So, this is another story from The Team Titans Writers, but only two of us this time, we figured it made more sense to just put our collaborations, no matter how many members work on it, on the Team's page. Anyways, this is an AU story, probably gonna be a little clichéd, but what are you gonna do? So anyways, this is by me (TriforceLink205), and JodieJelloCube. Give her a round of applause for further going out of her comfort zone writing wise! Here you go!

Rachel Roth sighed as she got out of the shower; getting ready for her first day at the new school.

The reason? Her parents were having another apocalypse fight, this time about her.

"Why does she need to transfer? It was just a boy! Can't she go back there? She shouldn't have to transfer because of boy troubles!" Her father yelled.

"Because, Trenton, he almost raped her! Do you even understand that?!"

"Yeah, I get it, but it's not like he did anything to her!"

"Are you kidding me?! Do you even hear yourself right now?! This is ridiculous! She's already been transferred, it's not like you can do anything about it."

"You mean you did it without me?"

"Yes. I did. I was sick of your crap, so I took matters into my own hands."

Rachel sighed again as she was applying the last of her eye liner, she made a mental note to get some more after school and grabbed her bag, walking down the stairs.

"You know, some parents have the decency to wait until their kid's gone to fight about her," She stated in her usual indifferent monotone.

"Oh honey, I'm sorry, we didn't mean to upset you," Her mother tried to console her, to no avail.

"Can we just go? I want to get this day over with."

"Yeah, let's go."

-We're at the school now; I didn't feel like writing an awkward car ride. :P-

"Alright sweetheart, do you need me to go in there with you?"


"Are you sure?"


After a small pause, her mother sighed and put the car in gear.

"I love you Rachel, try to have a good day, ok?"


Her mother sighed and pulled out of the parking lot.

"Well, I guess you have to walk in to get out…"

She sighed once more as she entered the building, finding her way to the principal's office, because she didn't know where else to go.

"Do you need something?" The secretary asked as she walked in.

"Yes, I'm a new student here, Rachel Roth; I don't know where I'm supposed to be going…"

"Ah yes, hold on a moment. Feel free to have a seat, while you wait."

The secretary walked into the room behind her, coming out a few minutes later with some papers, handing them to Rachel.

"Now, your mother has already gotten all of the paperwork taken care of, but you might find these useful."

The papers were a class schedule, and a map.

Rachel smiled as she thanked the secretary as she left the room, grunting as she was knocked to the floor.

"Ow! Care to look where you're going next time?" She asked angrily, fumbling around for the papers and books that spilled out of her backpack when she fell.

"Sorry, I'm late for class, I wasn't really paying attention…"

She huffed as she got up, looking at the boy who knocked her down, green Converse, blue jeans, a hunter green dress shirt with a purple tie, and jade eyes… Wow, those eyes… She couldn't remember what she was doing anymore.

"I'm Gar, Gar Logan," He said, smiling and holding out his hand.

She looked at the hand, then at the stack of books and papers in her arms, then back at him, raising an eyebrow.

He chuckled, withdrawing his hand and scratching the back of his head.

"Would you like some help? It's the least I could do."

"Aren't you late for class?"

She yelped as he reached out and grabbed the papers from the stack, rifling through until he found her schedule.

"Well, my next class in yours too, so I think I'll be ok."

"Alright, well, I guess you can help me."

He smiled, taking the entire stack from her and starting off down the hallway.

"Hey, I said help, not do it for me!"

"Chivalry isn't dead."

She sighed once again, falling in stride beside him.

"My name's Rachel, by the way. Rachel Roth."

Alright, so there you have it! Now, I know it's a little short, but I've been battling writer's block for a while, so I'm just glad to have written it, and I like it. I hope you do too, and Jodie has the next chapter, so wish her luck, and in theater jargon, break a leg! By the way, R&R please?

TL205, out, PEACE!