Tactical Genius

Robin looked down at the chess board as he moved a rook forward, his pieces in position to move in for a secure win within five moves the next move. He couldn't help but smile, imagining the simple board playing out as a battlefield with his units supporting each other in unison, just as his friends had during the war he had commanded. His smile grew wider as he considered the countless games he had won until this point, against so-called prodigies from other universes who also braved the Outrealms in their spare time.

Lucina was going to kill him when he got back.

He looked back up at his opponent, who grinned back at him. His eyes followed his hand as it went towards the board and...wait, what what is his Queen doing there? How had it slipped past his defenses?

He examined the board and saw how his seemingly perfect death-trap had been outmaneuvered. The man put down his king in a position that, in restrospect, seemed incredibly obvious. Checkmate.

A small part of his mind told Robin that maybe loosing once might be a good thing, and it was certainly refreshing. Another part was still freaking out about how he had neglected to tell his wife he was leaving for the day to go play chess against geniuses from other dimensions, while the majority was wondering how on earth this had happened. It must have taken some kind of tactical ge...

As the man pulled out a large cigar and lit it, grinning at the white-haired tactician from underneath a large brow, Robin sighed and tipped his king over, slightly irritated.

"Creed." He conceded, standing up and – somewhat sulkily – walking back to the gate.

"Hurr." The general nodded at the man's retreating back.