So avoiding studying and sneaking behind my mom, I wrote this.

It's a humble drabble but hey, since when I was quality anyway?

Pyro Lover

Burning Me So Softly

At first, she was wary of it.

Finding out that her friend was apparently some sort of a flaming superhero was something that needed a lot of time to swallow.

But then he, while his eyes were burning with calm flames, smiled reassuringly at her and took off to fight for their future. And as she stared with awe after him, she realized that he was the same Tsuna-kun, he was just a bit more serious in that state.

There was nothing to be wary of.

That realization lingered in her mind, turning into a pressing curiosity to know what it feels like as the years passed by and she and Tsuna-kun (finally) got together.

She wondered what those flames would feel like when they got nearer to her.

She wondered if his eyes would look as lovingly at her when his hands mapped her skin.

She wondered and wondered and wondered... and, needless to say, the thought plagued her mind and haunted her dreams.

Well, she was a mature woman in her early twenties now. She had needs and unusual desires like every other human being in the world.

And, apparently, the thought of her husband touching her while being in a state he could destroy cities with very easily really made her hot and bothered.

So one day, while being alone after a huge Vongola-styled party, she dragged him forwards and locked her mouth with his, muttering breathlessly after, "Take the pills, please."

Tsuna looked like he wanted to ask her why but he quickly shook it off, wearing the mittens and popping a pill with ease.

When he looked at her again, her breath caught in her throat and she inwardly questioned her reasons of being wary of him in this form in the first place.

He looked... beautiful.

"What's the matter, Kyoko?" even though his expression remained blank and serious, she could feel the confusion lying beneath.

Kyoko took a deep breath and then kissed him with all she had.

He felt warm, pleasantly so, she concluded as he slowly wrapped his arms around her, as if afraid he could hurt her with his flames.

He didn't.

His gloved hands didn't burn at all, they only made her sigh with pleasure with their warm presence on her back.

"Kyoko..." she looked up to him at that.

His eyes were lidded, not with their usual and somewhat arrogant gaze but with undeniable daze and want.

And oh God, the idea that it was her who broke his calm front with her actions made her moan and press even closer to him, feeling him, burning him, getting burned by him...

Really, there was no reason to be wary at all.

"I looked it up and I think I have a pyro kink," Kyoko cheerfully said while they were eating breakfast. "By the way, can I watch you train?"

Tsuna only choked on his sandwich.


I think I'll make this into a series or something...