A/N: Sorry for the delay. I had this chapter written but I was lazy to type it all down. I did, however, enjoy writing the chapter once I got to it. I hope you do the same. For The Queries about time jumps, you'll see few short jumps in subsequent chapter. I do enjoy writing this part very much and I think I'll stick on to it a while longer.

Disclaimer: Don't own Harry Potter and JKR's works...

The scream of metal box pierced the dead of night, all through the house where Baba Yaga lived. It protested against it being dragged out of the place where it had rested comfortably for years and made its displeasure known quite clearly.

Yaga looked at the various trinkets and metal pieces she had within the box. The pieces shone idly in the light of lantern hung above on the wall. Gold glittered boldly asserting its rightful place among the pieces of metals while silver, shone steadily and softly with determination. Iron glowered darkly among other pieces, looking content in its half broken bend. Copper was the aloof one looking smug in the shape of round cup. It had been some time when it had last been used, by Yaga for healing purposes.

Ever since she could remember, metals would always give her impressions. Not the magick-less ones, but the ones who had some amount of magic in them. It had helped her in time of need when she had the need to make weapons as well as cooking utensils.

Now, when she had begun contemplating on getting back in touch of her magic, she had once again started getting these impressions. But the question in Yaga's mind remained as such.

"Which of these ones would help in forging an amulet?"

Gold was synonymous with purity and beauty. She could think many rituals she could use to summon a specific brand of protective magic to place the enchantment on the metal. Her thoughts moved towards that scar. She would have to infuse the gold with 'White Magicks'. Gold would certainly absorb all up like a sponge. But, she was not capable of wielding such Magic and nor had any wish to be anywhere near that magic.

The rituals she had undergone had only a shred of 'White Magick' in them and its effect on her was most brutal. The only thanks she could give was that she had her sanity back safely within her. She doubted if anyone would be capable of wielding such magic anymore. The opposites ends of Magic had slowly fade away leaving behind the neutral magic- magic which was now used by witches and wizards in this time.

But, it would be easy for her to tell someone, even Harry to follow the steps. The boy was innocent and pure and with time, the Magick within the amulet would grow stronger. It would also rid the remnants of killing curse the boy had in the scar. It would take a hair of Unicorn to begin with and the rest was easy.

But no, she discarded that idea quickly. It would be impossible for them to stay together under the same roof. Her magic would react wildly and violently to any of the threat it would perceive. The neutrality of her nature would no longer hold the moment the boy gained that brand of protection. Her magic would flare up, subtly trying to prepare for the eventual confrontation that was bound to take place. She had seen it countless times before and this time it would no different.

Moreover, the magic would govern her and not her, herself. She didn't like that one bit.

Perhaps she could use silver? The luster of it was often associated with the moon. Moon reflects the light from the sun and acts as a mirror. It was further associated with femininity and motherliness. It would help in moderating rapidly changing moods and in neutralizing the negativity around. The amulet designed would be just as good.

Yaga took a deep sigh as she discontinued that line of thought. It looked like she would need it more than Harry ever would.

Standing and looking around was getting frustrating pretty fast. She had gone through the whole box and now, odd shaped metal pieces lay on the floor. Lead, Tin, Iron and Copper. They all had their advantages but it just wasn't what she was looking for.

What she needed was a mixture of these. Alchemy was the easiest and the quickest way to determine the exact mix of the metals needed. There were just as few Alchemists now as they were before. And just like old times they guarded their secrets ferociously.

A sudden bout of Anger and despair came over her. She hated not having the required knowledge. She called in the 'Servant' and gave the order of cleaning the room. A good night's sleep would clear her mind to focus better.

The Gringotts bank was on her mind for quite a while. She was shocked speechless when she had first heard that Goblins were now in the business of dealing gold. Even more so when wizards and witches trusted their gold to them. She had absolutely no intention of going into Gringotts any time soon. Back in the old days, Goblins were the most savage beasts capable killing their own kind, provided that they receive some gold or benefits in return. They had no loyalties and she had often seen Goblins fighting on the different sides killing each other off.

It made her wonder how in the name of Mother Earth they became to be what they are now.

Maybe, she could try out those fancy shops which sold enchanted devices.

Rollin's brow furrowed as he looked down on the ingredients brought by his favorite dealer. She'd always brought new things or things that most people wouldn't go looking for. It gave him thrill to just look down on the new items and proudly claim that his shop had it.

But right now, the ingredients on his desk were rather dull.

"Slow day, Miss. Gretel?" He inquired politely.

"Ah yes, Mr. Jiggers." Yaga sighed. "A new situation has arisen and it has taken much of my time."

"Oh..?" Rollin asked as his brows rose up in interest.

"Yes, yes, it turns out that I have a nephew and that, he has magic." Yaga added as an afterthought. "I mean, I don't wander off in the muggle world and thus I was surprised to know that he had magic. The muggles he lived with weren't so forthcoming of that idea and so I took him in."

"Muggles don't understand magic." Rollin said causally, "I pity the muggle-borns really. I hear quite a few of them, parents abandon their child once they get enrolled in Hogwarts."

"Indeed?" Yaga was shocked. They weren't that bad in her time. Of course at that time muggle people were rather dumb.

"Most purebloods are of the opinion that muggle-borns should be taken away from them once they start displaying signs of magic. But you can imagine, you would've to take away children from their parents. It's much debated thing ever since I can remember. But, enough of that. I do hope everything settles down comfortably.

"Thank-you Mr. Rollin. Anything that requires filling?"

"Filling…Hmmm… Well, students are going to line up purchasing the potion ingredients, so, the standard list should suffice. And as for the Slytherins, the ingredients will need to be diced and chopped up. I'm willing to pay a galleon more for that, mind you. I grow tired of doing that on my own."

Yaga had done this previously and this was not new for her.

"For the Slytherin's Potion kit?" Yaga's tone colored with humor.

"That man…" Rollin said shaking his head from one side to another. "He's been a constant bother. Ever since he did lay eyes on potion ingredients has been trying my patience." Rollin huffed.

"But we do like the extra galleons…" Yaga commented offhandedly.

"That we do." Rollin said, looking pleased with himself. "Though, I would advise not to give anymore bezoars." Rollin added. He wrapped up the shriveled bezoars up along with other ingredients. It was usable but he doubted that anyone would buy it. "Abeforth does a wonderful job securing it with the goats." Rollin's facial expression took a sudden plunge as did his tone.

It was rumored that he was a bit too familiar with goats.

A man with dark eyes and roguish brown hair looked around him with an expression identical to a boy when introduced to the world of chocolates and gift wrapped in extra large boxes. In his case, it was the various instruments around him had never failed to amuse him, astound him even now. Considering that he had lived a considerable amount of life, it was saying something.

There was always something new, something more advanced and something more intricate available whenever he'd step into the shop. His fascination with these were never ending. The new model of planetary system was on the display which looked so vivid, so real and was enchanted to show the exact positions of planets, circulating around the Sun. His mind was in a whirlwind of activity as he tried to uncover various arithmetic complexities that were capable of pinpointing planets location at this very moment. The color and the various description of planets was just as he had seen through a muggle telescope.

He had a sneaking suspicion that it was exactly copied from it but he kept that to himself. Besides the planetary system, stood, a new telescope with similar charms and enchantments on it. After looking around, letting his mind absorb all the new objects, which included self-stirring cauldrons, a pensive and other spinning devices, his eyes landed on a young woman. Taking a closer look, he found her eyeing his proud inventions encased just behind the glass. She held herself confidently and yet, there was that tiny bit of frustration he had seen costumers having whenever they were in a bit of spot of what to buy.

"Can I be of assistance, Miss…" He asked politely.

"Gretel" Yaga provided, and went on. "And no, not unless you can tell me what these amulets are made up off."

He peered over her thick parchment and found a list of metals scribbled down with their uses in various things.

"This one is a delicate mixture of iron, silver and copper." The man pointed at the leftmost amulet. Yaga peered over the glass to look over the circular shaped amulet.

"How do you decide what amount of metals should be merged so as to bring out the combined nature of them?" Yaga asked, her tone laced with curiosity.

"Miss Gretel, now that would be telling." Gretel's eyes narrowed and sized the man with an air or irritation.

"And you are…?"

"Nicholas Flamel, Mam." He took a mock bow.

Yaga's eyes widened as recognition dawned on her face. Nicholas Flamel, the only known who has the fabled Philosopher's Stone. Faint stirring's of irritation washed over her as the word 'Alchemist' seemed to fixate on her mind.

Alchemist- the picky bunch of them who were notoriously famous and known to guard their secrets close to their heart. Well, it was plain clear that she would not be getting any information or help out of them just as she hadn't in the past.

"I have no interest in buying these…trinkets Mr. Flamel." Yaga said with distaste in her mouth.

"Then, may I ask what you're looking for?" He asked bemusedly.

"I'm looking for creating one of my own." Her eyes flashed with determination. Nicholas was somewhat surprised to find such determination in her. He was about to question her more but was interrupted by her wife.

"I've got your package, Nick dear."

"Thank you" Nicholas said his other palm resting comfortably on her hand which was propped on his elbow.

Perenelle eyed the young women standing in front of her. From what she could surmise, they were having a chat.

"This is, Miss. Gretel. Perenelle. And as you might've guessed my wife Perenelle."

Introduction was followed with polite nods while in the silence; one could hear the hustle and bustle of other customers voices around them. Yaga stopped staring at her and focused on Nicholas.

"I'm looking for something which will protect someone from someone. Something to sustain the protection atleast for a century."

"I suppose than these…trinkets wouldn't matter much?" Yaga nodded affirmatively.

"That and the protections on these can easily be destroyed." Yaga said easily.

"Oh? How so?" Perenelle asked, offended.

Yaga gave a small smile and replied serenely, "That would be telling."

Nicholas gave out a jovial laugh and patted Perenelle's arm, who was bristling with indignation.

"Miss. Gretel. How would you like to have a spot of tea with us?"

Harry woke up in the morning feeling utterly refreshed and energized. The bed had been a bit too comfortable and he took great pleasure in squirming every other minute and trying out different postures to find out which was the most comfortable one. Now, as his feet touched the cold stone on the floor, his eyes snapped wide open and was fully awake. His hair was a mess- even more now as compared to before. He rubbed his hand over his eyes to clear off the remaining drowsiness.

He walked into the front room to find it completely empty. The table where he used to have breakfast had various utensils on it. Harry suspected that he woke up late and Miss. Gretel didn't want to wake him up. He sat on the chair and opened the container. He inhaled the delicious scent of food and his stomach grumbled in excitement. He had the desire to devour the food, every bit of it. Seconds turned into the minutes and Harry's legs started a restless movement in anticipation of Miss coming any second, so that, they could eat together.

The house was silent except of the occasional sound of wind that seems to come in through the windows. After a gruesome 10 minutes of waiting while the food seem to mock him of his hunger, he decided to load his dish with food. He hoped that Miss wouldn't mind that he had started breakfast without her.

'Uncle Vernon used to go to work.' Harry reasoned. He liked it when he used to go to work but now he wasn't staying over there, it didn't seem to hold true anymore. He felt alone. He peered out of the window and saw a shadow cross it. Feeling curious, he jumped out of the chair and rushed to the door. The first thing that he saw was how big the surrounding area was. Straight ahead lay a fence, and beyond that was all blurry and foggy. He couldn't make out much of it.

Then suddenly, he felt someone standing behind him.

"Gah!" He spluttered and jumped back. His buttocks hit the ground and he began moving towards the door. The figure, which Harry could only describe as non-human-y was coming right at him. He gave up all pretense of composure and faced him with terrified eyes. Faintly, he registered the solid wall touching his back. The man was standing right in front of him and he made a move. He ducked sideways and sprung his face to see what the non-human-y figure reach for shovel and head back to the other side.

Harry rushed back into the safe confines of the house and choose to follow 'its' movement from the windows for the time in which he hoped, that Mrs. Gretel would be back soon.

"I'm confused, Mrs. Gretel." Nicholas said in between sips of plain lemon tea. "The protection amulet you are looking for has one major flaw."

"They only protect a person from the said person and no one else?" Yaga replied easily. Nicholas nodded in reply and added further.

"That someone could order anyone to maim or harm, if he isn't able to do it himself. Protection would be fundamentally flawed. Who is it you want to protect?"

"My nephew." Yaga replied

"It also won't protect your nephew from dangerous creatures as well, or from some magical accidents. The list could go on." Nicholas added. Yaga nodded in return and her brows furrowed. She hadn't planned on keeping him under house arrest forever. It wouldn't be good for anyone to stay cooped up for months at a time. He was barely seven and won't be going school till he was 11. There were bound to be problems if she decided to bring him to Diagon Alley. Perhaps she could cast some illusion. But then, the said amulet would only protect him from her and not from anything else.

'But he'll be spending much of the time with me. And I'll protect him from everything else.' Yaga thought back.

"I'm aware of this flaw." She said after much thinking. I think a few protection runes and defensive arithmetic patter wouldn't be amiss. And a port-key charmed into the amulet would be a good addition as well."

"What do you think Perenelle?" Nicholas asked.

"I think '213' would go perfectly."

"That does make an interesting combination." Nicholas agreed. "However, '2139' would satisfy, keeping the last one clear if Miss. Gretel wants to add a few protections."

Yaga was distinctly uncomfortable. She wanted to do it herself and relying on the couple in front of her, however old they were was not something that she was instantly comfortable with. But it was clear as day that Alchemists wouldn't part with their secrets no matter how much one managed to persuade them to that idea.

"It'll take a week atleast. I shall charge the cost of metal and the workmanship." Nicholas turned to speak to her and added, "It shall cost around 80 galleons in the least."

Yaga only nodded in return albeit reluctantly.

"Gold is not an issue." She sighed and adjusted the locket around her neck. "I have to ask…" Yaga's voice trailed off as the combined focus of both of them landed on her. "How do you feel living for so long?"

The question was simple and yet, the tone of her voice indicated that this question meant much more to her.

Nicholas looked at her wife and a silent understanding passed between them. It was Nicholas who choose to reply.

"It has been beautiful, living with the better half of my life. I've seen much changes…" Nicholas's eyes unfocused momentarily, reliving a distant, fond memory. "However, if I think about what you're asking, Miss. The time has made me old… Not from the outside, mind you; but something deep within and for just a moment, I have felt time flowing like a heavy wind, making me age, 634 years that I currently am."

With that, Nicholas and Perenelle walked away leaving a shocked Yaga behind. They had given her the exact answer that she had sought.

"Huh…" The word escaped her lips automatically.

The atmosphere was tense in one, Number Four Privet Drive. You could taste it, a nervous tension that came with a healthy dose of fear. Dudley as expected, was sent away for a few days to live with Vernon's sister. Vernon was pacing fretfully glancing every now and then, at the wall-clock hung loosely on the wall. Petunia was busy wringing her hands as she cleaned and polished the same surface the fifth time in two minutes.

Never before the living room looked so spotless as of now. Because, it was the day that Vernon's step-sister was to arrive demanding the cash from them, which Vernon had spent on Dudley's presents and funding Marge's dog breeding business. The rest, he had squandered off buying expensive wine and membership of one Golf-club membership. For, it was necessary, Vernon felt the need to prove to every neighbor in the vicinity that they had the idea that Vernon Dursley was a member of Golf-Club and went to play it whenever he wished.

The past three days were hectic for him and for his family. Vernon had gone to backstreets of places he could have never imagined going to, or paying visit any time soon. The bank had said that he had to wait for at-least two weeks for the loan to be processed and he didn't have that kind of time! So he had, reluctantly taken money from a loan shark, explaining situation with the bank in much detail and leaving other 'trivial' details out. They were understanding that way, but Vernon knew better than to explain that he had been sponging off money from his nephew who was currently in his care.

It was all over pretty quickly but he got a clear message that if he failed to return the money… Well, one look in his eyes was sufficient to have him cowed for his own life never to cross this man, or her step-sister.

The doorbell rang and Petunia dropped the cloth in sheer shock and fear. Vernon stumbled from his nervous pacing and they exchanged a silent look before Vernon made towards the door, opening the knob with a soft click.

A/N:Leave a review. It takes only a moment and helps me to write better.