Based off Taylor Swift's song The Moment I Knew

Disclaimer: I don't, nor will I ever, have rights to Fox, Bones, or Taylor Swift. I'm just writing for fun.


He said he would be there.

Things were just getting back to normal after coming back after seven months. I really thought he would walk in the door with that big smile of his and we could pretend that nothing ever happened. I would have been happy for that.

Angela keeps telling me not to worry. That he just got caught up at work, but that doesn't happen to Booth.

Not for me.

I try to take my mind off of Booth's absence by looking at the Christmas lights and birthday decorations. I barely hear people asking how Maluku was and how the team is. I'm too busy staring at the door. I look down at what I was wearing; a red cocktail dress, black pumps, and red lipstick. The outfit was Angela's idea, not mine. She said Booth would definitely notice, but I know it was just to make me feel better. He is too busy with Hannah and he isn't even here. I take to looking at the people. They all look happy, laughing, and oblivious to my sadness. That doesn't last long as I once again think of Booth. That is when I realized that everything changed. He did. I did. The team did. Everyone changed, and it might not be fixable.

As the night gets later, I get even more upset. It's irrational because I know I'm not as important as I once was. I can hardly keep the tears at bay. Not long after, I find that I can't and run to the bathroom to hide. I don't get very far because Angela and Cam follow me.

"Bren, what's the matter," Angela questions

"He said he would be here." I repeat over and over.

They finally coax me out of the bathroom and I feel everyone's staring at me. All I can think is how I'm usually the strong, unfeeling person. I'm not the one who runs out of the room crying. This is all uncharted territory to me.

And then there is Booth.

I don't understand why I care that he isn't here so much and the person I would ask to explain the feeling is the person it is about. Later, after I managed to sneak away, I'm going over the night; everyone singing happy birthday to me, my breakdown in the bathroom, and the whole situation with Booth.

My phone starts ringing and I rush to answer.


"Hey Bones, sorry I couldn't come. Hannah is sick so I was helping her and"

I couldn't hear it anymore so I cut him off.

"I'm sorry to Booth"

I hung up the phone after that.

Things have changed and it hurts.