A/N First ever Star Trek fanfic, please, no flames or anything like that. This is a site where we unleash our imaginations so lets just have fun with this crazy arse idea ^.^ And I do believe I unleashed my imagination a little too much, but oh well. :)

Warnings : Mpreg, technically VulcanPreg - but never the less. Some swearing here and there. Possible rape, but don't hold me on that one. Also slight Occ's for Spock. More warnings for when it seems logical 4 me to put them up.

- MOST READ! - : Kirk is the captain of the Enterprise, even though this is sort of AU and he hasn't met Spock yet. Keep that in mind. This is Star Trek in my own way. It's a slow (ish) story that explains it's self as it goes on. You have to keep an open mind as well. This is a Spock/Kirk slash, well, it'll end in that anyway. (Cue evil laughter!)

Notes : I should tell you that we're going to be hearing from Khan in this as well. Pm if you can figure out what his role will be in the next few chapters ;) And Miss Nightshadow, if you're reading this - it's not that idea I told you about before - it's a new one I thought of. So no cheating!

Disclaimer : I do NOT own anything to do with Star trek. Come on people, I don't even own the laptop I'm working on. It's my older brothers ¬¬. What a drag he is some times too. If I did own Star Trek the movie versions?...yea, lets not go there.


The Dark Side Of Life. Chapter 1 : Only Just The Start.

The Vulcan planet had been destroyed so many years ago. Their home and people all lost, the starfleet had shown remorse over their loss - after all the Vulcan's had been a great asset to them. But even though the starfleet said they were looking into the reason behind why Vulcan was destroyed, they never actually did. They just let it be, they never realised that the "one" person who had destroyed the Vulcan planet had taken one of the Vulcan kind, a half Vulcan, away before the planet was made into nothing more then crumbles of earth. Some say that Admiral Marcus had something to do with it though. It's a long story as to why the one 'half Vulcan' was spared, but lets just say you'll find out soon enough what it was all about.

James T Kirk was out of his ship on shore leave, just driving to a nearby pub before he would have to go back aboard the Enterprise. Don't get him wrong, being a captain is great and all, but even captains need breaks from being...well, the captain. Unfortunately for Kirk, he was bored - hence why he's heading for the pub. You know, meet some girls - or guys - Kirk wasn't fussy. Kirk was Bi, not that many people minded as long as he didn't go around shoving it in people's faces - other people though, not so much. That's why only very few actually knew Kirk liked the same-sex.

Like, Scotty, Bones, Chekov and of course Uhura. Just some of his crew, the ones that Kirk trusted with his life. Scotty and Chekov had found out by accident, yea, Kirk really should have locked the door before he decided to have sex with Bones that once. Uhura had been someone to talk to when the pressure got too much for Kirk to handle, he was drunk, she was there - he found himself telling her everything about him. Of course, it led to sex - but hey, Kirk didn't mind.

Suddenly, the dirty blonds mobile phone went off. Groaning slightly, guessing it was probably one of Kirk's ex girl friends wanting to get back together again - he went to press ignore Kirk had never liked chicks who were too clingy, that was probably another reason he liked dudes as well - it was just a normal one night stand with them and they never bitched about it. 'Women, who needs them?' Kirk thought, a smirk playing at the edge of his lips.

That was until he took a chance look up back at the road.

He gasped, hitting the brakes hard - his head almost whacking off of the steering wheel.

There, just a mere few inches from his car was a black-haired - very pretty - and VERY pregnant male! His ears were pointed - it took Kirk only two second to realised that the man in front of his car was in fact a Vulcan...or some sort of one anyway. 'But he can't be a Vulcan,' Kirk thought as he got out of his car to see if the man was ok. 'The Vulcan's are extinct.'

"Hey...are you...alright?" Kirk slowly asked as the black-haired males eyes scrunched up and his pale hand shot to his stomach in pain.

He looked up after a moment or two, his brown eyes had little pain in them now. "I appear to have gone into to labor, but I am not due for another week." The Vulcan's voice had practically no pain in it, Kirk had to admit that the dude was either putting on a brave face (and voice) or he was doing that weird thing were Vulcan's don't feel. Or something. To be honest, Kirk was still stuck on the fact that the guy was pregnant.

"Well," Kirk began, his voice rather light and cheerful. "I don't think the baby agrees with you on that. Here, let's get you to a hospital - in the mean time - you start your breathing or whatever." Kirk pulled up the raven haired male, allowing him to lean against his side for support - even though the pointy ear man didn't seem to want - or need - the help. Kirk was starting to wonder if the man was actually in labor or not, but it's better to be safe then sorry.

Once Kirk had put the man in the back of his car, praying in his mind that a baby wouldn't pop out and ruin his car - he drove off toward where he knew a hospital was.

"Breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out." Kirk coached, but the other male didn't seem to be impressed. "What's your name?" He asked, figuring he may as well try and get some info on who he was and how he got pregnant.


"Nice name..." He shifted a laugh. Looking into the mirror he saw Spock somewhat glare at him - obviously knowing that he had wanted to laugh at the name. "Mines Kirk, James T Kirk." Of course, being slightly famous for being the captain of the enterprise, he expected Spock to know who he was, but he got nothing. No change in his face, eyes or body language. One of the most awkwardest moments in Kirk's life so far.

"If you do not hurry, Mr. Kirk, then with in the next 15 minutes I predict you'll be delivering my babies." Spock panted out, gritting his teeth a bit.

"Whoa! Babies?...You mean...You're having? - "

"Twins, yes."

"Oh...OH! Okay, look - here we go!" Kirk sped up, zooming pass a police officer. He got pulled over, but was let go as the office realised who he was and that there was a pregnant Spock in the back of the car who was giving birth.

They pulled up next to the emergency entrance at the hospital. Kirk opened the back door to his car, Spock got out and went to walk towards the hospital but stumbled & hissed in pain. Kirk, being the stronger man at the moment, picked him up. Spock protested, but Kirk ignored him - breaking his back a little at the weight that was on such a small frame. A Nurse came over to them fast with a wheel chair, she helped Spock down into the wheelchair and rolled him away. Again, Spock tried to protest, but the nurse shot him a look - lets say he shut up pretty quickly.

Now Kirk was left by himself, wondering whether or not to stay. He had a feeling, though, that maybe he needed to stay. So, he waited in the waiting room.

(The Delivery Room)

"Ok Mr. Spock, push." The Doctor said as held onto the baby's head.

"..." Spock never responded, his lips tightly sealed together - eyes half closed. His emotion pain not coming - as normal, but the pain his body was being put through was like being torn in two.

"Mr. Spock, here baby one comes." Suddenly there was a crying sound and the doctor was holding a baby in his arms. "Baby ones a boy, congrats my friend." The doctor spoke before passing the baby to the nurse.

"We're not done yet though, get ready to push again."

"I do not believe I can do that, again." Spock said, sweating and panting heavily.

The Nurse who wasn't holding the baby had an idea, she ran out of the room - heading towards the waiting room.

(Back In The Waiting Room)

Kirk was pacing back and forth, other people watching him with weary eyes - but they never spoke as they knew who he was. 'This is ridiculous, I'm not even the father...maybe I should go.' His thoughts were cut off though as a nurse came running up to him.

"Are you the father of Mr. Spock's baby?" She asked quickly.

"Errm, n - " Before he could finish, the nurse dragged him off towards a room. She obviously didn't care whether he was or not. The Nurse dressed Kirk up in scrubs (or whatever they wear) and dragged him into the delivery room, even though he kept trying to tell them he wasn't the father - no one seemed to listen. As he went into the room, he saw Spock, it was clear that the Vulcan had seen better days. Kirk walked up to him and grabbed his hand, making Spock snap his head to look at who it was. Kirk tried to recall whether he'd read something about Vulcan's hands being sensitive, but he couldn't recall.

"Hey Mom." He chuckled. Spock didn't look amused at the comment.

"Why are you here?" He asked.

"Oh, just because the nurses here seem to think I'm your baby's father." Kirk looked around, seeing a little baby in one of the nurses arms. He smiled before turning back to Spock who had really gone really pale now.

"Spock?...Hey, come on now." Kirk shook him slightly before looking to the doctor who had a worried frown on his face. "Don't fall asleep, you're a Vulcan remember - you're strong and - "

"His half a Vulcan." The doctor corrected just as Spock passed out. "Shit, this isn't good, the baby's not out yet. Nurse we need to get Mr. Spock ready for surgery ASAP!."

"What happened?!" Kirk asked, worried to no end. The doctor pushed past him, pressing a button allowing other doctors to come in.

"We don't know yet, we need to hurry - please wait outside."

The nurse with the baby showed Kirk out, passing him the small infant. Kirk wasn't going to take the small baby into his arms, but the nurse practically dropped him though. "Hey little guy..." Kirk muttered as the baby opened up his eye, surprisingly they were a blue colour and not brown like Spock's - but he did have pointed ears. "I guess your daddy's blue-eyed like me huh?" 'No wonder they all think I'm the dad, not only did I come in with Spock - but now the baby's got the same eyes as me.'...'Fantastic.'

It must have been about 3 hours later when the doctor came out of the room, taking off his gloves with a sigh of tiredness. Kirk was falling asleep, the baby had been taken away to be checked over properly by the nurse not too long ago.

"Sir." The doctor said making Kirk snap his head up to look at him.

"Spock, is he ok now?" He had so many question but he couldn't word most of them at the moment.

"He is, but he needs his rest. He passed out due to the strain on his body, we had to do a c-section, but the baby's fine too. Also a boy. Mr. Spock is asleep at the moment, but you may go in and look at the other baby boy before his placed with his twin brother in the maternity ward. Even though the delivery was early, both the babies are healthy and seem fine." The doctor left soon after telling Kirk that the nurse would come for the new baby in a little while.

Kirk shrugged his shoulders and walked into the room where Spock was. The half Vulcan was laying on the bed, his eyes closed and soft snores coming from him. Kirk smirk a bit, he didn't know why but he found it to be cute - sort of anyway. Looking around, Kirk saw a small fat bundle in a blanket. He walked over seeing that it was the baby, he picked him up - smiling softly now at the new born. The baby's eyes were tightly closed, his little hands searching for its mother to hold onto. Moving the blanket a bit, Kirk saw that the baby's ears were pointed - but not as much as the his brothers.

Kirk looked back to Spock, seeing no ring on his finger. "I'm guessing that your mom doesn't want a ring on it." He chuckled quoting a little from a Beyoncé song he knew, the baby then started crying.

"Don't cry, your mom needs his sleep." About five minutes of nonstop crying and having Kirk sing badly for the baby to quiet down - if he was honest, the baby's crying only increased as he sang. "Would you shut up, you're giving me a headache here. Or maybe that's just my singing." He may not know how to make the baby's shut up, but he did know one thing was for sure - This was going to be a long night.

d-_-b Review Or Pm. Sorry about any mistakes. By the way, if you guys want to read a really good fanfic, then read "The Lure." By : Miss Nightshadow. It's really good and the pairing is Kirk/Spock. Take a look if you want too.