As Dipper and Mabel drove through the pines, they worried about their great uncle. he was sick after all, and it was bad enough that they had to come see him. as the trees rolled by and the small critters popped into and out of view, they hoped that whatever had taken hold of Stan was something the old guy could beat out of himself. They couldn't lose the person they had shared their first, second, basically all their supernatural experiences with. Hed been there from the point of the gnomes to helping them fight off the goddess of kittens. Mable though she was less fun and fluffy than her name implied. As the sign of Gravity Falls appeared over the horizon, the golf cart sized hole still not repaired, the pines let out small smiles. Their summer home still had its quirks.

But not all was the same in the quiet town. Yes it was still small and yeah, you could step out of the city limits and into a forest so thick you could be lost for years and nobody find you (Dipper had felt bad of course, but to be fair he was literally ten feet from the tree line and nobody noticed the guy or his log cabin) not ten feet away, but there were some significant differences. the tent of telepathy was now part of a circus act, carried away years ago after Gideon sold it and went on the road. He had no need to remain there anymore after his parents installed a homing chip in his head and said that anymore contact with supernatural objects would cause him to be sent to military school. Mable heard he was now a bum on the sidewalks of Vegas. The museum had grown, the Northwest statue was torn down, (Dipper always smirked when he remembered that) and even the supermarket expanded. But one thing they notes as they drove through the town was that the same people that had been here seemed to have stayed. Manly Dan could be seen walking with his three boys, now all young men by the looks of it (all wearing plaid by the looks of it. some things never change). The Mystery Shacks big blinking sign, long repaired and due for some more (Basically looks the same only with flashing lights and the S is in place. though it is a bit crooked) seemed to smile at the quad, happy to have some old and new faces visiting it.

"Summer home sweet summer home," Mabel said simply, unbuckling and exiting the white mercury they had sat in for the past three days. Neither of them had a lot of money, so buying four plane tickets was out of the question. The drive was rather fun, that the older twins had to admit. they took turns entertaining and messing about with the kids. at times, giggles and smiling faces where all that were within this small car. The only time it wasn't that much fun was when a cop pulled them over and he suddenly found himself upside down and being shaken like a small childs rattle before a- you know what nevermind. Continuing, mable scooped DJ and MJ, and went inside to find someone to help them unpack and move in. The inside of the shack was relatively the same. But to be sure, Mabel peeked behind one of the old cooking magazines.

"Hello miss Hollso. Oh those are SSOOOO fake," she muttered to herself, setting the cooking magazine down. DJ, now holdin Mable by her jeans, marveled at the place around him. Not at the Shack itself, but the area the Shack is in. it was all so...familiar.

"Welcome to the Mystery Shack!" S loud voice said, causing the trio to jump. Dipper arrived just in time to watch as an explosion of smoke came from the back of the Shack, and a large tubby man stepped forward, a goatee and an eyepatch on. The lights dimmed as he spoke.

"I am the Man of Mystery, the Local Legend, Winner of Ten eating contests, SOOS!" He says, fireworks and sparks going off behind him. A little girl appears out the door to the back, clapping and smiling. as the fireworks die down, and the lights come back on, she takes her place behind the cash register.

"Nice job dad!" She admonishes. The girl was a head bigger than the Jrs, and twice their weight, who most obviously worked at the shack, because of her identifying sticker that says "Lil' miss Mystery" on it. her red dress flowed to the ground and had a matching belt around her waist, and a sunny disposition as she smiled at the four new customers

"Hello! Im L-lil' Miss M-mystery! But you can call me Rose. What s-supernatural p-products would you like t-t-t-to-o-o-oday?" She asked, stuttering on a few of her words, the to seeming to be extremely difficult for her. at the same time though Soos gave her a big smile, and mouthed, "Atta girl". Dipper gave her a kind smile.

"Were actually here visiting relatives and thought we'd swing by."

"Yeah!" Mabel said, catching on immediately slapping on a patented smile. "We need some souvenirs for our kids here!" She said, lifting the little ones up. The Jrs smiled and waved at the larger girl, who did the same.

As Mabel and Rose began to speak, Soos stepped next to Dipper.

"Hey, Uh, dude, I hope you don't mind my daughter. Her mom went back to college a few months ago and both of them are having a hard time adjusting. Rose has a stutter she got after falling of the swings when she was two. She used to not even be able to make the T sound. But my little dude has started getting better! Two years time and she's so far developed." He wipes a tear. "I'm so proud."

"I'm sure you are Soos." Dipper said, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "I'm sure you are." Rose raised an eyebrow at Mabel, and her next comment caught the men's attention.

"Your last name is Pines?"

"Yep!" Mabel said happily. "I'm Mabel, that's Dipper, and this is Dj"she lifted said child into her hip, setting him there and wrapping an arm around his side. "And this is MJ!" She gave her daughter, who's arms were wrapped around her mothers neck and bottom was being supported by Mabel's for arm, a jolt. Soos eyes bulged and his jaw dropped. He looked at Dipper, looked him up and down quick then l got big smile.

"Dude!" He squeezed Dipper tightly.

"Nice, to see, you, to, Soos. Can't, breath!" He said as his tubby friend Dropped him. After hellos, explanations and a few stomach tickles, Soos led the twins out back.

"Mr. Pines will be glad to see you too." He said happily, leading them through the living room. Not much had changed, though some more things were cluttered everywhere. A gnome was chained to a radiator as he threw a small ball and whistles as the twins passed.

"We hide him in the closet when we have visitors," Soos explained, "he's really a cool guy. When locked up." Soos lead them to Stan's room, opening the door slowly.

"Mr. Pines, you've got visitors." Soos said, letting the twins in. They looked at their old uncle, tucked under blankets, looking as wrinkled and old as ever...and smiled at the old man.

"Hey, Grunkle Stan." Mabel said. Stan, who had been reading prior, looked at them with narrowed, angry eyes. But these soon vanished replaced by a warm smile and a content gaze.

"Did you bring money?"