Here's the next chapter! Enjoy.
Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh.
Warnings: kissing, violence, cursing ect...

I woke up and slapped the snooze button on my alarm clock. Groaning I sat up, glaring at the still dark sky. I hated getting up early! Stupid school, making me miss my sleep. I grumbled while getting dressed. I shuffled down stairs, picking my book bag up and shoving the homework I had completed into its folder and into the bag. I glared at the clock on the oven before sighing, throwing the book bag into my recliner. Atem was still sleeping so I tried to be a quiet as possible while making my lunch. I made a bowl of cereal and sat on the recliner.

I was putting my bowl away when I heard a soft groan from the couch. Smiling I looked at Atem. He sat up, blinking.

"Good morning," I whispered.

"Morning?" he mumbled, rubbing his eyes. I nodded.

"Yep, it's still dark out because I have to get up early during the week. You go back to sleep," I said, walking over and pushing him back on the couch. I treated Atem like one of the kids I often baby sat for my brothers friends, tucking the quilt back around him. He blinked tiredly at me.

"I'll be back later today. There's food in the fridge and cabinets, feel free to eat anything you like," I whispered. He nodded, eyes closing. I left, snatching my keys from the counter.

As I drove to school, I furiously fought the blush back that was trying to creep up my face. Sure, Atem was cute and all, but he was a Pharaoh. He also happened to not be from this dimension so I had no chance since I was just a little country girl with no family that cared. I sighed, parking in my spot and resting my forehead on the steering wheel. Without my brother, I had no idea what to do.

"Big brother, help me," I whispered. I sat back up and got out.

Lisa met me in the hall.

"Hey, how's your guest?" she asked. I shrugged.

"Atem's fine. He was sleepy this morning when I left. I told him to sleep a little longer," I said. She nodded. We walked to first hour and sat down. I dug my sketch book out and flipped to the drawing I had started the other day. I yawned.

"Still tired?" Lisa laughed.

"I'm not a morning person," I grumbled.

Lunch came around and Lisa and I were dueling.

"I'll put a monster face down in defense mode. I'll also put one card face down on the field. Your move," I said. Lisa frowned; she put a monster face down and ended her turn. I have to get at least one monster off her field. Or she'll summon the Winged Dragon of Ra! I thought, frowning. I grinned as I looked at the card I just drew. It was Lightning Vortex. Grinning, I played it. Lisa squeaked, and then she pouted at me. I snickered. I switched my Witch of the black forest into attack mode. "Now I attack you're face down monster," I said.

"No you won't," Lisa grinned. "I play Mirror force!" I smacked my forehead.

"Fine, I end my turn," I groused.

"I play Card Destruction!" Lisa said. I groaned. "Then I play Monster Reborn to bring back my Winged Dragon and I use his effect to give him all of my life points save for a hundred, giving him… fifty-nine hundred attack points," she said. "And I attack you're face down card," she said. I groaned but sent my Mystical Elf to the graveyard. "I can't attack anymore this turn. So it's your move," she said, sending her Winged Dragon to the graveyard. I drew and grinned. Yes! Just the card I need! I thought my grin widening.

"I play the ritual card Black Magic Ritual! By sacrificing my Magic Hole Golem and my Dark Magician, I can summon the Magician of Black Chaos!" I said. "You only have one monster card on the field. I'll attack it and end my turn," I said. Lisa grinned. I sighed.

"I play this card face down in defense mode and end my turn," she said. I drew and huffed. It was my Change of Heart spell card. I set it face down on the field and ended my turn, switching my Magician into defense mode for now. Lisa rolled her eyes and played another card face down. I drew and grinned. It was Monster Reincarnation!

"Okay, I play monster reincarnation to bring my Dark magician back into my hand," I said, discarding my Exchange spell card. I played one monster in defense mode and ended my turn. Soon I had three monsters including my Magician of Black Chaos. It was my turn again. "I sacrifice two monsters to summon Dark Magician in attack mode!" I said. "Then I'll switch my Magician of Black Chaos into attack mode. They'll both attack, wiping you out," I said, smiling. I had finally beaten her! Lisa gaped, and then smiled.

"I can't believe I actually beat you this time!" I laughed as we walked to fifth hour. Lisa nodded.

"That was really neat Meg. I forgot you had Magician of Black Chaos in your deck," Lisa told me. I grinned.

"Good thing too, if you had remembered, I would have defiantly lost," I said, giggling.

Lisa climbed into the truck with some difficulty after school. I snickered, pushing off the ground in a jump, landing neatly in my seat.

"Why you have to drive such a big truck is far beyond me," she grumbled.

"Oh get over it, Li-li," I laughed.

"Hey! Don't call me that!" she pouted. I snickered as I pulled out of the school parking lot.

As we drove, the skies let loose. I cursed as I swerved to avoid the lightening that slammed into the ground next to the road. Muttering every choice word I knew, I stopped the truck, panting. I could see someone lying in the middle of a charred ring where the lightning struck. Lisa and I both hopped out and raced over to him.

"Holy shit! It's Seto," I gasped.

"Atem's cousin and priest?" Lisa said. I nodded.

"Help me get him in the truck. We need to get home," I said, throwing one of the unconscious male's arms over my shoulders. Lisa and I got Seto into the back seat and took off, soaked to the bone.

"Where did you find him?" Atem demanded as we half dragged, half carried his cousin inside. All three of us were soaked, and my bangs were dripping water into my eyes which was very annoying.

"Driving home from school. Lightening hit the ground next to the road and bam! - he's here," I said, setting Seto on the couch. I grabbed a couple dish towels, throwing one to Lisa. Squeezing water out of my hair, I went upstairs and got two real towels. "Here, some sweats while your clothes dry," I told Lisa, digging my own dry sweats out. We changed and went downstairs again.

Atem was pacing the living room, muttering in ancient Egyptian. I put a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, calm down okay? Don't pace a trench in my living room. I'll never be able to explain that. We'll figure this out okay?" I said, smiling at him. Dark crimson eyes stared at me for a long moment before Atem nodded. I grinned, "Okay. Now we wait for him to wake up and hopefully make sense of this mess!" I chirped, going into the kitchen.

"How does she do that?" Atem asked Lisa.

"No idea. Its better not knowing though," she replied.

"I can hear you guys," I said, smirking. Lisa snickered. Atem just blinked before sitting down in the double recliner. He leaned too far back and the foot rest popped up, startling him. I burst out laughing.

"I'm sorry! I forgot to tell you that if you lean to far back in that chair the foot rest pops out!" I giggled while Lisa had to sit down she was laughing so hard. I started getting together ingredients to make stir-fried lo-Mein noodles with beef, my favorite. I started slicing the steak into thin strips with my sharpest knife. (Fun fact, sharp knives are better to cut with because you don't have to put as much force on the blade, reducing the risk of the blade slipping and cutting your hand, fingers or whatever else might be too close.) I set the blade down and placed the meat into a large pan, setting the pan onto the burner, turning on the flame. I sliced up the veggies and put them in after the meat had browned nicely, scooping the meat out with a spatula. I added noodles and some soy sauce, giving everything a quick stir. Finally it was ready and I distributed the stir-fry into four bowls, digging out two pairs of chopsticks and two forks. I put one bowel in the microwave for Seto when he woke up. I handed Atem his bowel and Lisa hers before sitting on my beanbag with mine. Atem stared at the food. I snorted.

"It's good, trust me," I said, lifting a bit of my own to my lips with my chopsticks. I started eating when Atem tried a bite.

"You're right, it is good," he said.

"It's better when I use teriyaki but I didn't have any. I need to go shopping soon," I said, shrugging. There was a groan from the couch. Seto was waking up. I set my half empty bowel down and walked over to the brunette. "Hey, how are you feeling?" I asked, glancing at Lisa. She nodded, getting up and getting a glass of water from the kitchen. I wasn't too surprised when Seto bolted up, grabbing the front of my hoodie.

"Where am I!?" he demanded.

"Seto, calm down, these girls are nice," Atem said, walking over. He put a hand on his cousin's. "Seto, let go of Megan," he said. The brunette did. I smoothed my hoodie back out and stood.

"I just made supper so it's still warm," I said, getting his bowel out of the microwave. I grabbed a fork for him and walked back. "Lisa, calm down will you?" I said, bumping her with my hip. I smiled at Seto. "Here, and if you're worried about me poisoning you, don't. It's insulting and I didn't, we all had food from the same pan," I said. Atem snickered at Seto's look. I handed the brown haired teen the bowel and fork and grabbed my own.

"Hey how are you doing food wise?" Lisa asked. I frowned.

"I definitely need to go to the store soon. I'm feeding two guys now, plus the amount I normally eat…dammit all to hell, I'm going to have to put a big dent in my savings," I grumbled, rubbing my temples.

"I'll help out, Meggie," Lisa said. I glared at her.

"Don't call me Meggie," I snapped.

"Okay, yeesh, so cranky," Lisa pouted. I scowled at her. Atem and Seto blinked.

"Why don't you like being called Meggie?" Atem asked.

"Don't even go there! She'll start ranting!" Lisa warned. I sighed, feeling a dull ache build up in my temples. I snagged the bottle of ibuprofen I kept handy and took some with my glass of water.

"What is that?" Seto asked.

"Medicine for pain and/or fevers," I said.

"Headache again?" Lisa asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, hopefully it doesn't turn into a migraine. I hate those," I grumbled.

The phone rang. I jumped, glaring at the machine. I recognized the number.

"Red's house of bones," I answered.

"Hey Red," my brother's best friend laughed.

"Hey Tommy," I giggled. Red was my nickname around the guys, because when I was little I wore a red hoodie all the time. I still do.

"Hey, I need you to watch the boys for the night. Liza and I are going out tonight," Tommy said.

"Sure, I'll watch them. Want me to feed them?" I asked.

"Nah, we already fed them. We'll be there in ten minutes," Tommy said.

"Kay, see you in a bit," I replied.

"The boys are coming over?" Lisa asked.

"Yep," I nodded.

Haha! sorry about the cliffy. review please and no flames.