I know the conversation could be longer, but I'm a BIT to lazy right now… enjoy the fluff :)

Jayke walked around, bored. He sighed loudly, getting his parents attention. "I'm bored!" He said, flopping on the couch his mother was sitting on. His mother, Zoey, laughed.

"Well, you could- no, that won't work. Maybe- no…" she said, getting lost in thought.

"Daddy, is there anything I can do?" He asked, getting up and going to his father, Rythian.

"Hmm… wanna play a game?" He asked, and Jayke nodded rapidly. "Ok, I'm the creeper, and your an… adventurer!" He said, and Jayke nodded.

"Ok. I'll give you a head start" said Jayke, and Rythian chuckled.

"Ok, here I go" said Rythian, walking in the direction of the door. Once his father was out of the door, he went after him. Zoey was left alone in the sitting room. She just smiled, and thought, 'We need to tell him'. She walked out of the room in search of Rythian.

"Rythe?" She called, looking around. Rythian heard her. He walked toward her, telling Jayke the game is over for a bit. Jayke was laughing his head off, having the time of his life. He nodded, and walked to his room.

"We need to tell him" she said, looking at her stomach. She was only about 2 months along. Rythian nodded, placing his hand on the bump. Zoey smiled, pulling down Rythians mask and giving him a short kiss. Rythian smiled.

"I'll go get him" he said, walking to his sons room. He knocked on the door, opening it also. "Hey, buddy" he said, and Jayke got up.

"Hi, daddy!" He said, jumping into his fathers arms.

"Me and mom need to tell you something" he said.

"Ok" said Jayke. Rythian carried him to Zoey, who was sitting in the room they were in. He sat the boy down in front of Zoey, and he sat down next to her.

"Jayke, there's something important we have to tell you" said Zoey.

"Your going to be a big brother" Rythian picked up, and Jayke looked at his parents blankly.

"Where's the baby?" He asked, looking around.

"It's in my tummy" said Zoey, witch made Jayke turn to her.

"Did you eat it?!" He asked. Zoey and Rythian laughed.

"No, I didn't eat it" said Zoey, slightly getting up to ruffle his hair. Jayke giggled.

"It'll be some months before you can see it" said Rythian.

"Ok. I can't wait!" Said Jayke, getting up, and hugging his parents.

"I love you, mommy and daddy" he said.

"Love you too" Zoey and Rythian said at the same time.