A/N: walk into the club like WHATTUP IMMA A SENIOR YEAAAAAAAAH. That's right, exams and school are officially done for me until August! To celebrate have a Hijack fic I've been working on and off of for a little over a month C: Expected length is four chapters, with some of the story already typed up but a lot more waits to be created, it'll be an awkward process because it's being composed on my iPod so I have to post it on AO3 on my internet there before hopping on my laptop and putting it onto Microsoft Word to put on . But yeah anything for Hijack yanno. SO YEAH ENJOOOOOOY
Hiccup wasn't sure what he was.
He knew he was a boy, more on the skinny side with freckles plastered everywhere and knobby knees, and he was fine with it. His lips were thin and hid his big front teeth and his eyes were a deep forest green, and when he looked close enough a ring of hazel could be found in them. He had ten fingers and five toes (a result of an unfortunate fire he got caught in) and he chose his left hand over his right to get through a day.
He considered himself to be at a good social level, he was just a student in a crowd with a ring of friends that liked him and wanted to be there. He had A's and B's and was part of the National Science Honor Society and the Workshop club at his school.
He was one of a three-person family, more like two but their hulk of a dog counted just as much as him and his father. He and his father understood each other and had a strong bond, mostly due to the forest fire he'd almost died in.
Hiccup was fine with where he was, he was fine with the people he surrounded himself with, and he was fine with the way he looked.
He just wasn't sure what his sexuality was.
From the time he was four the only thing he knew then was that boys and girls were supposed to like each other, so he stuck with that.
For the duration of his time through pre-k and elementary school his sole interest was in girls, none more so than Astrid.
Astrid was the girl all the boys hung around, because unlike other girls she liked to wrestle them into the dirt and play kickball and run around screaming instead of swinging or playing house under the trees like other girls. Up until second grade he was too shy to even look at her, but then he screwed up the nerve one day and asked her if she wanted to climb the jungle gym with him. He could've sworn he would faint after the encounter, though she had smiled with an 'OK' and dragged him to the bars.
So it was from then to fifth grade they were friends, him keeping his crush a secret and settling with eating lunch and playing during recess together and being buddies on field trips.
Then middle school and puberty changed his mind.
Suddenly hair was growing in places he never thought it'd grow from, his voice began to go up and down, and the cherry on top was the most awkwardest silence he'd ever experienced when his Dad sat him him down and explained the birds and the bees. He only hoped such a thing never happened to him again, and that nobody else ever had to suffer through it.
Things seemed to be fine until he watched Titanic. It had been mere curiosity, more of seeing what was possibly experienced in the incident from a passenger's standpoint. He sure hadn't expected the first breasts he ever saw to be from a movie about a sinking ship. He made himself look away, mock gagging to distract himself from that whole sequence. Then they'd gotten in the car. He watched the guy grab her breasts and felt his stomach knot in a bad way. Then suddenly the window of the car was fogged up and then a hand slapped against it and he couldn't turn the TV off any faster with his shaky hands.
Normal boys were supposed to get awkward boners from that. He hadn't.
He had worried about it at first, but resigned to staying quiet about it and focus on school.
It wasn't until he heard Snotlout boast about having banged with every girl in the school he got scared. When the other boys started asking his cousin for details he left in a hurry, breathing hard and in panic.
When he started to lose sleep his father sat him down again and tried to get the problem out.
Admitting to his Dad how he didn't like girls was the second-most scariest thing he'd ever done.
But instead of being yelled at for not liking girls like he thought would happen, his father only let out a breath and a relieved smile.
"It's fine if you don't like girls, if other boys make you happy, what difference does it make?"
He'd never heard more reassuring words in his life.
So during middle school he was convinced he was gay.
He only told his closest friends, and his cousin had been the only one to show disgust (he'd gotten over it once they got to high school), and he'd found himself crushing over famous actors and would avidly watch any movies they starred in.
Then he had to go do something he was still ashamed of to this day.
He'd started to worry about sex again, and how whenever he touched himself he only ever focused on the feeling of it when it seemed others got wet dreams or came up with fantasies, and he was slowly panicking and nerves once again made him make a reckless move.
In this case it had been to visit a porn website.
His Dad had been off at the bar with his friend Gobber and said he wouldn't be back until much later. He remembered how much his hands had shook and how slowly he had to type and how hard his heart beat from fear and adrenaline. He'd fidgeted, biting his lip and fisting his hands in his too long sleeves, as the video loaded.
Then all too suddenly there was two guys groaning and touching each other on the screen and he lasted all of seven seconds before he closed the window and slammed the laptop shut, fighting to keep himself from spilling his dinner everywhere.
Once he was sure nothing would come up he realized what had happened and sunk deeper into despair.
Now he was in high school and wasn't sure what to think.
It didn't help that he found himself crushing on a boy and a girl.
At first it was just Merida, a transfer student from Scotland with fiery curls and freckles and the clearest blue eyes he'd ever seen. She was loud and reckless and would constantly drag him off to who knows where but his heart would flutter every time they touched.
Then Jack barged his way into the picture, spinning and jumping with white locks and a laugh that caused butterflies to dance in his stomach, and was always trying to get Hiccup involved in pranks and this time he felt sparks when their fingertips touched.
By now he didn't care that he liked boys and girls, what scared him the most was that he had no sexual attraction. He crushed on people, but never for their chest or their butt, but by what their personality was and what they liked and it made him confused because everybody else seemed to be getting so excited over each others privates. Internet searches had turned up the term 'asexual' after he typed in his situation and lots of research followed after that and he was scared that was the truth, and how everybody else would react to it after reading all those other stories he found off Google of others experiences in coming out as asexual.
He didn't want to be treated any different because he preferred cuddling over heavy petting.
"Hey Hiccup."
Hiccup turned away from his open locker to see Jack standing there, with his usual crooked grin. He smiled back and shut his locker, turning to face his friend.
"Hey Jack, did that Algebra test go okay?"
Jack nodded, readjusting his bag on his shoulder.
"Yeah, thanks by the way, would've bombed it if you hadn't helped."
Hiccup smiled a little wider at that, remembering to when he'd helped him, sitting facing each other on Hiccup's bed as he explained sigmas and regressions.
"So how about the movies?"
Hiccup blinked out of his memories, staring at Jack in a stupor.
Jack raised an eyebrow, nodding his head.
"Yeah. To thank you. I saw that new dragon movie was out, and figured we could go see it. I'll pay for everything."
Hiccup gaped for a second, leaving Jack nervously tapping his foot which got him because Hiccup was used to Jack never being nervous, before he nodded dumbly.
"O-Okay, uh, when?"
Jack smiled and responded eagerly. "You free tonight? Pick you up at five?"
"Great, see you then?"
"See you then." Then of course Jack had to send him a look over his shoulder while walking away, leaving Hiccup falling back onto his locker thanks to his legs having gone to jello.
He allowed himself a rare smile, one that usually never graced his lips, before regaining feeling in his legs and walking to his next class, heart beating in excitement.
Stoick relaxed back in his chair, settling in with a beer and a game on the television, content to how this night would be.
He glanced over at his son, curled up with Toothless on their couch. He was switching between staring at his phone and their old grandfather clock while petting his friend in hopes to calm his nerves. He only chuckled and shook his head.
"It's barely even ten to five, nobody arrives exactly on the dot, or early for that matter."
Hiccup snapped out of his trance and sighed, fidgeting with the edge of his sleeve.
"I know, but, I can't help it. What if something came up and he forgot to tell me, or maybe found someone better-"
Stoick frowned and sat up, giving his son a stern glare.
"Never think like that. He will come,"
He sat back and grinned,
"besides, with how much you've gone on about him, he doesn't sound like the one to make a promise and forget it."
Hiccup ignored that last part, busying himself with checking his phone as he mentally kicked himself for those times he talked about Jack, especially when he looked back and realized it was frequently he mentioned his friend.
Were they even friends now? Was this going to be a one-time thing, or a five-time thing? And did Jack really want that with him-
The door bell made him jump and Toothless bound to the door, barking up a storm.
He quickly stood up and walked over, commanding Toothless to heel as he opened the door, letting out an inner sigh of relief when he was met with Jack's face.
"Hey, sorry if I'm early."
Hiccup rolled his eyes.
"Like I'd mind."
He retreated back inside to grab his jacket, stopping to say good bye to Toothless and shouting over his shoulder.
"The movie starts at six, I'll call and let you know when it's over."
"Take your time, s'long as you're home before eleven."
"Alright, bye Dad."
Stoick heard the door shut and saw Toothless come back in from the hallway, looking pretty down at having Hiccup leave. He curled up in his bed and let out a whine, still looking over at the door. Stoick only shook his head and smiled good-naturedly.
"You and me both."
"They could've done better."
"Yeah, sad that they killed Tatum so early on."
Ruffnut scoffed as she tossed her empty candy box into a trashcan. "They put him in just to attract a female audience, everybody knows that."
Astrid nodded and sipped at her drink. "True, at least the action was decent."
They started to name off better examples of action movies, becoming engrossed enough to where they never saw an incoming collision.
"Yeah, fighting robots and explosions is cool but Bay has to make it so fast-paced you can barely pay atten-" Astrid bumped into somebody and stepped back, quickly apologizing before her eyes lit up in recognition.
"Hiccup, hey."
The mentioned boy spun on the spot and stared at the two girls in shock, and slightly in panic before straightening up and putting up a cool facade.
"Astrid, Ruffnut, hi. What're you guys doing here- well obviously to see a movie."
Astrid could tell he was hiding something, it was that tiny moment of panic he could never mask that usually gave him away.
Ruffnut either didn't notice or decided to ignore it, and replied, "Yeah, just came from watching the new G.I. Joe and started talking about better action movies."
Hiccup only nodded and crossed his arms, glancing around as if searching for something, responding, "Nice, I came to see the new 'Tale of the Night Fury' that's out."
Astrid couldn't help but smirk at that. Hiccup had a huge fascination with dragons, ever since they were in Kindergarten. Figures that he would come to see it.
"Right up your alley, let us know how it is."
They were going to leave at that, missing Hiccups look of relief, until they spotted Jack coming up behind their friend laden with two drinks and an extra-large thing of popcorn.
They all collectively stared at each other, Hiccup turning to look and giving a small groan when he realized who just arrived, Astrid and Ruffnut trying to figure out why Jack was suddenly there and holding food for two, before Jack spoke,
"Since it looks like you're busy here, I'll just go ahead and save some seats Hic."
Hiccup nodded all too quickly.
"Yeah, great idea, be with you in a sec."
Jack passed off one of the drinks to Hiccup before walking off to the theater where their movie was to be viewed.
The three stood in an awkward silence, Hiccup staring down at his drink while Astrid and Ruffnut stared at him, not breaking until a wicked grin stretched across Ruff's face.
"You're on a daaaate-"
Hiccup covered his eyes with a hand before pleading,
"Please don't-"
"With your cruuuuuush-"
"Please stop-"
"He's gonna hug yooooou-"
"He's gonna kiss yooooou-"
Ruffnut ceased her singing and dancing, but held the grin, as Astrid mirrored the same grin before asking,
"Well then explain!"
Hiccup ran a hand through his hair as he sighed,
"I helped him study for a test, and he wanted to thank me-"
"By taking you out to a movie?"
Hiccup sighed again and rubbed at his eyes, "Look it's not like tha-"
"Did he pick you up at your house?"
He stared at Astrid, trying to decipher her poker face, before he replied,
"Yes he did."
She crossed her arms and shifted her weight to one foot before asking again, "Did he pay for the tickets and food?"
He hesitantly nodded, before Astrid smiled again, "And were you both looking forward to this?"
Hiccup groaned and covered his face with his hand again, realizing she was right, he was on a date with his crush.
Ruffnut laughed and started to walk off, calling over her shoulder,
"Nobody should be able to see your macking if you sit in the back row!"
Hiccup shook his head, muttering a half-hearted thanks under his breath. Astrid laughed and shook her own head, putting a hand on his shoulder to get his attention.
"Don't take it so seriously, you know Ruff. Go have a good time with Jack, and I want details later, ok?"
He only had enough time to smile and reply with an ok of his own before Astrid left to catch up with Ruffnut.
Hiccup let go of the breath he'd been holding in, turning to walk into the theater.
Jack sipped his soda, letting his mind start to wander around. The movie was good, the score was nice and the animation was incredibly realistic, but his attention had been pulled elsewhere since the opening credits rolled.
Hiccup's face had immediately changed the second the lights went down, his eyes widening as they absorbed the details of the dragons and mouth falling open just slightly in awe, occasionally opening wide enough for a few pieces of popcorn to be tossed in, chewed, then swallowed.
Jack was glad that there wasn't that many people in the theater, and the few who were sat at the front, far away from their place in the back, so he wasn't worried of having somebody point him out.
Yeah, so he had a crush on Hiccup. The teen was intelligent, wonderfully sarcastic, had masses of freckles Jack adored, the brightest eyes, a smile that was hard to get out but worth it once it showed, and infinitely more than could be listed.
He could honestly watch Hiccup the whole time.
Which is what he realized he did when out of the corner of his eye he saw the movie title being showed again along with the start of the end credits. He quickly snapped his head to the screen, incase Hiccup was finally out if his movie trance, to feign having watched the whole movie instead of staring and counting the freckles he could see dotting the others face neck and hands.
Soon they were walking out into the cool air outside, Hiccup babbling on and on about the animation, the soundtrack, the plot, character development, how it wouldn't get the proper amount of recognition it deserved because everybody would think it was such a kid's movie, and Jack smiled the whole way because that was something he loved about the younger teen. How absorbed he could become and how he'd lose himself in talking and explaining things no matter what it was. He was passionate.
All too soon they were standing in Hiccups driveway and his heart sank at realizing this date was over.
Was he allowed to consider it that? He'd been meaning to ask the other out but he'd been embarrassingly scared (considering it was him, Jack Overland) to do it and found thanking him to be the best way and he totally just went on a date with his crush no doubt about it.
They stood for awhile, until Hiccup spoke,
"Um yeah, so . . . thanks for that. I really enjoyed it."
Jack smiled and nodded, shoving his hands into his hoodie pocket.
"Same here. Your in-depth analysis on the way back was pretty interesting."
Hiccup blinked and gave a nervous chuckle, swinging his arms and responding back,
"Ah geez, sorry about that- it's just how I react after getting so deep into something."
An awkward pause settled between them, until Hiccup started to walk to his front door, talking over his shoulder.
"I guess I'll see you Monday, unless you want to-"
"I want to do that again."
Hiccup stopped and turned to look at the older, a look of bewilderment on his face. Jack had to let his brain catch up with what he just said before he continued,
"Maybe next Friday? Or whatever works with you? And you can chose what to do next time, hell we can go see that movie again if you really want-"
"You mean. . . like a. . . date?"
Icy blue and forest green stared at each other, until a flawless smile graced the pale face.
"Yeah. A date."
Then Hiccup smiled that one smile that was always worth getting out, giving an airy laugh and pushing a hand through his bangs.
". . . alright. Friday then I guess. Can I think over what to do and tell you Monday or-?"
"Take as long as you need. I'll wait until the last minute if I have to."
Hiccup nodded and stood there a second longer, until he said goodbye and turned to walk into his house, making eye contact with Jack as he shut the door.
Hiccup would stand in the hallway for another five minutes, replaying the conversation and smiling in disbelief at finally dating his crush.
Jack would walk a total of five feet from the edge of the driveway before running the whole way to his house, laughing and wooping in joy at finally asking his crush out.