A/N: So I only have a couple of exams left and I guess I just couldn't wait to post this XD As I've made pretty clear in the past, I never felt they did the aftermath of 'Playing with Fire' much justice! So this is me blowing it out of proportion (no pun intended).

Just a short prologue to get the set up established, but chapters will get longer after this :)

AU. Set after GD, maybe pre-season 6.

Disclaimer: CSI ain't got nothing to do with me!

Please Review :) xx

Prologue: The Case

It was a busy night in Las Vegas; both in the conventional sense and criminal sense. The sound of money pouring from the slot machines covered up the sound of the girl being strangled in the back alley. The sound of champagne bottles being popped of their corks in restaurants masked the bang of a bullet as it hit the old man in his car. The low thumping of the baseline in a club disguised the thumps and kicks a young man was receiving in the bathroom. A city so full of wonder, yet so full of sin, was once again in motion on a Saturday night. And, just as usual, one small group of people were left to pick up the pieces.

Greg Sanders walked into the lab that Saturday night feeling anxious, and he wasn't sure why. He had been feeling slightly on edge around Nick in particular since… since the team fell apart. Greg just didn't know how to approach the older CSI. What did he say? Maybe it was best he just stayed out of Nick's way for now. The young CSI was only glad that the team was back together. He loved that he'd become such close friends with Sofia, but he'd missed Catherine, Nick and Warrick.

As the young CSI was running a little late, he was last to arrive at Grissom's office. Great, all the good cases will be gone he thought with a roll of his eyes as he knocked on his supervisor's office door. Just leave the rookie with the trash run or body dump, he won't mind Greg thought a little bitterly. He took a deep breath to calm himself, he shouldn't be thinking like that. He was glad to work any case and really appreciated all the help and support he'd gotten from the others to make it this far. Eventually, Grissom called Greg inside and the young man felt like he was being summoned into some mystical realm.

"Ah, Greg" Grissom said looking briefly from his work and peering at the younger man over the top of his glasses. Greg smiled sheepishly and clasped his hands behind his back. "Stopped to get coffee did we?"

Greg frowned "How did you know?" he blurted out before he could think up some excuse.

"Your coffee has a very distinct aroma" Grissom said with an all knowing smile.

"Well… I didn't have time to eat dinner" Greg said sticking his bottom lip out a little for effect.

"Trying to guilt trip your way out of trouble?"

Greg scoffed "Don't be preposterous"

Grissom raised an eyebrow. "Well… get ready earlier next time." He said flipping through some sheets before he came across a yellow slip. "Here's your assignment for the night."

"My assignment?" Greg said sceptically as he took the piece of paper "Don't you mean our assignment?"

"No, you didn't misunderstand me." Grissom said clasping his hands together and looking at the young man.

"Did you have your coffee this morning?" Greg asked dubiously. "Or did one of those bugs crawl into your brain?"

Grissom smiled a rare smile. "Nope. Ecklie's been on my case to get these reports done and the others all have their own cases. It's a busy night, so I'm going to have to let you go solo" Grissom explained, although he didn't sound too concerned about the whole idea.

"Seriously?" Greg asked, still feeling it was some kind of joke. But then again, when did Grissom ever joke?

Grissom rolled his eyes obviously growing a little impatient now. "Yes, Greg. I trust you; you don't need Catherine to hold your hand anymore."

"Catherine has never held my hand" the younger man replied in mock outrage. "But I'm willing to let it slide since you're putting your faith in me. Thank you" he said with a smile. He turned to leave, reading the sheet of paper curiously. Greg stopped in his tracks. His hand began to shake slightly as he gripped the piece of paper tighter. "Grissom I can't take this case" Greg said flatly as he turned back to his supervisor and held out the piece of paper.

"Why not?" Grissom asked calmly.

"It's a burn victim." Grissom remained silent. Greg looked at him as if to say come on. "You know what happened last time I had to process a burn victim" the young man said in despair.

"I do, but you have to get over this fear Greg." Grissom said coolly leaning back in his chair.

Greg sighed and lowered his arm, slapping the piece of paper against his thigh "Well I'm sorry but I can't" he said plainly. "Can't I just switch with one of the others?"

"Greg, we all have that one kind of case that gets to us. Kids, domestic abuse… but we all have to push through because there are victims and their families out there waiting for the justice they need and deserve. I know that burn victims get to you for personal reasons but… you have to try and push it aside and think of the victim themselves. You want to prove that you can cut it as a CSI, then prove it, take this case and be strong. I know you can do it."

Greg sighed and looked at the paper "I hate when you're right" he said quietly looking back up at Grissom, who was smiling his all-knowing smile. "Alright, I got this" Greg conceded "Thanks for the pep talk, you're strangely good at them" and went to gather his kit in the locker room.

But as he did so the young CSI felt a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. Something wasn't right…something was going to go wrong. Greg and fires…burns...they just didn't mix.

"Ah" Greg hissed as he felt his heart give a sudden twinge. He clutched at it with a shaking hand.

Not again.