I was seriously bored and I was stumped in all of my other stories because they were all at "that" point and I'm not good at writing "those" things. So please bare with me and if you guys want me to continue then I will. See ya and please review!

He hurt all over and still the thugs came at him with all they had. Throwing punches left and right, just about killing him. Every time he tried to get up, he'd just get hit again and would go down once more. He was having trouble breathing and couldn't see straight. Just as he was about to black out, he could swear that he saw someone come out the back door of the building they were behind. The last thing he saw was the mans eyes. A deep, rich gold.

Asami had been in his office at club Sion like any other day and was reading the reports on the deal he just sealed when Krishma came in with an annoyed look.

'This ought to be good.'

"Asami-sama, I'm sorry to have disturbed you," he said with a bow.

"It's fine, I just finishing up. What is it?" Krishma straightened and looked even more annoyed then before

"There are a few thugs in the alley behind the club beating up some kid. What would you like us to do?" Asami sat back in his chair with an amused smirk.

"Nothing. I'll take care of it." Asami stood and walked to the door and headed down into the club and proceed to the back door with Krishma behind him. As he opened the door, he could hear a few guys laughing and yelling. He came around the corner to a kid on the ground passed out from all the hits he'd taken. The thugs were in a circle just laughing at the kid.

"Oi, what do you think you're doing?" Asami called out to get the idiots attention.

"Shit, let's get out of here!" One of them yelled and they all made a bee-line for the mouth of the alley. One them kicked the kid in the stomach before running off. Asami narrowed his eyes in disgust and then looked at the kid on the ground. Once he got a good look at the kid, he noticed that the kid wasn't too bad on the eyes. The kid had silver-blonde hair and a lean body. The only thing blemish on the kids skin were the bruises that were beginning to form along his body.

"Asami-sama, what would you like me to do with the brat?" Krishma asked as he walked up to the kid. Asami thought for a second.

'The kid tried to pick a fight with five guys. Kid's got guts. Maybe this could be fun.'

"Well first of all, is the kid still alive?" Krishma bent down and pressed two fingers to the kids neck to check his pulse.

"Ya, he's got a pulse, but it's not much. What would you like to do?" Asami looked back at Krishma and smirked.

"I think I'm going to have some fun with this kid. Put him in one of the vacant apartments on my floor and have a doctor look at him. I'll be right out so just wait with him in the car."

"Yes, sir," Krishma responded as he bent down and hoisted the kid over his shoulder and call for Souh to bring the car to alley first and then to the front. Asami went back inside to finish up and grab his jacket. He came out and the car was waiting for him. He got in and the kid was on the seat across from him.

"Asami-sama, I called the doctor. He'll be waiting at the apartment building entrance." Asami nodded and continued to stare at the kid across from him. Asami then got up and sat next to the kid and pulled his head into his lap.

'This should be interesting indeed.'