06/05/2017…1527 Hours

Dear readers and unmet friends,

I owe you all a heartfelt apology…I wanted to post an update in regards to my writing and felt I needed to post more that. But first an explanation….as many of you know my state suffered a series of tragic events that impacted me in my job and my life….on that note I zero interest in engaging in a political agenda conversation. However one of those events was a flood, a flood that destroyed my home and property….this included my notes, computers and all of my story information. As of right now we will be moving into our new home…and…I have been recovering my notes and material for my stories….I promise you that I will be back in the swing (even as we speak I will doing some writing…once I get caught on my reports lol).

I am sure many of you have moved on and understandably so….I hope to get you back and soon….

In new news I will be posting a new story soon and, god help me, it is a fic from a well-known animated movie. My kids love Zootopia (Yeah you heard me right lol) and the other day we were watching it for family taco bell/movie night and for some reason something hit me about it and suddenly I was jotting notes for new material.….I can promise you that it is no way fluffy or cute!

So if you would be interested in checking it out I will be posting the debut chapters shortly and would love reviews and the such.

In the meantime, my friends please be patient with me as Dark Waters and Mara's Hope will be making their comeback very soon.

With all of my love and sorries
