To Be Determined

Chapter 1


She ran, carrying a sac full of money, jewels, and other treasures she had plundered that night. She sprinted through the museum halls, attempting to make her escape after pulling off the heist of a lifetime, snagging the jewel covered crown of Marie Antoinette, the last queen of France. She rounded the corner, running into the hallway, only to be met by a squad of cops and security guards. She smirked, spun around, and began to sprint the other way, only to be met by more guards, all pointing tranquilizer guns at her.

"Drop the bag!" a male guard shouted. She complied.

"Now place your hands behind your head, and kneel down." She heard a female voice command, a voice she immediately recognized as Officer Montoya's of the GCPD. "Batman will be here for you in just a few minutes."

Obeying Montoya's orders, Catwoman crouched to the floor, her eyes widening at the mention of the Gotham's guardian. "Ahh, yes," she thought to herself, "tall, brooding, and handsome has come to take me away. Like Hell." Flicking a small pellet from the inside of her sleeve and into her fingers, she threw it onto the ground, allowing a small puff of smoke to escape and spread out all over the corridor. Standing back up, Catwoman laughed as she grabbed the sac full of her treasures and ran, leaping onto an exhibition case as the coughs of the officers and guards grew louder and louder. Removing an air duct she had loosened earlier in preparation of being cornered, she crawled in, turned around, and shouted "Mr. Detective is gonna have to be a lot faster if he really wants to catch me!" And with that, she reattached the vent to the duct and began crawling up towards the roof, smirking as she thought to herself "You've done it again, Selina. Now, time to get out of here."