Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia.

POV Gilbird

'I don't know why Alfred is following this old dude to an empty classroom on the other side of the school, but hey not my business. I wonder where Matt is?' As I fly to a open door, because schools are apparently to broke to afford some damn windows that OPEN, I wonder down the hall and to the left through another door and another til I get lost...and end up on the roof. Somehow.


'Fucking eagles...again. COME AT ME BITCHES!'

POV Matthew

I may be the smart one of the group but math is the worst subject in the history of man. Seriously when am I gonna see -4n+3(7n+2n) in real life and have to solve it to find the speed of a car. 'Gilbert seems to have him goals set already.' I think to myself as I look over at Gil with his head on the desk. The teacher is just doing a review but it's the first day shouldn't we be going over rules and other things that don't matter.

The teacher walks up to me and turns towards Gil. is about 5'3 and isn't exactly on the skinny side, but being a teacher doesn't require looks. She taps Gil and to wake him. 'She's oddly calm.' I can hear him silently curse under breath. She tells him to stand. He does. Then she walks away. He goes to fellow and she turns around to stop him. "Nooo. You stand there. While I go to the board and teach." She says with a smile.

Now imagine this shit. A 16 year-old standing up like a dumbass in the middle of the classroom. If we sat in the back then it wouldn't have been that big a problem. Gilbert is at least 5'9 and towers over about everything. Well it looks that way with all of us sitting down. Anyway he looks at me. "What?" I whisper so I won't suffer the same fate as him. I got a image to uphold.

"Do something!" He says. "Now what the fuck am I suppose to do! Use my magic powers to make the fire alarm come on so we can escape?"

ANT ANT ANT ANT ANT (I don't know how to spell the sound, but you and I both know it sounds like that.)

"Wha?" I questioned as we all raced out the class with our things. None of us planned on coming back.


I swear to god Matt has magical powers and just won't admit to it! "The awesome me demands that you tell the truth on why you didn't tell ME about your powers!"

"What are you talking about?! I don't have any powers! It was just...good..timing. REALLY really good timing."

"I call bullshit." I say glaring at Matt as we sit in our next class together. "Bullshit Council! How do you plead?!"

"Guilty!" I don't know where those people came from, but I have a Bullshit Council now. "Gilbert who are-"

"I don't know."

"So they just-"


He looks around. "Where'd they go?!"

I shrug and wait for class to start. And how my Bullshit Council can be more useful.

POV Alfred

So yeah I was wrong he didn't want the D. Hashtag sad face. All I had to do was go to his class and help with carrying some heavy stuff. Talk about boring. P.E should be more fun than that.

30 minutes later

"I was WRONG! I will never think P.E. is better than anything ever again!" Who makes people do this? I am freaking out, if you could not tell before. Our gym teacher has us running two miles ON THE FIRST DAY. I cried a bit when I heard the word mile let alone 2.

As I finished my second mile I laid on the ground praying to god that I'd pass the fuck out.

I felt a tug on my shirt as the gym teacher dragged me to my feet."GOOD JOB JONES!" She yelled in my ear and giving a very forceful pat on the back. I nearly fell on my face, but whatever. "Thanks coach.." I say out loud while in my head I say. 'You crazy ass lady. I'm dying thanks to you.' We both walk, well I kinda limped/walk, to the vending machine were she brought me a water. 'I guess she isn't all bad.'

"Now. What size t-shirt do you wear?"


"You are going to be my right hand man!" She does know that saying goes with a lot of meanings, right? "Why? I'm the hero and all, but..."

"Alfred you finished a 2 mine run in 30 minutes. That is pretty good. So from now on you'll help with the basic stuff. Like examples for a new gym projects and lifting the heavy shit in the back." This sucks ass.

Yes I know. It has been forever and I am very Sorry but shit happens. R & R people.