I don't own Hetalia! end/AN/

Denmark slammed his toes into the stone table, and he let out a strangled, "Fucking hell!"

He immediately froze, still clutching his foot, and his head whipped around to see if Iceland was around. No, not in the doorway, not to the left, not… Oh shit.

There stood Iceland, eyebrows raised in what appeared to be a condescending look that Denmark was sure didn't belong on a six-year-old's face.

"Uh, hey Ice-"

"Denmark," Iceland cut him off, voice still squeaky with baby undertones, as he put his hands on his hips. "We don't say fuck."

Denmark's eyes bugged out, and he said quickly, "Iceland, don't tell Norway! And pretend you don't know that word!"

The look Iceland gave him could be translated as, 'Do you even know how old I am?' His face seemed to light up with childish, corrective vigor, as he recited, "We don't say fuck, or shit, or damn, or hell, or bitch, or c-"

"Okay, okay! I get it! I'm sorry!" Denmark held up his hands, a little worried that his little baby both knew those words, and knew how to correct him without feeling bad about it. He'd never really gotten to that last stage with Iceland.

Iceland seemed to consider his apology, then he nodded. "Especially don't say fuck, though."

"Hey, you don't say it either," Denmark corrected, which earned him an irritated look from his favorite six year old.

"You're the one who said it first!" Iceland accused, apparently aghast at being corrected.

Denmark laughed. "Well, I am the adult."

"No you're not. Norway's the adult."

"Uh, yeah I am. We're both adults, Ice." Denmark wondered where that had come from.

"Then why do you do what he says and he doesn't do what you say?" That was it, Iceland had gotten too smart. Denmark wondered if there was some way to make him younger…

He grabbed Iceland, lifting him high despite the tiny child's protest, and nuzzled his nose into his stomach, which brought an eruption of giggles.

"No, no, Denmark!"

"Big brother Denmark is going to tickle you until you turn purple!" Denmark exclaimed, and proceeded with the tickling.

It was only when Iceland was practically breathless with laughing that he stopped, and Iceland was sure to reward him with a kick to the knee.

But hey, at least the difficult question had been avoided.

/AN/ Just a little snippet while I try to get Inhuman's update done. It is hard work, man! Hope you enjoyed this!