Unknown Town, Montana.
Alexander Harvinger takes a swig from his bottle of Mountain Dew as he walks down the road. On either side of him the street lamps illuminate the street, casting shadows across the road. In Alexander's right hand is a plastic bag, no doubt containing more snacks bought from the nearby supermarket. "Puwah!" Alexander exhales, letting the stress of the past few days leave his body. "Nothing like a good soda on a hot evening, eh?" The question is directed to the Black Range Rover that has been slowly creeping up on Alexander. Behind it, a large van, no doubt containing a team of soldiers, had also been silently following Alexander's every move.
"Indeed." A voice speaks from the Range Rover's open window. Alexander continues to walk, forcing the driver of the Range Rover to speed up to match his pace.
"What do you want?" Alexander asks, not bothering to face the Range Rover. He knows the answer, but asks the question in the blind hope that he was wrong. Of course, he isn't. The Magicians Guild does not make social calls, not at 9 PM in the middle of Montana.
"We need your help." Blunt and to the point. Pretty unusual, considering the amount of emphasis the Guild put on titles.
"For what? I'm sure you could contact Cross-Rail or the Khaos Brigade if you need help to take down the Alliance. They'll be more willing then I am."
"We did." That was a surprise. Alexander hadn't heard anything about recent attacks against the Alliance. Then again, Alexander had been out of the loop for some time, having taken an extended holiday. "Khaos Brigade's Hero Faction was wiped out." Alexander whistles.
"Cao Cao's [True Longinus] was defeated? Now that is surprising." Alexander had the utmost respect for the Leader of the Hero Faction. After all he was strong, for a human. "And what about Cross-Rail?"
"Sairoarg Baal defeated Team Angel a few days ago."
"The entire Team Angel? That's 50 people."
"Angela and Albert were barely able to escape with their lives." Angela and Albert were 2 of the commanders of Team Angel. To force them to retreat would require power on par with, if not surpassing, Cao Cao.
"Oh wow. Seems like the Alliance have some real monsters on their side." Alexander chuckles, stuffing the now empty bottle into a rubbish bag lying on the pavement. "So what has this got to do with me?"
"As you know, you're the 3rd strongest member of Cross-Rail-" The man begun, intending to flatter Alexander in an attempt to win him over.
"So ask Ian or Nathaniel to do the job." Ian and Nathaniel were the Ranks 2 and 1 respectively. "They're stronger then I am."
"I beg to differ, [King Slayer]." Alexander immediately stiffens. Not many people knew of his old title.
"That's an old name. I go by [The Grounded Hero] now."
"Very fitting, considering your past. I'm curious if both Ian and Nathaniel are aware of your true nature as a [Devil King]." [Devil King], another way of calling someone a [God-Slayer]. Not the kind of title you wanted to carry, considering the number of religious people in the world.
"...That's beside the point." Alexander knew he was caught in a trap. He briefly considered incinerating the Range Rover, but decided not to. No doubt they had some sort of plan if Alexander killed the messenger. A plan that involved them revealing his identity as a [God-Slayer] to the entire Magic World. "What do you want?"
"I want the power of [Revelation]." Upon hearing the name [Revelation], Alexander could not help but laugh.
"Are you senile? [Revelation] is a myth. A legend. There is no team of [God-Slayers] lurking around. In fact, I doubt there are more [God-Slayers] in this world then the number of fingers on both my hands." To Alexander's surprise, the man begun to laugh. A cold harsh laugh of someone who had the upper hand.
"That may or may not be true. But I know for a fact that [Revelation] exists. Trust me when I say we did exhaustive research into the subject. The legendary team of [God-Class] beings, capable of rewriting history. A team that you are a member of." Alexander wondered where the man had gotten his information. It was uncannily accurate, considering the amount of secrecy around [Revelation].
"OK. Lets say for arguments sake that this team does in fact exist. Hypothetically, what would you want them to do?" Alexander couldn't see the man's face, but a feeling told him that he was smiling.
"Why, I would get them to do what they were designed to do." The man answers. "Slay Gods."
Mahora Academy.
Takamichi T. Takahata lit his cigarette, allowing the smoke to slowly roll of his tongue. He knows that the guest behind him was waiting for a reply, but he didn't care. The request was insane. There was no other way word that could be used to describe it. Takamichi had pointed this out the moment the messenger had finished speaking.
"This is insane."
"Is that a yes?"
"No. I'm simply pointing out the obvious." Takamichi glances over the Mahora Campus. Below him, hundreds of students walk the campus. "Your targets are considered to be Gods. Is Alexander aware of that?"
"The order didn't come from Alexander. It came from remnants of the Khaos Brigade."
"Is [Revelation] listening to them now?" Takamichi had had some past dealings with [Revelation]. An image of a grey-eyed boy flashes briefly before his eyes.
"No." The messenger replies. "Master Blake simply thought it would be interesting." Takamichi stiffens upon hearing the name Blake.
"So he's involved, the [Demon's-"
"I would refrain from using that name." The messenger interrupts. "He dislikes the moniker."
"So the request is from him?" Takamichi realizes that the stakes just got higher. If Blake was involved, the chances of a genocide happening were a lot higher. "I didn't realize he was [Revelation]."
"He's been since the beginning."
"And if I refuse?"
"Then we use plan B." The messenger pulls out a piece of paper and hands it to Takamichi. Takamichi reads it over quickly.
"...You're joking."
"Master Blake is dead serious."
"[Revelation] has access to this? When the hell-"
"So do you accept our proposal? I need to know soon."
"...you aren't giving me much of a choice are you?"
"No, we're not. We need you. And we'll get you through any means, even if we have to hold the world hostage."
"Fine." Takamichi takes another cigarette out of the packet. "I'll do it. On the condition that you leave Mahora out of your plans. I'm sure one magical haven on Earth is acceptable?"
"Master Blake has authorized me to agree with that." The messenger held his hand out. Takamichi took it. "Welcome to [Revelation]."
Tibetan Plateau
Alexander Harvinger looks around the table. Two faces stare back at him. Half of the main members of [Revelation] were seated around the table. Today was the day that they were to decide who would lead the first strike against the Underworld. The other half had their own attack to plan against a different target.
"So then, who's going to go?" The speaker was a boy with sandy brown hair and a constant smirk. Raphael. "I bag the Gremory Peerage. Rias Gremory, Akeno Himejima. They've got some hot shit there."
"You'd die." A girl with brown hair answers. While she was sixteen, her body was closer to that of a fourteen year old. "None of us could take on the Gremory Peerage alone and survive. The Welsh Dragon alone could probably kill us."
"Ha! Welsh Dragon, Welsh shit!" Raphael replies. "Give me ten minutes. I'll fucking shoot him in the head!"
"And he'll spit out the bullet." Alexander cuts him off. "We aren't going to take on the Gremory or Baal Peerage just yet. We'll start small. Either the Agares or Sitri Peerage will be a good start." Alexander points at Raphael. "You'll get your chance to fight Gremory, but not now. We need to weaken them first. Ingrid." The brown haired girls nods. "You'll go first. Take out the Agares. From our info their the weakest of the four. After you're done, we'll plan our next move." Ingrid nods and stands up while Raphael nods in agreement. "Any questions?"
"I can see why Sensei Blake made you the boss." Raphael smiles. "You'll definitely be the one who'll lead us to reach [God-class]." With that, Raphael leaves the room, leaving Alexander to reflect on whether or not he had just sent someone to their death.
Unknown Location
Master Blake runs his hand through his blond hair. Dressed in black pants and a t-shirt, with a pair of yellow aviator glasses covering his face, he looks older than his actual age of sixteen.
"So its done then?" Master Blake asks the messenger. "Takamichi has agreed?"
"He was in shock once he saw plan B." The messenger replies. "He didn't believe that we actually got access to the System."
"We haven't. At least, not yet." Master Blake takes off his aviators and rubs his eyes. Underneath the glasses, Master Blake's eyes were pure white. "Though [Revelation] is working on gaining access. I have faith in their abilities." Master Blake slid the aviators back onto his face. "Now then, go tell them that they're to attack in four days."
"Yes sir." The messenger melted into the floor, his body turning to liquid and disappearing into the stone. Master Blake watches for a moment, before returning to his armchair. Taking a glass of water from the tray next to his desk, Master Blake raises it to the sky.
"To the new age. To the age without Gods."