Hey everyone! This is my first Nalu fiction on this site so be gentle with comments please. Anyway, I'm sorry if this story seems boring at first but trust me it gets very interesting later on. Enjoy your reading.
Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail
Splash! My treasure's a…Fish?!
Chapter 1
"RUN FOR IT" a voice screamed while running towards a scarlet hair woman and a shirtless boy.
"Natsu?! What's wr-"
A gunshot went off not too far behind said boy. A group of thugs came into view shouting and cursing with guns in their hands.
"Oh SHIT! Why'd the hell you lead them this way flame brain?"
"Get them!"
"Run like your life depends on it" Natsu shouted as he ran past Erza and Gray.
"It does ash for brains."
They ran behind him, avoiding the bullets that were aiming to kill them. They nearly tripped over each other getting to a wooden door, which Natsu kicked open that revealed the deck of a ship. The noise caught the attention of the crew who were either scrubbing the floor, gambling money or drinking beer. The three stared at them with mouths hung open.
"Damn it Natsu! Why do I always agree t go on crazy adventures with you?!" Gray cried out.
"Maybe because we both know you got nothing better to do."
"Tch. Whatever. We're just lucky they had their ship docked on the harbor. "
"Agreed. I would've been troublesome for us if we were out to sea." Erza added.
A gunshot grazed the side of Gray's right shoulder.
"FUCK!" he groaned, holding onto his bruised arm.
They glanced back to see the pursuers hot on their tail.
'At this rate all three of us would get captured. I guess we have no choice. I guess we have no choice'
"Let's split up." Natsu suggested. The two looked at him dumbfounded before speaking out, "Are you insane?!"
"We'll get caught if we stay together, but if we split up there's a higher chance we'll lose them" he explained.
Erza and Gray looked at each other and nodded in understanding.
"After ya' lose em' meet up at Fairy Tail, got it?"
And with that they each went their own way. Erza slipped into a dark alley while Gray kept running along the sidewalk and Natsu, being the reckless idiot he is, managed to climb on top of houses and jump from roof to roof. The bandits stopped. They split into groups of four and continued chasing the three mages.
Natsu had to admit it was stupid of him to let them split up. Especially since Gray got wounded, but if his presumptions were correct they'd be able to handle themselves. Even at night they should know where they're going, so there's nothing to worry about.
It took him two hours running around the town at night but he finally managed to lose them. Even though he has a few scratches and got his clothes dirty from the chase, he couldn't care less.
The moment he walked in the guild he noticed a trail of blood leading to the nearest table.
"Oi, Natsu"
Said boy turned to the source of the voice to see Gray getting his wound treated by Mira. He walked over to him.
"Yo, ice princess. Good to see you escaped unharmed… well aside from your shoulder."
"It's just a scratch. Nothing too serious. Can't say the same for you tough, you look awful", he teased.
"You wanna broken arm instead stripper?"
"Bring it on match stick"
When Gray tried to stand up the pain in his shoulder became unbearable and he stumbled back.
"Keep still Gray. It's more than just a scratch. Your wound needs to be stitched closed." Mira explained.
"S-Stitched? I'd rather you leave my shoulder be."
Natsu and Mira looked at each other before smirking evilly. They both nodded their heads before Mira turned back to Gray, who hadn't noticed what the two did.
"Okay, then bleed to death. You could try to bear a child before then; I mean you got at least a few minutes."
"That's insane Mira" Natsu said.
"For once I agree with hot head. I can't just have a – "
"He can't have sex in just a few minutes. What if he passes out before he can finish?" Natsu added.
"Good point. He'll just have to be extra quick then" she smiles brightly.
"Poor bastard. He won't have enough time to enjoy himself. Oh well, I'll make sure to tell the kid his daddy died… happy", Natsu mumbles to himself.
"Flame head! You're not helping" Gray hissed.
"Then it's settled then. Let's go Gray"
"I know this cute girl just down the street who would be more than happy to –"
"Okay! Enough already. You can stitch up my shoulder" he mumbles.
"There. Was that so hard to say?"
"Ha! Gray's scared of stitches" Natsu mocked.
"Your mouth needs to get stitched"
Natsu looked around worriedly for any sign of scarlet hair. Gray noticed this and raised an eyebrow at him.
"What's wrong with you?"
He turns his attention to Gray.
"Erza still isn't back yet. Where the hell could she be?" Natsu growled.
"Maybe you should try looking behind you" a very familiar voice answered. The pink haired boy turned to see Erza leaning against the guild's door smiling at him.
"Erza, you're okay"
"Forget about me. How're you and Gray?"
"I'm good, but stripper over there…" pointing to Gray who lifts his head to them. "…needs to get his wound stitched closed."
She nods her head in understanding. "Natsu…" her voice sounding menacing. Said boy backed away a little and sweat dropped.
"What the hell happened?!" The plan was simple: We sneak on the ship to get a map and get out. What went wrong?" she shouted, getting the attention of most of the guild.
"Keep it down would ya… you're causing a scene."
"What went wrong?" she spoke softly.
"Well…" he scratched the back of his head. "The pudgy old bastard of a captain had the map."
"Well duh baka. We know he had the map on board the ship."
"No dumb ass. I mean he literally had it… in his hand."
"Okay… and then?"
"I tried sliding it out of his grasp but he woke up and pulled this gun from under his pillow and started shooting at me. Eventually some of his crew came rushing in trying to stab me with daggers, but luckily I made it out alive and… that's when I ran into you guys" Natsu explained.
"I see"
"Wait! You mean to tell me I got my ass shot for nothing – Arrgh!" Gray groaned as Mira applied alcohol to his wound.
"I wouldn't say that" Natsu pulled a map out of his scarf. Erza snatched it from him and examined it. She gave a low grunt and rolled up the map.
"I'll have Levy look over it"
"You do that. I'm gonna take a shower"
"What? Hot head's gonna bathe?" Gray smirked. "That's a new one"
Natsu didn't respond, but simply patted the tip of his shoulder earning a groan. "Get better… pal" he sarcastically said.
"B – Bastard"
Stepping out the shower with his knee-high trousers on and a towel hung over his wet pink hair, Natsu was greeted by a young white haired woman sitting on his bed.
"Hey Natsu. How've ya been?"
He sighed. "Lisanna, how many times have I told you to stop sneaking in my room?"
"I dunno… a lot?"
"So why do you keeping doing it?"
"I'm just bored I guess"
"Hmph. Whatever" he sat on the bed across from her, his back facing her as he tried to dry his damp hair. She crawled behind him and started giving him a massage.
"You look tense" she whispered seductively in his ears. It didn't take long for him to realize what she wanted when her hands started exploring his body from behind. He gave out a light sigh and grabbed her by her wrist.
"N – Natsu?"
"What do you think you're doing?"
"W-hat do you m-mean?"
"Let me rephrase that… what do you think you're doing in my room this late? Usually you wouldn't come near my room at night, but all of a sudden you wander in here."
"Can't an old friend stop by and visit?"
Sneaking in an old friend's room late at night while he's wet plus half naked doesn't sound like a visit in my opinion."
"It was the only time I could get to see you with no one around. We barely see each other" she protested.
"What're you talking about? You see me everyday"
"Yeah… when you're not out treasure hunting or stealing from someone."
"I've got a life to live. Stealing is all I know how to do to survive. No one was there for me when I was abandoned on the streets so I had to learn how to look out for myself" he snarled.
There was an awkward silence for a while before Erza kicked open his door, panting.
"What're you – "
"We gotta go"
She yanked him up from the bed.
"Take it easy. What do you mean? We just got back" he protested while pulling himself free from her grip.
"They're here"
And immediately he rushed to his drawers taking a hand full of clothes that probably didn't even match, and shoved them in a small bag. "Natsu what's going on?" Lisanna asked. He didn't answer. He was too busy getting his things together with help from Erza. Once packed he threw on his vest and scarf, slipped on his sandals and pulled Lisanna behind him as he walked out his room. Erza came right behind them.
"How'd they find us so fast?"
"Who are they?"
"I don't know but they're causing a riot out there. The others are buying us enough time to get away" Erza answered.
"Just great. Let's drop Lisanna in her room and go" he mumbled.
Tired of being ignored, Lisanna yanked her hand away from Natsu and crossed her arms. "I'm not going any further until you tell me what's going on"
"Damn it… I don't have time for this"
A loud crash caught their attention. Voices could be heard further down the corridor.
"What was – "Lisanna couldn't finish.
"Shhh. Listen. "he covered her mouth.
"I told you we don't know any of them" a voice pleaded. It sounded like Mira. Natsu removed his hand.
"Don't play dumb. Two of them had the same insignia imprinted on em'. Where are they?"
"You heard her right? We don't know anything so get lost asshole"
Natsu clenched his teeth and cursed. They won't be able to distract them much longer. They had to go now. "We'll sneak through the back."
On his way walking to the back door, Natsu felt a light tug on his vest. He turned and stared in confusion at Lisanna. "What?"
"How long?" He knew what she meant from the tone in her voice. He looked away, focusing his gaze on Erza who was waiting by the door. "I don't know"
"Let me come with you… please" she pleaded.
He thought for a minute and sighed. "Fine"
He dragged her with them. A ship awaited them on the decks near the guild. "Where's ice head?"
"He's already onboard, along with Levy and Wendy"
"We need a doctor" she simply said. They ran on the ship. Erza went straight for the sails while Lisanna and Natsu went in the captain's room to rest. Little did they know that an adventure began that would change their lives forever and discover a treasure that's worth than any other.
Okay finally done! Did you like it so far? Hope it wasn't too confusing and I'm sorry… I'm not very good at describing surroundings or people. I promise I will get better. Please review and tell me what you think.