A/N: Hello! I've got a beautiful new story to be read. If you already get the gist of Omegaverse then you can skip past the bold. If not, here is a brief overview.

In the modern day omegaverse, social hierarchy is broken up into three groups: alphas, betas and omegas. The alphas are the top of the social ladder, the main word to describe them is dominant. They are corporate business men, wealthy lawyers, police officers, and are looked upon with respect. Betas are neutral in the dominant/submissive balance and make up the majority of the workforce with desk jobs and the like. Omegas are the third and are classified as submissive. Often being shy or timid, they are often outspoken and can be mistreated or abused with little legal ramifications. Not that they can't get jobs, like teaching, or be part of society, but alphas have a bad habit of walking over them. There are a few other differences when it comes to intercourse during an omega's heat, but we'll get to that when it actually happens in the story.

Within this world, the socially acceptable norm is for an alpha to mate with an omega, and for betas to mate with other betas. In this particular fic, it is illegal to stray outside this norm. That being said, this fic will include AlphaxBeta, BetaxOmega, OmegaxOmega, AlphaxBetaxOmega, and possibly AlphaxAlpha if I can find a way to fit the RoChu in.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or leave a it in a review.


"Yeah, but what if it wasn't?" The albino's voice drifted over the balcony, but not quite drifting to the people in the pool below.

"What are you saying?" His deep brown hair was cut short, but not as short as it had been. His green eyes were piercing over the edges of his wine glass and across the small glass table separating the two.

"What if there weren't rules. If love was free and anyone could love anyone." The chairs were crappy and uncomfortable but both were too drawn into conversation to really care.

"There are reasons." This was always the answer. The problem was a linear equation and could only end with one right answer.

"You still like him." The Spaniard had no reply to that. The equation he was supposed to believe didn't quite seem to work, because it didn't cover all the variables. Still, the law was the law, and the two of them weren't going to break it. This one at least.

"I wish…" The Prussian man froze, the beer in his hand halfway to his mouth. Two words further into the repeated conversation they'd always had.

"Wish what?" he asked, after a moment. The Spaniard looked down at his drink, as if trying to push away some piece of long forgotten pride.

"I wish there was some other way. Even if I couldn't love him and hold him… I wish I could still provide for him, still protect him, and still be there to wipe the tears from his eyes when the nightmares became too much." The Prussian sighed, taking another sip of beer and standing to walk to the edge of the balcony, looking over the edge into the lit pool below.

"Don't we all?" The Spaniard gave a soft chuckle without much humour, moving in turn to stand behind his friend.

"Do you ever think you'll tell them?"


"The happy couple. Do you ever think you'll tell them you envy them? That you want to be ever as much a part of what they have as they are?" The albino's free hand gripped the railing tighter, but his voice gave no emotions away.

"I wish I could." The Spaniard cocked his head, and looked at his long time friend.

"Truthfully, it is not you I am worried about, mi amigo."

"Yeah," the other man muttered.

"Do you think, if the right man came along, that He might break the rules?"

"Of that I have no doubt. But finding a man, in this kind of world? Fat chance."

"Still, I wish him happiness."

"Nah, I'm still in the hoping he doesn't die phase."

"That would also be good," the Spaniard said, with a sad smile on his face. "Life really isn't easy is it?"

"For them?" the albino gestured of the assembled group of young partygoers in various styles of bathing suit, "yes. For us?" he turned so he was focussed on the eyes of his companion. "Never."


A/N: Yes it's short, but it is just a prologue, the chapters will be longer. I am attempting to make this less of an angstfest than some of my other works, so yeah. Let's see how this goes.

Unfortunately, this story will not have an updating schedule, due to the fact that my other story, The Demon Who Lives Upstairs, is my current priority. I will try to have the next chapter done quickly.
