Penny woke up to an empty spot in the bed next to her. It was only the second week in this new house and she was still having adjusting to the surroundings when she woke. It would startle her, she'd feel insecure and unsure when she wasn't surrounded by the walls of her old apartment complex.

Rolling over, the light of the early morning sun was threatening through the closed, white blinds that covered the windows. One of the strangest things of this place was the quiet outside. There wasn't a highway anywhere near so the constant sounds of passing cars were no longer there to lull her to sleep. That's why Penny had her white noise machine; she couldn't sleep in the silence.

She hated the quiet.

Taking a deep breath, she sat up in her bed and jumped when she saw a pair of small eyes staring at her from the foot of the bed.

"Patricia Cooper you scared me." Penny smiled and that immediately drew the same response from her daughter. Tricia was gorgeous and had a striking resemblance to Missy Cooper with the deepest set of blue eyes that Penny had ever seen. Her hair was dark blonde and long, she loved having long hair because she said it gave her something to hide behind.

Slowly, the little girl, still clutching her mom's old Hello Kitty doll, moved to the side of the bed. "Good morning, Momma." Patricia said sweetly and was then scooped up onto the bed. "You've been asleep all day!" She cried as if it were scandalous.

Penny turned and looked at the clock, it was 8:48. "Sweetie, there used to be a time when you momma couldn't be woken up until after eleven." Patricia gasped. "I know right?" Penny said with scrunched up nose. "You know… I thought there was something important I was supposed to do today." Penny said as if she were completely confused and lost in thought.

"Mom…," Patricia said as she drug out the word and pouted.

"I think its laundry day?" Penny whispered softly, tapping her chin.

Tricia glared at her. "No, that's Saturday… today is…?"

"Oh!" Penny cried and lifted her baby in the air. "It's your birthday!" She then blew a huge raspberry into her daughter's stomach and listened to the joyful laughs that filled the room. Penny spent the next few minutes tickling her daughter and soaking up the sounds that filled the room.

Finally, when both girls were out of breath, Penny brushed her daughter's hair from her eyes and smiled. "Where's your daddy?" She asked and stood with her daughter still in her arms.

"Downstairs feedin' Jackson, he keeps trying to make choo choo noises with the spoon to get him to eat and it's not workin'." Patricia said smoothly. Her speech was so clean and clear that Penny sometimes forgot that she was only three years old. The girl was smart, not genius smart like her dad, but she loved to learn and read what she could. She was going to change the world; Penny had no doubt about that. "He says we're gonna go to the part today, he's gonna teach me how to get down the slide really fast." Tricia cheered before Penny put her down and followed her bouncing daughter out the door to the kitchen.

It was when she found she was pregnant with their second child that Penny and Sheldon decided to start saving money for a house outside of the city. After Abby moved in with Raj and Penny found herself steady work drawing for an upstart comic book company (thanks to Stuart and his odd connections) they were stable… for the first time in a decade.

Penny actually wrote herself a children's book as well. About a neurotic dog with a big heart and the little girl who loved him. It sold really well and if she could ever find some free time she'd be working on another. But life was too busy, wonderfully busy… all the time.

When she stepped into the kitchen, Sheldon was washing off his face with a wet cloth and glaring at the high chair that his son was currently sitting in, a chair that was covered in baby food.

"Sweetie I don't think your glares intimidate him much." Penny said as she matched her son's smile.

Sheldon's eyes immediately softened as he looked to his wife. "Yes, something he's no doubt gotten from you." He held the rag at his side before sauntering over and dropping a kiss on her lips. "I thought you were going to sleep all day." He said offhandedly before returning to his son.

Penny rolled her eyes with a quiet laugh and sat poured herself a glass of juice. "So are you excited about tonight, baby Cooper?" Penny asked as Sheldon handed his daughter a bowl of cereal.

"Yes!" She cheered before taking a bite of cheerios. "Uncle Raj is gonna teach me how to play ski ball!"

"Patricia, don't talk with food in your mouth." Sheldon said from his spot over the stove as he scrambled a few eggs.

The little girl nodded, but her smile was still solid as ever.

"Did he eat?" Penny asked, glancing over her shoulder at Sheldon.

Her husband turned slowly and pursed his lips. "I suppose that in between tossing it on the floor and spitting it out at me that yes, some of his mashed peas may have found their way down his throat."

With that, Penny stood and took another small cup of food out of the pantry. She took a seat next to her son and hid her smirk as he easily started taking small bites from her. "I merely handled the hard part and you're enjoying the benefits of my work."

"Love you, honey." She said with a wink.

He was still asleep when Penny softly made her way into the room. The bed they had him in was big and he was attached to so many machines she thought he looked like one of those people who laid in the water during Battlestar Galactica.

If she wasn't so terribly emotional at the sight of him, she'd take a picture and he would appreciate the comparison.

For some reason, the only thought she could capture fully was that the bed sheets were red. Sheldon never slept with red bed sheets, he liked his blue. She even adapted his fondness of them, the red sheets weren't right.

She sauntered to the side of his bed, tears flooding her eyes, he was okay. Dr. Scott had told him that he was okay, that the surgery had been a huge success… but she couldn't shake the feeling until his eyes opened.

They'd mentioned something about a time limit to be in here, that he needed rest but she was going to have to be carried away if she didn't see him wake up first.

Penny found a small stool and rolled it up behind her. It wasn't comfortable and felt especially small given her added weight but it put her at a good level next to him. Her hand sought out his as if they were magnetized and she cradled his limp palm in between her cold hands. His were surprisingly warm and she took that as a good sign.

Swallowing the lump in her throat, she whispered to him. "Soft kitty… warm kitty… little ball of fur. Happy kitty… sleepy kitty… purr… purr… purr."

The song didn't create the miracle moment she was hoping, where his eyes opened at the end and he finished it for her, or his hand twitched in her own and she just KNEW he was okay. He didn't move or sing but his hand was so warm… she knew he was listening.

"Thank you so much for my letters, honey. They were amazingly sweet and… just reminded me why I love you so much. When you get out of here I promise I'm gonna give you more reasons to write them, and you'll have to let me read them all because they're beautiful." Slowly, she leaned in and kissed his cheek, her tears slipping onto his face as she brushed them away. "You're beautiful."

"I'm sorry," a voice called from the doorway and Penny turned to it quickly.

It was a nurse, an older woman carrying a small bucket and a washcloth. "Is everything okay?" Penny asked worried.

The woman nodded with a smile. "Everything's fine, he's just got a lot of stuff on him from the surgery, gunk and he could use a good wash."

"He doesn't like to be touched." Penny said and didn't really understand why. This was a nurse, a very clean nurse who had gloves on and obviously wasn't here to throw mud on the boy. "Can I stay?"

"Honey, you're the wife, I'm a wife… they can't throw us out." The nurse said as she moved to the other side of where Penny was sitting and sat her bucket down on a sink near Sheldon's bed. "He kept saying your name." She said.

Penny looked up at her with a confused look. "He—He did?" The nurse nodded. "Like… before you put him out?"

"No, honey… we don't use anesthesia for those kinds of surgery, they have to be alert and answering questions so that we can know we're not poking around in the wrong spots."

Suddenly, Penny could see Sheldon lying in that bed awake, surrounded by strangers while they poked and prodded him. "I should have been there."

"That's what they all say, but we took care of him. He loves you very much." The nurse continued off of Penny's look. "We asked him to just start talking at one point, to make sure his speech patterns were right. He just started talking about you. Telling us about the things that you like, about how much stock you put into your football team and how you cry every time you see those commercials about animals who need adopting. He went on and on just talking you up. It's funny how much fear brings out the romantic in some people."

"He is a romantic." Penny said with a broken giggle. "He'll never admit it and he blushes when I tell him that but… he's a sweetheart." She was crying again as the nurse started to clean off some of the gunk that was on Sheldon's neck and shoulders.

When the nurse stuck the rag back into the bucket, she looked to the young blonde across from her and smiled. "You shouldn't worry too much, dear. In these situations, the happy endings come around less than others." She extended the rag. "You care to wash his face?"

Without hesitation, Penny reached out and grabbed the rag from the woman and gently laid it across Sheldon's cheeks. "What should I expect?" Penny asked as she continued to clean his features.

"What do you mean?"

She licked her lips and shrugged a bit. "When he wakes up… when he comes home… what is the recovery time like for brain surgery?"

"Oh," the nurse said before taking the rag and ringing it out again and handing it back to her. "Well his brain was prodded around in so he might slip up on a few words and he'll be real tired for a while. His body will need time to start moving properly again but… all in all, everything will come back to him. He'll just need support and time."

Penny nodded. "I can give him that."

"Gah, my nipples are killing me!" Abby whined as she shifted in her seat again and lifted the small child up for only a moment and settled down again.

Penny let out a soft chuckle as she moved through the kitchen with a bottle of water in hand, sweaty from her run. "I know what you mean, the only place I could ever find good enough to breastfeed comfortably was in Sheldon's spot." The blonde smirked as she settled down on the far left of the red couch. "That's why Sheldon's spot is our spot now."

Abby rolled her eyes. "Leave it to you wacko's to have your own spot on a couch." The brunette sighed as she gazed down at her baby boy. "He doesn't look like me at all, does he?"

"Well… maybe he'll have your bitchy attitude." Penny said hopefully.

"We can only hope!" Abby countered seriously. This of course made Penny laugh harder as she finished her water. "I hate you by the way." Penny quirked her brow in response. "I used to be all small and thin and then I had my baby and blew up like a water balloon, you've had two and you could still be named homecoming queen."

The blonde rolled her eyes and waved a hand in dismissal. "You look fine, you'll lose the weight in no time and if Sheldon has his way I've got two or three more coming."

Abby eyed her sister delicately. "Do you really want to have more?"

"Well, you know four years ago when we found out Sheldon was going to be okay, I kinda took stock and realized that family is what I wanted. That it was kinda what I already had, you know? With Sheldon and my children and then you and Raj… Leonard. Momma Cooper is like our surrogate parent now. But I don't want it to stop growing. I'm finally good at all this; I love my children more than anything in the world, hell you know what I mean."

Rolling her eyes, Abby glanced down at her son and smirked. "Yeah well, I think one is enough for Raj and me. At least we were conventional and got married before we had a kid."

"Yeah," Penny said in a hot tone. "Because it took you like three years to get that boy to have sex with you."

Abby scoffed with a smile. "Whatever, where is your freaky husband?"

Penny sighed. "He took the kids to the park, which is good because Jackson has been cranky all week and now it's Momma's turn to take a nap."

"You realize that Patricia is gonna drive him nuts down there, right? Last time Raj and I took them to the park all she could talk about was how cruel it was that dogs had to be on leashes and that anyone who put them on one should be collared and chained too."

Both woman laughed heartily and Penny shook her head. "Oh that girl, Tricia wants to save the world." She smiled to herself. "Maybe someday she will."

"She's gonna be pretty you know?" Penny nodded easily. "I mean… like you pretty, like bringing home skanky boys to meet the folks pretty."

Penny shook her head slowly. "Nah, she's smarter than me, she'll know better. And even if she does I can't really judge her… but her daddy's smart in more than just science. He actually knows like sixty different ways to kill people. I don't know if he could ever actually pull any of them off but it's a good threat to scare a boy into good intentions." She then groaned and stood up quickly. "We're getting a bit ahead of ourselves though, you know? Let's keep em' little for a while and not have them dating already."

"So what's the plan for tonight?" Abby asked as she wiped her baby's mouth and put him over her shoulder to gently start patting his back.

"Well Tricia is finally at that age where her birthday's really matter to her so I want to do something great for her. Take her to a fun restaurant where she can play and we can all have fun. Mom, Missy and George Jr. are coming down this afternoon to be there. I'm so nervous because I want it to be so special."

Abby smiled at her sister but there was a hint of sadness in her eyes. "Do you remember your fifth birthday?" She asked softly.

Penny nibbled on her bottom lip and nodded. "Yup, we sat outside of the mall and waited for Mom to finish shopping. She didn't want us to come with her because she thought it would be embarrassing to go clothes shopping with her girlfriends and have her kids with her. She bought me a taco, from Taco Bell as my birthday dinner and when I asked her to read me a bedtime story she said she was too tired from taking care of us all day to do it and she said happy birthday to me finally as she closed my door to go to sleep."

"You're doing good, Penny." Abby said as she noticed her sister's eyes welling up. "You're a fantastic mother and your daughter and that son of yours adore you. Not to mention that your husband is like an overgrown child and he seems to think the sun shines out of your ass too."

It was quiet, for the first time in twenty-three hours, the room was quiet. Penny lay sated on her back, exhausted and sore. She wanted to sleep but this place wasn't familiar enough and she was too busy watching them.

Sheldon was asleep next to the small hospital issued crib, with clear sidings and a little sticker that read Patricia Lee Cooper.

At 4:46 on Monday May 12th, their daughter came into the world. She was screaming and crying and the second Penny saw her, she'd never known a love more pure. It startled her, how heavy and fast she fell in love with this little girl.

When the finally cleaned her up after what felt like an eternity, they let her hold her baby. She cried as her daughter cried and Sheldon stood vigil over them both. When he started to cry, Penny lost it and let him hold his daughter.

He was the one who said her name first. It fell out of his mouth and when Penny gasped and smiled, they knew they had a winner. It had no meaning, it didn't remind them of anything or callback to something they loved. It was her name and was meant for her to build a legacy with it. Her own legacy.

After a few more minutes, they put her back in the crib and let her sleep, Sheldon insisted that Penny do the same but it was Sheldon who'd fallen asleep first. She'd been awake for almost a full day, but he had been awake longer than that.

Sheldon's rest spot was close enough that Penny could reach out and touch his hand that rested on the arm of the chair. She stroked her thumb over the top of his hand and closed her eyes.

He was still had a bit of strength to build up from his surgery and the subsequent treatment. But everything had been going wonderfully smooth. He was healing, he was cancer free and today… he was a daddy.

That was when the nurse came in with her perky smile that Penny was bitterly jealous of. "Hey Momma, I'm gonna have to take little Trisha back to the nursery for a while. Why don't you try to get some sleep and we'll bring her back soon and let you try nursing her."

"Okay," Penny said with a small nod and a sadness in her eyes as her baby was rolled away. "Take care of her!" She cried and immediately blushed with embarrassment as the nurse smiled and nodded.

Of course a trained nurse would take care of her child. She laid her head back onto the pillow and started to cry again. She'd been crying on and off for most of the morning.

Sheldon heard her cries, as he always did and woke in a bit of a panic as he noticed the crib was gone. "Patricia?" Sheldon called and Penny turned her watery eyes to him

"They took her back to the nursery." She said with a smile and wiped her eyes. "You should be sleeping." She chided half-heartedly.

He leveled a soft glare at her. "I believe those sentiments are could be said about you as well." Tiredly, she nodded when he touched his palm to her cheek. His touch was a sedative, it comforted her. "I think I'll go check on the others, Abby and my Mother are currently plotting a big celebration for our return home." She laughed softly at the image of her sister and his mother plotting anything. They were all there, waiting, they had been all night. Her family, with Leonard and Missy, Abby and Raj, his mother… their mother. It wasn't conventional, but it was a family, the one she'd wanted her whole life. "You look pale and blotchy, My Love." He said before dropping a kiss on her forehead.

Penny smiled just a bit as her eyes fell shut. The last thing she heard before sleep overtook her was the sound of Sheldon closing the door behind him.

"Places like these are breeding grounds for disease and ailment, Penny. Don't you think our daughter would be much happier having her birthday dinner at home, in the confines of our kitchen, where we can shun away any of her friends that look as if they're coming down with pneumonia or meningitis." Sheldon ranted in a whisper as they followed behind Patricia who was racing to catch up with Raj and Abby on their way inside Chucky Cheese.

Penny let out a breathy laugh and touched his arm. "No, Sweetie. Patricia's friends are here and she's been looking forward to this for days. You'll be fine."

"It's not me I'm worried about, I don't want either of you to come down with anything." Sheldon said in a haughty tone.

She eyed him carefully for a moment and took in the depth of his statement. When she first met him he was a mess of neurosis and that hadn't really changed much. But she could remember coming home from Nebraska once and having him basically throw her out of the apartment because her family had been sick.

Now… his only worries was for that of his family, he was a tremendous caregiver and she knew that, but he was the protector of his family. He was everything she'd once searched for in the bodybuilders and athletes she'd dated before him. Only she could still kick his ass, and he knew it.

She smiled. "We'll be fine, honey. Just… stay close to me and if the food doesn't look good I'll cook you something when we get home."

"Can we make a blueberry pie with whipped cream?" He asked hopefully.

Penny sighed. "I don't have any pie crusts at home… or filling… I do have whipped cream." She said with a shrug. "I could always just put the cream all over my body and be your desert." Her voice was so normal that it took Sheldon a moment to digest the actual words. He looked at her, a blush in his cheeks and cast his eyes to the pavement they were walking across. It makes him uncomfortable when she teases him like this, especially when there are people around, to the extreme when his mother is ten feet behind him. "Sorry." She said in a whisper as she tried to hide a smile.

The noise and chaos consumed them as they walked into the restaurant. Patricia was all set to run to the play area but Penny called her name sharply. "Tricia!" She barked, kind of hating her 'mom voice'.

"Yeah?" The little girl pleaded with innocence as she gazed back to the play area where her friends were.

Penny knelt down slowly. "Remember the rules."

Patricia sighed softly. "Don't run, don't push and if anyone gets hurt I have to come get you or daddy."

"Good girl," Penny turned to Sheldon who was standing above his girls. "Anything you wanna add?" She asked, knowing he would.

"Don't touch anything sticky, if someone coughs you stay away from them and alert an adult to remove them from the playpen and do not drown in the ball pit."

Her little eyes went wide in horror. "No, honey no… you can't drown in the ball pit." Penny said soothingly before shooting a glare at Sheldon. "Go have fun honey." She stood up as her daughter rushed off and swatted Sheldon in the shoulder. "What are you doing?" She chided him and he looked at his arm as if it were about to fall off. "Don't scare her away from playing."

Despite the small argument, Sheldon placed his palm on the small of her back and led her to where everyone was sitting. "The truly scary thing is a lack of knowledge of the risks of playing without knowing the risks."

"Just… don't… let her have a little fun."

Sheldon sighed. "Very well, she'll have her fun today and when she catches the flu it will be you rubbing vapo-rub on her chest."

"Of course I will," Penny said smugly before they took a seat with their family.

"No…," Penny moaned out softly, her voice carrying the word as she groaned and rolled over.

Sheldon was asleep, dead asleep on his back with his hands folded over his stomach. She knew it was her turn, Sheldon was up four hours earlier but he hadn't been the one at home with this baby all day. He wasn't the one who'd just given birth to her six days ago and was still struggling to adjust.

The crying grew louder and Penny stared harshly at Sheldon, hoping that the intensity of her gaze would wake him. His eyes were still shut, deep in sleep and she sighed heavily and finally pulled herself out of bed.

On her feet, she stumbled slightly and grabbed her sweats from the floor and pulled them on, tying the drawstring as she sauntered down the hall to Leonard's old room where the crib was. It was mostly used as the nursery now, scattered with baby things and no longer needed for Abby, who spent most all her nights at Raj's house.

Penny walked into the room and moved to the crib where her little girl was squirming and crying loudly. She put on a smile and bent down to pick her up. "Aw, it's okay sweetheart, Momma's here." She said in a soft voice as she bounced lightly to sooth the tears. "I know you can't be hungry, daddy said he fed you when he got up. He burped you and everything. Did you—," she lifted the little girl up gently and smelled. "Oh! Well there you go." She said, her smile bright.

Sheldon would constantly rant about how woman had some kind of tolerance to the smell that men simply didn't. He would gag and coil away when he had to change her, he'd do it of course, with gloves and hand sanitizers and she wondered if he put more baby powder on himself than on Patricia.

She lay her child down on the changing table and went through the routine of putting on the new diaper. She didn't hear him, didn't see him, she just felt Sheldon lingering behind her.

Without looking back, she smiled. "You didn't have to get up, honey."

"The bed was cold." He said simply before moving up behind her and leering over Penny's shoulder as she finished putting on the diaper. Lifting Patricia up into her arms, Penny turned back to Sheldon as he watched her with mussed hair and tired eyes.

It weighed heavy on her sometimes, the way he looked at her. It was with such adoration and love that she felt as if she held his heart in her hands every second of the day. She was honored and humbled that he chose her to guide him to happiness. That he chose her to protect him from the tasks that life had so violently thrown upon him.

Still, she offered up hers all the same, she trusted him as he trusted her.

Tonight was one of those nights, he was giving her one of those looks. "I love you." She said, she always did when the thought occurred to her. She'd said those three words before, to different guys that meant nothing to her now, most likely meant nothing then but the dream of what she thought might come of it.

Now, it was effortless, like breathing and taking step after step, just a reaction, a part of her and him.

Penny knew she overthought these things when it came to Sheldon. He was such a complex boy that she felt every detail of what he did had to mean more. That she had to dig deeper into the words he said, into the way he touched her or how he watched her.

It wasn't, he would tell her that when he'd wonder. It was just a passion of his, she was his passion. Science took a back seat, everything took a back seat to his family.

"And I you," he said matter-of-factly before taking a step to her and dropping a kiss on the top of her head and then one to his daughter. "I believe I'll return to REM sleep now, unless you would like for me to spell you in the nightly duties of tending to her, in which case you can seek a decent evening of sleep."

Closing her eyes with absolute peace, she shook her head. "I'm okay. I'll put her down and sing her back to sleep. I'll be in bed soon enough."

"Very well," he said simply before retreating to their room.

As Patricia settled in her arms, Penny moved her to the crib again and lay her down gently. She used the tips of her fingers to trace over her daughter's fragile features. "Those eyes are gonna cause your daddy and me a lot of headaches baby." Penny whispered, running her palm over Patricia's cheek. "Everyone's gonna love you, no doubt there."

In keeping with the Cooper tradition, Penny made sure that her daughter would have fond memories of her Momma singing her to sleep with the sweet lyrics of Soft Kitty.

They still did laundry together. It was strange because the washer and dryer were now in the garage and they didn't have to share with an entire building but every Saturday at 8:15, after putting the kids to bed, they would do their laundry together.

"Was Patricia satisfied with her evening?" Sheldon asked as he folded up a small, blue pair of his son's pajamas.

Penny nodded slowly. "Very, she was so tired we only made it through a few bits of the story."

"The one you're planning on writing?"

She smiled. "Yeah, I mean after we finish this round of the comic book and I have some time." Her voice was soft and easy but she felt him watching her, studying her and when she looked, he was smirking. "What?"

"I just…," he licked his lips and turned back to the task of the laundry. "I find it rather ironic that I'm dating a comic book artist. I find it ironic that there is actually a comic book artist in the western hemisphere that is as physically attractive as you." She blushed and nudged him with her hip. "In all honesty Penny, you are a dream girl."

Throwing her head back, Penny let out a cackle of laughter. "Me? The failed actress with the parents I haven't talked to in four years, the four years sober and still can't handle the smell of Vodka without throwing up girl next door is a… dream girl?"

Sheldon stared at her out of the corner of his eye. "You are terrible at receiving compliments." He challenged and she shrugged with a grin. "Is this what you hoped for?" Sheldon asked, the question heavy in the air.


He sighed and ceased his folding. "When you moved out to California for the first time with Kurt… is this what you were hoping for? Were you hoping to have a family and a quintessential domestic life?"

"No," she answered flatly and when his gaze didn't avert from her, she continued. "I never wanted any of that with Kurt, and I was too immature to handle any of the big stuff anyways." Pursing her lips, Penny turned to give Sheldon her full attention. "And to answer you honestly, when I moved out here I didn't wish for this. I wanted to be a celebrity and be famous and rich and go to glitzy movie premieres." Her words hung in the air and Sheldon nodded very slowly, as if he was trying to process everything. "I ended up with you instead. I won the lottery."

He rolled his eyes with a half-smile. "Yes, I am a wonderful prize, really."

"Don't ever lose your charm, Dr. Cooper." Penny said sardonically.

Sheldon, of course, nodded and smiled. "I won't."

She laughed to herself. "We should make waffles tomorrow, with Mom and Missy coming and you know Raj will drag Abby out of bed if we offer him waffles."

"You are allowed to dictate the Sunday foods we eat. So long as we don't have to suffer through your Chicken surprise ever again."

Her stare shifted to a glare as she swatted him on the back of the head softly. "it wasn't that bad."

"Penny," he started and her mind flashed back suddenly to what felt like a different life. Standing in her apartment and him telling her that he could help her make Penny Blossom's. The tone of his voice, the way he's looking at her, it's all the same. That image feels like something from fiction, that it isn't really her.

She can picture herself back then, twenty-three and hoping that something great would come along. She wanted to make Penny Blossoms so she could vanish herself from a crappy one bedroom apartment and a dead end job at the Cheesecake Factory.

So naïve that her future was there already, standing next to her with that look his eyes and that special way he said her name. She had a home now, a family now and a job that she loved.

"Jimmy way… hey… blow the man down." She whispered and watched as he stopped in the middle of his rant about all the foods he'd avoided that had the word 'surprise' in them. His eyebrows raised up at her in wait. She giggled happily and shook her head. "Déjà vu."

"Did you know that the term Déjà vu is actually—,"

"Honey," she cut him off. He looked at her wide eyed. "Yes or no on the waffles?"

Sheldon smiled. "I'll cook them; you tend to burn breakfast foods."

The argument was on her tongue, but she left it there for another time. Perhaps in the morning when she forced him to listen to the radio and dance with her while they cooked.

"Oh," he said as if the rest of their conversation had ended hours ago. "They're running a Star Trek: The Original Series marathon on SyFy tonight, we should watch a few of them and then set our TIVO to record the others."

Penny looked at him, confused. "Sweetie, we own like four different copies of the Original Series." He shrugged slightly and decided that was his argument, no matter how thin it was. "Besides, we should really just get out that updated movie version and watch it. Zachary Quinto is really great as Spock in that."

She felt his eyes on her the minute she'd said it and fought like hell to suppress her smile. Finally looking at him, she smirked. "Bazinga."

He kissed her.