid as Lindsay is my biggest fear. And before you even ask, no, I don't, don't, hate Lindsay! In fact, she's like a friend. She doesn't judge me like the girls who remind me of her at my school do and we both take great pleasure in seeing Heather suffer. Those two things alone make her worthy of some respect and acceptance. But just because that's true doesn't mean that I want to be her.
Moving on, there's a piece of the conversation that I guess is worth knowing word for word. What came before it was DJ telling me about his day yesterday, and how he spent most of it with his mother and Bridgette. Naturally, seeing an opening, I then said, "Ya don't say? So…uh…what's up with Bridgette anyway? Did something happen to her?"
Instantly, I knew something was up, and that DJ knew about it. How you might ask? Well, it was the very subtle sign of DJ's demeanor changing and releasing a heavy sigh. And of course by "very subtle sign" I mean something even the aforementioned less than brainy blonde could have picked up on.
DJ seemed to realize that I realized something was up, because after several seconds and a second sigh, he relented by saying, "Yeah, there is. I ain't gonna lie, Bridgette's in a bad place. A few days ago, she and Geoff got into-a big fight, and he broke up with her."
"Oh no!" I said before even realizing it, subconsciously placing a hand over my heart. In that instant, all of my contempt and dislike for Bridgette vanished in a wave of concern. Look, Bridgette might have gotten me really crossed but that doesn't mean I'm some heartless creep, despite what many people…including myself sometimes, seem to think.
"Yeah," he nodded solemnly, "'n that sadly isn't the half of it. Turns out that Geoff was even worse to her when not on camera. He got more shallow 'n more…more…vulgar. He called her a…uh, um…lady of questionable virtue…" The Brick House said, clearly not willing to say the word "whore". It would have been kind of cute if not for the context. I repeat my previous statement; DJ, never change.
"But even that's not the worst part. According to her contract with the network, if she acts any differently towards Geoff on the aftermath shows, their lawyers will take her mama to the cleaners. She's gotta pretend to be on good terms with the guy who broke her heart. It took Mama and me all day with her to get her to stop cryin'. She's hurt bad."
Oh…oh crap. And I thought I was being a ball of doom and gloom!? And…now I suddenly feel like a Chris McLean sized sack of bull excrement for being bitter towards Bridgette. One of the few things that as kept me going through this has been tainted. Wonderful.
DJ seemed to pick up on how this news made me feel, in particular since now me and the blonde both knew the pains of a break-up, admittedly from different sides of the issue. The conversation kind of fizzled out after that. The only thing of importance discussed after that was what Bridgette told him about Cody, about how he helped her shortly after the break up. We talked for only a minute or two after he dropped the bomb on Bridgette's current situation. Noticing my dropped mood, DJ offered to have a meal with him. The offer was tempting but I decided to decline it. After what I just learned, I needed some time by myself to hash out my feelings on it. With a respectful goodbye, and a surprise hug from my muscular friend that I didn't mind, we parted ways.
Now the confusion that I had felt before learning that exploded like a primed grenade. My brain feels like a maelstrom, with its howling winds weakening my perception of the outside world. And what was even stranger, I couldn't help but notice this creeping feeling in my gut. I had noticed small spikes of it when watching Cody and Bridgette surf, but I had ignored it. But now, after learning all of that, I felt this powerful feeling churning in my stomach. I'm not really sure of how describe it. Its like…its like…a tenseness, mixed with fire in my belly, like I'm both deeply repulsed but driven to do something about it despite not knowing what to do. At the same time, I felt like a thick stone had been dropped within me, with its ripples spreading outward. And my head felt like my skull had exploded into a mess of jagged, conflicting thoughts and feelings.
In other words, I didn't know why I felt this way but I felt wrong. More than anything, what I needed was some silence so I could properly evaluate my thoughts and-
"Whoo-whoo! Let's so for a dip in the ocean, bra!" A familiar cry called out, effectively killing any chance at contemplation!
As I felt my mood get a little sourer, I saw the person who had issued that call. It was Geoff. Wearing the same swim trunks that he had wore on TDI and his cowboy hat, the Party Animal charged out past where I was standing without even noticing my presence. That was likely for the best, because simply seeing him made my hands ball up into fists. Him so much as talking to me likely would have resulted in his teeth being knocked out.
"Come on Jezzy! Ya can get outta that stuff when we get in the water!" Geoff called out.
A second or two later a girl came running after the formerly cool blonde cowboy. Even though this is the first time I've seen her and I've never talked to this girl, I have that gut feeling that I wouldn't like this girl. Call me bitter if you wish but she radiates that same kind of bitchy aura as Heather, and no, its not because she's also Asian. I'm not a racist! Anyway, she's got long black hair with yellow bangs above her forehead, green eyes, navy blue lipstick, and very little in the way of clothing covering her that is red in color.
Anyway, she ran up to Geoff and instantly, and I literally mean in an amount of time that could be deemed "instant", they started not just to make out but roughly dry hump each other. I watched the abrupt carnal display in that odd feeling between horror and not being to look away, like what the best of horror movies can induce, until they started taking off their clothes. At that point, I blotted away as fast as I feet could take me!
I mean, god damn it, Geoff! I've heard of people moving on from a break up but did you even break up with Bridgette before you eyed this hussy! Then again, given how…uh…eager he was making out with Bridgette, I guess I'm not completely shocked. You know, that makes me wonder if Bridgette would do the saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh…
Okay, have you ever had those moments where suddenly seemingly random things click and reveal something that you had been blind to before? Like how your wife changing your bed sheets several times a week and being extra chummy with your best friend reveals that she's been having an affair? Well, I can't speak from experience when it comes to that example but that's what I imagine its like. Anyway, Geoff starting to get it on with this…lady of questionable virtue…put the random mental puzzle pieces together.
All at once it makes sense. I stopped running as the truth was slowly revealed to me, about the reasons for what I had been feeling.
Why Bridgette is hanging out with Cody.
Why he surfing with her.
Why she's spending so much more time with him when they never do so before.
Why it's almost like she's hanging off of his shoulder.
Why seeing them hanging out leave this odd feeling in my stomach.
Bridgette is using Cody as a rebound guy!
Oh my God…it makes so much sense! Anyone with eyes could see it!
But let me guess, you can't see it, right?
I'll take your silence as a yes. Sigh, fine, let me try to explain what I just realized. Cody is a raved horn-dog and about a transparent as cellophane when it comes to his desires. Bridgette is a girl who's just been through a very painful ordeal and is likely looking for something to make herself feel better. Of all the guys here, Cody is the easiest and most opportune target. Having no experience with a girl and being a bit of a perve, Cody would jump at the chance to have a girlfriend like Bridgette, even if it's a slim chance. And Bridgette, looking for enjoyment wherever she could find it, would indulge him.
In all fairness to Cody, I guess I can understand why he would find a girl like Bridgette to be a appealing choice for a first girlfriend, or just a girlfriend in general, I suppose. But come on, she's not that great! It's not like she's Lindsay or Courtney or anything! So what if she isn't ugly? What would it matter that she's toned, fit, trim, has clear skin, a decent rack, shiny blonde hair and ocean green eyes? It's of no consequence that she's outgoing. Who would care that she's rather friendly, with an easygoing attitude, that odd kind of mindset where she can be both a girl and yet one of the guys that would mean she could just as much a best friend as a lov-OH, FIND ME IN THE ALPS!
No, no…it's all right, Gwen. Sure, that's all good for her but none of it is a deal-breaker. They've barely talked to each other before now. Its not like they've had any strong emotional moments between them that could bridge the—CRAP!
Oh yeah…Bridgette's holding a royal flush. Hell, the only major fault I can find aside from a complicated relationship with gravity and her own feet on dry land is an over-eagerness to make-out…not that Cody or most guys would view that as a weakness!
That's just typical. The outgoing blonde chicks that can't stop themselves from making out with the first pair of guy-lips to pass them by get all the emotional support they want! Ugh! It's so unfair! Then again, why should I be surprised!? Life's always crap for me! While all someone like's Bridgette's gotta do is show off her big breasts, wonderful personality, and those full, toned legs like columns of sun-kissed tan to get guys left and right…while I'm stuck with these pathetic legs that are so thin and pale and sinewy!
…Uh…yeah…I-I'm not insecure or anything…
Pfft…whatever…I know that I'm hot and I've had guys wanting to date me for years! True, most of them I didn't want to be within twenty feet of…but that's beside the point!
Cody is proof of that! And how Bridgette is using him, despite him following me like a shadow, to get over her breakup with Geoff! And that's while I'm still single over here!
Okay, I know I should probably just let this lie and let them do whatever they want. But I can't. Not after all that flak Bridgette gave me about how I handed things with Trent! Or how Cody's been the one person outside of DJ to actually make me feel good ever since!
I mean, sure, I made some mistakes. I'll admit that. But that doesn't justify her crap! I already felt bad enough for what I needed to do without her rubbing it in my face. Especially when it's obvious that can't get on her high horse about relationships! Do I seem a bit bitter? Well, I guess I am. I'm not usually proud of it but I'm stubborn. I can hold a grudge, and I'll keep holding it till Bridgette apologizes for her slander against me.
Ugh…let's move back to Cody, shall we? I didn't think you'd disagree with me. And if you did, then screw you too.
I can't fully explain why, but the fact that Cody has fallen into Bridgette's rebound slot makes me feel a little…annoyed, I guess. I thought he'd have more integrity than that after his conduct with me the past few days.
But then again, it is true that Cody probably has never had a girlfriend before, or a girl that would seriously consider having him as a boyfriend. Not to mention that this also means that he's never gone through a breakup, so he couldn't know how girls might act during one. He likely has no idea that Bridgette's using him to fill a void left by Geoff.
And for some reason, now that I think about it…that all makes me feel like crap. After all, if what Cody told me during our first real interaction since TDI is true, then he's pursued a lot of girls and they all viewed him as annoying…like me. I feel guilty about that. And I know I wouldn't feel nearly as guilty if that didn't make me somewhat culpable in him being used right now! For all his flaws, Cody's too nice a guy to be used.
That's right, I called Cody nice! Go to Hell if you don't like that, you creepy watchers! What's wrong? Don't like being called out on your odd obsession with watching teens!?
Assuming your still here after that, yeah, like I just said, I think Cody is nice…now. He's been there for me when so few have been. He's fun to be around, when he's not hitting on you. He genuinely loves seeing me smile and be happy without wanting to get into my skirt. And I'll even admit that his more boyish physical features are growing on me. A small part of me feels like a real heel for being so negative towards him before this point. I meant what I said yesterday when Cody kept surprising me and he deserved a girlfriend.
I wonder…should I give him a chance?
NAH! As nice as I think Cody is, that wouldn't be right. Besides, I'm not really attracted to him. And even if I was, me pouncing on him now wouldn't be right. If I did, I'd just be using him as a rebound, the same way Bridgette is. But I'm strong enough not to do that! And unlike her, I am NOT going to use him or anyone else to get through this breakup!
And because of that, I must think of a way to save Cody from Bridgette's manipulations.
I'll spare you the thought process involved but I spent a lot of time thinking about this. Also, by the time I reached what I'm about to tell you next, I was back to my hotel room. Instead, I'll merely reveal the end result of it, what I'm planning to do to save Cody.
Okay, I'm sure this is going to sound bad but just hear me out before judging me. My plan to save Cody from Bridgette getting her claws into him is to put my claws into him!
HEY! What did I JUST say!? Don't judge me until you hear the whole plan, guys!
Look, I KNOW for a fact that Cody is still attracted to me, even though he's thankfully not hitting on me. I also know that he used to follow me around like a shadow before. And judging by his behavior with me, he likely has a strong sense of nobility and compassion. Simply telling him the truth about Bridgette likely wouldn't work, with him just denying the obvious due to being blinded by his Sir Galahad complex. I've got to be subtle. All I have to do is hang out with Cody more. Even as a friend, simply being with him will show him that there are other girls besides Bridgette to pick from, that he has other options. And I don't even have to do that for the remaining time we'll be here. I just have to take up as much of Cody's time and attention as I can until Bridgette either latches onto someone else or she grow up and stops trying to use guys on the rebound.
But I'll have to be careful. I don't want to get Cody's hopes up or hurt his feelings. Despite whatever he likes wishes for, I'm still not into him and I don't want to date him. I just want to protect him from what is as clear as night-and-day but he can't seem to see because he's not just a skirt-chaser but also a nice, gullible guy. He's my friend now, and I'm fiercely loyal and protective of my friends. Besides, this will give me something to do aside from brood.
Now, how should I do this? How should I help him? Doing some activities that aren't my favorites will likely help. Maybe I'll have a beach day soon, and invite Cody? I doubt he'll reject that offer. But that'll have to wait until night passes by.
And there you have it! I hope you liked this newest chapter.
As I said, I feel SO BAD for not being able to update this sooner but I hope this was worth it. Please let me know in your reviews, okay?
If nothing else, this chapter has nicely moved the story along. Gwen is now going to be making a conscious effort to hang out with Cody more. I'm sure you can pick up on this but there is more behind Gwen's desire to help Cody, even if she's not aware of it yet. I won't say what it is but please give your comments in your reviews, okay?
For those of you who are wondering, "Jezzy" is an OC named Jezebel, who was hinted at but not described in the sixth chapter of this story, as the girl who was sitting with Geoff. CRM Rosa commissioned a picture of this character that was done by the DA artist "qMargot". You can find it in his DA gallery. It's quite good. :)
Anyway, I don't know when the next chapter will be uploaded with everything else I've got going on but I can say that I have the rough idea for the next chapter already planned out. Hopefully that will make me able to update this story faster.
As always, until next time, please: read, review, alert, favor, and spread the word!