Trigger Warning! This chapter contains intense violence, down to the last sentence. If this is a trigger for you, I'm really, really sorry but I swear I'll get a more plot-friendly, less violent chapter out as soon as I can.

Chapter Three

Spock felt the cell careen through space, the floor tilting, throwing both men off balance. One fighting for survival, the other out of pure primal rage. Spock threw his forearm up to block an overhand blow and threw a knee into the Augment's gut. Khan barely grunted as he all but threw the Vulcan away from him. Spock stumbled back as he tried to regain his balance. Khan followed him, as lithe as the panthers on Earth.

Dodge, dodge, hook, take out the knee. Spock's mind was working as fast as Vulcanly possible, assessing possibilities, probabilities. He caught Khan's incoming kick and twisted his leg around until he heard the cartilage in the Augment's knee tear. Khan snarled, lips pulling away from his teeth. Spock shoved the leg away, backing out of range of Khan's fists. The man crouched low on his good leg before lunging forward, this time landing a punch on Spock's side. Spock gasped and nearly doubled over before Khan punched him in the ribs, once, twice, three times. Spock reeled back, before lashing out almost blindly. He heard a satisfying crunch as the back of his fist collided with Khan's nose, giving him enough space to kick the Augment's injured knee and back away. The man grunted in pain, but rocked to his feet with the same ease as before. Spock watched as blood gushed from Khan's broken nose, only to stop as quickly as it started. The dull throbbing in his ribs served as a harsh reminder of the Augment's strength and stamina, the obviously healing nose a testament of his advanced regenerative capabilities.

They stood for a moment, panting and evaluating each other. Spock stared at the dark man and realized that he was going to die. One way or another. If it were only strength and speed, they would've been equals, but even a Vulcan couldn't heal as immediately as Khan could. It was the only logical conclusion.

Well, if I'm to die today, then I'll fight to my last breath and take this bastard down with me. He almost smiled, imagining for a moment Captain Kirk standing beside him.

The two men, the Vulcan and the Augment, clashed together, again and again. Spock caught Khan's wrist and twisted it till the elbow popped out of joint. Khan retaliated with a punishing blow that snapped Spock's collarbone like frozen metal. Unlike his adversary's arm, the bone did not snap back into place and instantly reheal, aching darkly. He broke the man's nose again, and managed a hard hit to his sternum before the Augment landed another punch to his ribs. This time, he heard a sharp crack before his nervous system registered pain. One broken rib, possibly two. Khan landed another blow and the pain in his ribs grew exponentially. Three. Spock caught him across his jaw with an elbow, gritting his teeth against the pain. Khan grunted and sank his teeth into his forearm. Spock barked out a curse then slammed his head into Khan's face.

"You fool," Khan hissed, blood running down his face and over his teeth like a wild animal. "Do you really think you can beat me? I am superior to you and your captain; you'll die in this cage like a dog and I will survive as I have always done."

"Perhaps, for a time." Spock bared his teeth back at him. "But how long will you last until the oxygen runs out? Are you so superior that you can survive without food or water or air? This cell will be the last thing either of us see."

Spock watched the Augment work it through. He could practically see each thought and machination brought to the forefront of Khan's mind, each plan being thoroughly examined and discarded in turn. He watched as the realization of their damnation filled his dark eyes. "You'll never see your family again," Spock whispered. And neither will I. Khan stood still as stone for a few moments before throwing his head back and howling in rage. Then as if from a distant memory, Spock felt a strike to his ribs that shattered bone and sent him flying across the small space. He felt the cell turn over from the force and Khan fell forward as the floor rolled underneath him. The Augment fell in front of Spock and the Vulcan kicked out brutally. Three quick kicks to the Augment's skull before the pain in his head and ribs overtook him. The last thing he recalled was a last cracking sound and Khan's limbs going slack for the briefest of moments before blackness surrounded him.

Okay, if you skipped it, you didn't miss much, they just beat the crap out of each other. I hope you enjoy and I'll try to get the next chapter out soonish.