Hey everyone! Well a few unexpected trips for the summer later and here is the update! In my defense though I did update a lot sooner than I have been so I should get some points there :).
Anyway this chapter isn't as long as I intended for it to be but inspiration hit and so did a few other things. So here I am! There aren't as many IkkiXSimca moments in here as I would have liked but I think it will do. You will see what I did when you read it, I think it should suffice.
So moving on to the important part. I changed the rating because of this chapter and future chapters. This chapter isn't that bad and it doesn't go into extreme detail but future chapters might. I may change one of the genres to angst too. There shall be more action in the future so get ready for it! I also have a beta now! So yay!
As usual I hope you all love or at least like my fic but if you don't like the paring then please don't leave any rude comments. No one had so far but well you know. I do not own Airgear sadly but I do own a few things in this fic. You shall see later on. Well without further ado and before this opening becomes longer than the story itself here is the update and enjoy!
Chapter 9
Ikki had awoken to a bright light shining down onto his eyelids. Slowly he pried them open to find the culprit of the luminescent disturbance. The window was wide open and the curtains were pulled back. He reached his arm up to rub his eyes as he surveyed his surroundings; he was able to deduce that he was in a hospital room. He looked down to find his sisters at his side. Rika, Ume, and Ringo were gathered all around him. He hadn't seen his family in so long and he had to admit that he was relieved to see them but something felt off. He scanned the area once more for what was missing and then his eyes locked onto a widow in the far left of the room. Silver hair danced in the wind as his eyes fell on a sleeping woman whose beauty always reminded him of a goddess. She looked almost ethereal as she slept leaned against the window with a face that seemed so at peace and yet somehow troubled. He smiled when he laid eyes on her and truthfully he was happy to see her although, he was also surprised that she was in the same room with Ringo and sleeping as peacefully as she was.
The events from before immediately swirled through his mind and he brought his hands up to the sides of his head. He remembered everything now.
He yelled out into the peaceful room.
Simca slumped down into a chair in Ikki's hospital room after the doctor came out into the hall to find her. It was the crack of dawn and she hadn't rested any since Ikki had been brought in and they had taken him back. Even after they wheeled him and his hospital bed into his hospital room several hours after they had arrived she still hadn't slept. Too much weighed on her mind. The doctor smiled at her when he walked around the corner. Simca looked up at the smiling man with bated breath as he stepped up towards her.
"You don't have to worry; Ikki is just fine just badly injured. He has a pretty bad concussion though and we aren't quite sure how bad it is. We won't really be sure either, not until he wakes up at least. Besides that there were some broken ribs and internal bleeding in several areas that had us a bit worried especially since his broken rib had splintered so close to his lungs, but that is under control now. Yes, after a few months or more of heavy rest he should be back to normal. We are honestly shocked that he came out with just the injuries he sustained when you explained what happened. He was very fortunate that you were there to bring him here as soon as you did. Oh and his friends should be alright as well. Their injuries weren't as severe as Ikki's luckily so it shouldn't take them long to recover either, there is one thing though."
Simca looked up at him while she was quickly processing the information that she had received and tilted her head giving him an obvious sign for him to continue.
"We have been having trouble reaching out to his family though. Is there any chance that you know them and can get in touch with them?"
The doctor asked with concern in his eyes as he watched Simca tense up at his question. She quickly recovered and plastered a reassuring smile onto her face as she waved off his concern. So Simca decided that she should give it a try, from the hospitals phone of course, there was no way Ringo would answer if her name popped up on the caller ID. The phone rang for a while but then somebody picked up.
Ringo sleepily answered.
Simca took a deep breath and calmed herself mentally before she spoke.
"Hey Ringo."
There was a long pause on Ringo's end as she tried to sift through her many emotions.
"What do you want?"
Ringo spat into the receiver as she sat up.
Simca took a few steps forwards and rested her hand on the glass that separated her from Ikki.
"I thought that you should know that Ikki is in the hospital."
Simca tried hard to steady her voice. She was so worried about Ikki and she just couldn't stand the fact that he had gotten hurt on her account.
Ringo caught the shakiness in Simca's voice and she immediately sprang up from her bead and proceeded to run around in search of some clothes that were somewhat suitable for a hospital visit. In all honesty Ringo didn't care much about what she was wearing. Ikki was hurt and in the hospital and that woman knew before she did.
"What happened?"
Ringo asked worriedly as she dashed to the far right of her room where her closet was located and swung open the doors.
Simca wasn't sure at first how much she could tell her giving their shared history on the subject. She contemplated coming up with an insanely vague story that would only explain the bare essentials but she decided against it. Ringo was angry enough with her, she didn't want to add anything else to Ringo's long list of why she hated Simca. Plus most likely she would find out anyway.
"He's back."
It was all that Simca could manage to say without the intrusive images circling themselves back into her mind.
Ringo stopped moving, she faced the closet with her head hung low. She wondered whether or not she should accuse Simca of lying but she knew Simca wouldn't lie. Not about him anyways.
"You saw him?"
It was Ringo's turn now to feel unnerved. She slowly walked back over to her bed and slumped down onto its air like softness which was her only comfort at that moment.
"He invaded Ikki's area. Kazu called him and told him that a random gang just started attacking them and their territory. We left the hospital to go and see…."
Ringo leaned forwards and cut Simca off mid sentence.
"Why were you at the hospital before?"
Simca sighed, it was hard enough just relaying what happened to her but now she interrupted her too.
"It was Ikki's idea to visit Sora and Kilik in the hospital. I guess we both had something to get off our chests."
There was silence once again and Ringo looked off into the distance before she answered.
"Are you okay?"
Simca's eyes popped open and she staggered a bit. Ringo's question took her by extreme surprise. They hadn't talk about that like that in a long while.
Ringo wrapped her arms around her body and curled into fetal position as she looked down.
"I mean it had to be difficult right? Seeing as how he messed up everything in your life I bet you had a lot to say."
Simca nodded slightly.
"Yeah it was."
She was afraid to say anything more. Anything could upset the balance. Just for a few short moments it seemed like everything was just as it was before. Simca smiled slightly her memories weren't all that reliable and she still couldn't remember what it was that haunted her for so many years but she could remember some of those good times. Well there was one memory that she desperately wished that she could forget but alas it was still there. Her head started to throb just thinking about her lost memories. Every once in a while when she got angry, mostly at Kilik, she would yell out things about that time. Like the other day on the roof of the hospital. She couldn't even clearly recall what she said then and it looked like Kilik was having the same problem. He had come down to see Ikki and his sister when Ikki was brought to the hospital. Apparently he was watching them when Ikki was brought in, from somewhere.
Ringo sensing the tension between them shook her head and quickly refocused on the original problem.
"Well anyway what happened when you guys got there?"
Simca sighed, the moment was gone again and she continued on with her story.
"There were people everywhere. All the field lights were on and bright and it took us a while to discern where the ring leader of all of that chaos was. When Ikki spotted him he told me to stay put but I moved closer to get a better look. When Ikki finally weeded the leader out I immediately got chills and I watched as closely as I could. Then he removed his hood and I saw him. I could only hear their voices after that. I ducked down so that he wouldn't see me. He wanted an AT battle with Ikki. They set the terms and then started the battle. Ikki and Akihito quickly went ahead of everyone else and started their own battle. While the rest of their teams did the same. They both fought hard from what I could tell and they were both greatly injured at the end."
Simca listened as Ringo ran through the house looking for Rika and Ume. Then she found them apparently curled up in front of the television. She woke both of them up and filled them in on what Simca had told her as they got dressed and headed out of the house towards the hospital. Then Simca hung up the phone and waited for them to arrive.
It didn't take long for Ringo and her sisters to get there but Rika stopped abruptly when the hospital was in sight. Ringo stopped as well and turned around to see Rika looking upwards towards the roof of the building. She stood beside her and saw Sora and Kilik looking down at them. Both were staring at Rika intently and then they exchanged glances at each other then Sora turned away and Kilik followed. The expression on Rika's face was unreadable much like her emotions at that moment. Ringo slowly reached out and pulled on her sister's arm. Rika's head snapped back down and she looked at her younger sister. Ringo was empathetic to Rika's situation but Ikki was in the hospital and needed them. Rika shook her head and smiled at Ringo and they continued on into the hospital.
Simca wasn't sure what was going to happen when they got there or what she should even say. This was now a family matter and she wasn't family. The elevator dinged and Simca walked towards it waiting for the sisters to come out instead a man stepped out of the elevator and looked around as if he was looking for someone and then she noticed him. He was at Akihito's side before the battle started but he never actually participated. He caught sight of his prize immediately and began to walk towards her. Simca franticly looked for a place to hide or even for someone to call and help but everyone was busy with something else and paid them no attention. She didn't want to move far from Ikki's side and soon the man was right in front of her. Simca shook with fear, the man himself didn't scare her but the man he was representing did. The man grabbed Simca by the arm and dragged her off into a small hallway by a window which clearly no one even knew existed she concluded from the areas poor upkeep. It was away from most of the rooms except for Ikki's and you couldn't really hear much of anything going on in the main area. The man opened the door to the small abandoned waiting area and pushed her against the wall.
Simca was so thankful that there were no exists nearby that he could take her out of without having to go by the main lobby area. She struggled beneath the man's weight but it was no use. She knew her efforts were futile but she had to try regardless.
"He wants to see you right now."
The man huskily whispered against Simca's ear, she tried to pull away from him but his grip on her was too tight.
Simca held her head up and looked the man straight in the eye.
"Ikki won fair and square! I don't owe him anything!"
Simca said as she spat in the man's face.
"You insolent wench, I'll show you some respect! Akihito didn't say I couldn't have my fun with you before I brought you to him."
The man sneered.
Insolent wench huh? It was a weird thing for people of this century to say but seeing as though he knew Akihito she figured that he must have had the same type of schooling as him. Simca tried to push back all of her fear and continued to stare the man down.
"He didn't say it but how do you think Akihito would feel if he found out that you touched something he claimed as his propriety? I don't think he would be too happy do you?"
Outside she looked fearless but on the inside she was crying out in hopes that someone would reach her.
The man shook his head and snarled angrily at her.
"Shut the hell up. If you don't keep your mouth shut then I'll kill you right here and now."
Simca tilted her head and smiled.
"Go ahead, I'm not afraid. In fact I want you to."
He looked around and thought for a moment and then his face lit up.
"If you don't keep your trap shut then your little boyfriend in there is going to die in your place."
Simca couldn't hold back the terrified look in her eyes she lowered her head in defeat.
"It's my fault that he's in here in the first place; I can't let him die for me too."
She turned her head to the side to show her submissiveness. This wasn't new to Simca either. In fact it was more familiar to her than her happier memories.
"The name's Ginta. I only say that because you have to have something to scream don't you."
He chuckled, the sickeningly horrible sound that Simca wished to god that she couldn't hear.
Ginta lifted Simca up and pulled down the shorts and underwear that she wore under her dress and began to unbuckle his pants.
Simca looked away, she didn't want to see.
Then a loud bang sounded and reverberated around the room. Then there was more pressure against her than before.
Ginta cried out as his right arm was twisted in an unnatural way against his back.
"What do you think you are doing with my sister?"
The familiar voice made Simca open her eyes and sure enough Kilik was standing right behind Ginta. She actually cried out in relief as she turned and saw Sora in the doorway.
"Damn so this is where she was."
Sora said nonchalantly as he watched Kilik pry Ginta off of Simca.
"We were looking for you little missy. You didn't tell us that Rika was coming."
Once again Sora was able to strike up a completely normal conversation in a very not normal circumstance. Simca shook her head and slid to the floor.
Kilik dragged the man to the farthest corner he could find and placed his right arm across his throat.
Sora sighed when he saw Simca tear up slightly while she shook uncontrollably. He strode over to her and helped her up.
"Please cover yourself."
Simca looked up at him with a surprised expression on her face.
"We may have been estranged for a while there but I don't want to see you naked, you're like my sister."
Sora added with an exaggerated puking expression.
Simca chuckled lightly and leaned back against the wall for support.
"I'm not too fond of seeing you hurt either."
He said as he looked out towards the window with an expression that Simca couldn't quite place.
"Well let's get you back over to Ikki now."
Simca smiled when Sora mentioned his name and she nodded her head in reply.
"Geeze we went to his room to see if you were in there and we saw him thrashing around mumbling something like, Simca I have to help her, over and over again. Kilik got a weird feeling and then we looked down the hall past the elevators and saw a mini cut off area and decided to look there."
Sora rubbed the top of his head with his eyes squinted shut.
"I guess you are pretty close with Ikki."
Sora said as he stood with his back to Simca as she slid her shorts and underwear back up around her waist.
Simca listened in disbelief, "Even when he was supposed to be out cold?"
"How did he know that I was in danger? Maybe it was just a coincidence? He could have been having a nightmare about the battle? Yeah that makes more sense."
Simca reasoned with herself. Her thoughts were cut off when Sora spoke again.
"The girls came in while we were looking for you. Saw Rika too."
Simca watched Sora closely, she knew that in some twisted way that he loved Rika and then she looked back towards Kilik who had pulled a phone out of the pockets of the hospital pants that he wore. He flinched when he heard her name but did nothing else.
"Of course there's still tension. Neither one of them have had to deal with this yet."
She looked down as she and Sora left the waiting area and headed towards Ikki's room.
"What about Kilik?"
Simca asked genuinely worried about leaving Ginta and her angry brother alone in the same room.
"After I drop you off at the room I'm going to back there to… assist him."
Sora said with a smirk that frightened Simca for a moment.
"I don't know what you got yourself into but Kilik and I won't just be bystanders this time."
Simca wondered if Sora was also angry at the fact that Ikki was in such a condition. She decided that it was better not to ask though.
Sora said stopping at the entrance of the room. The door was opened and almost as soon as Sora spoke Rika looked up.
"Well I gotta go and help little bro out."
He looked at Rika for a minute and caught her eye.
"See yah later Simca! Watch after Ikki for me!"
He said jovially as he retreated back into the hallway and back down the hall.
This time it was Ringo's turn to look up. She watched as Simca walked unsteadily over to a chair to the far left of the room and sat right next to an opened window. They exchanged glances with each other but soon fatigue had finally crept up on Simca and she started to doze off.
"I guess I am pretty tired. I didn't sleep the entire time Ikki was hospitalized."
She thought right before she drifted off into yet another dream that she probably wouldn't be able to recall once she woke up.
Two children danced around her and even though she couldn't see their faces she knew that they were twins just like her and Kilik, maybe even more identical. One of the children, a little girl, tackled the little other child, a little boy.
"Get off of me!"
The little boy laughed as he struggled to push his sister off of him. The little girl only smiled in return. Simca watched them playing happily and she couldn't help but laugh.
"Hey _"
Simca couldn't quite make out what the boy said but somehow she knew that he was referring to her.
"Help me out!"
The little boy giggled as his sister continued her tickle assault on him. Simca shook her head and grabbed the little girl and shook her head.
"You know that you shouldn't pick on your little brother like that."
Simca said trying to look stern. The little girl looked down and pouted.
"Don't think that's going to work either."
She chuckled.
"Now go and apologize to you brother."
Simca lowered the child to the ground and she ran towards her brother.
"Sorry _."
The boy smiled and stood up.
"It's okay _ want to play some more?"
The girls face brightened and she nodded her head excitedly. Then the two were once again running around and giggling. Simca smiled as she watched them and then she began to notice that they were getting too far away from her.
"Hey you guys don't get too far!"
She yelled as she attempted to follow after them. They continued running and paid no attention to Simca as she cried out to them.
Simca had awoken to the sound of Ikki's hysterical cries. At first she didn't even realize what he was screaming, she just knew that he sounded panicked. She jumped out of her chair and headed over to where his sisters were all gathered around him each trying their best to hold him down, then she heard it.
Ikki yelled in a murderous fashion. Simca paused and watched Ikki as he struggled against his sister's efforts to restrain him.
He screamed desperately.
"I have to save Simca!"
Simca stopped in her tracks and stared at the crazed boy as he attempted to get up from his hospital bed. Simca covered her mouth and closed her eyes trying desperately to hold back her tears. When she opened her eyes to look back at Ikki she immediately calmed herself down and slowly approached the troubled boy as he fought to free himself. She stopped at the side of his bed and reached her hand out calmly and grabbed his arm.
She calmly called out to him. In an instant he stopped moving and his eyes became focused again. The doctors had finally made it into the room and they swiftly moved to Ikki's side. The doctor shined a light in Ikki's eye and watched as his pupils dilated properly. He grumbled under his breath something that no one was able to make out and then the doctor retracted the light away from his eye. He sat up and lazily looked around the room as if waking from a trance.
Ume was the first to react and she immediately threw her arms around her older brother in relief.
"Ikki are you okay?"
Ume asked as she peered into her brother's eyes. Ikki slowly nodded and smiled as he refocused again and tried to get his bearings without looking too strained.
"Well then you shouldn't have worried everyone you big idiot!"
Ume sobbed as she buried her head into Ikki's chest. He raised his hand up and stroked the top of his sister's head in an effort to calm and quiet her. Rika was the next one up and she looked down at Ikki sweetly.
"You really shouldn't worry your sweet and kind sister's like that Ikki. Remember we still care about you an awful lot alright."
Ikki nodded and she rubbed the top of his head playfully.
"Where is he? Where is that little punk who got his ass handed to him?"
Ikki's smile faded somewhat as he prepared himself for what was going to walk through the doors. Of course much to his horror a pink haired girl stepped through the door and pushed the doctor and nurses to the side with little effort.
"I see that you're just as barbarically strong as before. I hope that you at least got a little nicer since I was gone."
Ikki mumbled as his sister walked over to the side of the bed closest to the door. She paused and stood over him imposingly.
The woman pulled back her hand and sent it crashing back down onto her unfortunate brothers head.
"What the hell was that for Mikan?"
Ikki shouted as he rubbed the top of his head furiously.
"What did you think it was for you JACK***! You haven't been home in forever and you never call, and then I have to hear when I'm at work that you got yourself put in the hospital! So yeah I hit ya! You got a problem with that?"
Ikki raised up his fist and glared back at his sister.
"Yeah I do you d***** gorilla!"
This time his sister pulled her arm back and sent an uppercut straight to the bottom of his chin. Ikki's head snapped back and he laid splayed out on his hospital bed. Ume sat up and crossed her arms while she nodded her head.
"Serves you right Ikki."
Under the cover of all the commotion Ringo gestured for Simca to follow her out into the hall. Simca stepped away from Ikki seemingly unnoticed and headed out of the door to follow Ringo, she paused and looked back at Ikki and smiled as he quickly recovered from his sisters brutish attack and she continued on her way.
Ikki glared angrily at Mikan while she resumed berating him over every little thing that she could think of. When Simca turned back to face the door Ikki's eyes focused on her as she left. When she was completely out of sight he reluctantly turned back to his sisters in a futile effort to defend himself.
Simca followed closely behind Ringo as she cautiously scanned the area for any potential threats or even for Sora and Kilik. Ringo stopped at the elevator and pressed the up button. Simca stood behind her, wondering just where Ringo was planning on taking her. Ringo looked back at Simca as they waited for the elevator doors too open. Simca stood up uncomfortably as she watched the lights illuminate each floor on its way down to them. The door dinged open and Ringo motioned for Simca to follow yet again. They stepped past the elevator doors and walked inside. When the doors began to close Simca caught sight of Sora wandering down the hall. I hope he isn't searching for me. Simca thought to herself as the doors slammed shut.
The ride up had been uncomfortably silent and Simca was relieved when the elevator dinged and the doors came open. Ringo stepped out first and then Simca followed. She looked around and saw nothing but the blue sky and the wind rushed past her excitedly. She wanted nothing more than to jump out into its boundless canvas but unfortunately she would have to wait.
Sora settled down in the waiting area that Ginta had cornered Simca in earlier and laid his head back. He watched the yellowing sky from the window above his head and sighed. He, because of what seemed like foolish circumstances now, had missed out on a good chunk of Simca's life and he betrayed his only pupil, Ikki. He wasn't that great of an older brother either. So much damage has already been done. He thought to himself as he recalled when Ikki was brought into the hospital with a crying Simca in tow. He sighed heavily as he tried to decide what he should do with Simca's little problem that Ikki had gotten caught up in. Unable to come up with a favorable solution he decided to walk back to his room.
Sora opened the door to find Kilik already inside and reading a small book that under normal circumstances he would have tried to read over Kilik's shoulder. Instead he sulked pass Kilik and hopped into his bead. He looked back over at Kilik and noted that he hadn't paid much attention to his arrival. He watched him flip through a few pages and then his face scrunched up into a frown and he crossed his arms and sat upright in his bed.
Sora sighed and looked back at Kilik who was still staring attentively at his book.
Sora tried again but Kilik still remained oblivious to his friend's plight.
Sora watched as Kilik sighed himself and set his book to the side while he rubbed his temples and turned to face the pouting man that he shared a room with. Kilik often likened him to a child through and through, but after all they had been through they only got closer, like brothers once again.
"What is it?"
Kilik grumbled.
"That's what you say to your super depressed friend?"
Sora continued to pout and even made a point of poking his out his bottom lip for good measure.
"You mean the friend that tried to decapitate me."
Kilik added plainly while he cut his eyes at Sora.
Sora shivered and then chuckled nervously at Kilik's intense stare.
"Well yeah. Haha. That was forever ago though. Hahaha."
Kilik closed his eyes and laid his head back on the headboard.
"That was only five months ago."
Sora laughed again and stroked the back of his head.
"Well yeah that's true-"
"So what do you want?"
Kilik interrupted.
"Man you're always so serious."
Sora leaned back onto the backboard and slumped down into the sheets warmth and lowered his head.
"It's nice to see that you two are getting along again."
Sora and Kilik sat up attentively and exchanged curious looks with each other; startled by the fact that neither had sensed any presence whatsoever.
"Well now it did take you quite a while to notice that I was even here. You guys aren't that old but I am guessing that your slow reaction time can be attributed to your age none the less."
Sora and Kilik turned to the door and saw a figure standing in the doorway.
"Long time no see you two."
Sora's eyes opened wide as he stared in disbelief and Kilik grabbed his now throbbing head and watched the figure closely. Sora took a quick peek over at Kilik and then right back to the silhouette who had now stepped into the room completely.
"Looks like we have a lot to talk about."
The figured chuckled.
Sora stuttered.
The person smiled and pushed the door closed sealing the two in the room.
Simca was left alone on the roof staring out into the quickly darkening sky and sighed. I should have known that she wanted to talk about that. If she doesn't want to listen to my side of the story then why even bother asking about it almost every time we meet. She sighed heavily and let the crisp flowing air circulate around her. Had she been wearing her AT's she would have taken to the sky with reckless abandon. Unfortunately she wasn't wearing them at that moment. They were most likely in her book bag in Ikki's room. Ikki. She thought to herself. If he wasn't injured then she would have left by now but he was and it was her fault. Then there was the added caution of leaving her brothers care while he still roamed free. She knew that he had to be injured just like Ikki was but he had foot men and if he gave the word they would surely come after her. She shivered at the thought of Ginta putting his hands on her, his hot breath on her neck. She slid down onto the floor and leaned back on the wall with her head tilted back.
She felt the wind gently caress her cheeks and she closed her eyes slipping into another fit of sleepiness that had suddenly come over her.
Ikki lay in bed looking up at the ceiling lost in thought. Ringo had been back down and had talked to him for a minute. Apparently she had talked to Simca earlier but she didn't tell her that they were currently living together or at least had been so he was relieved about that. He thought back to Ringo's hardened expression that she usually wore when Simca's name came up, and as usual there was the warning to stay away from her. Although he was aware that she seemed a bit more insistent this time around and a bit more desperate.
Ikki shrugged off that thought though. Now that he knew that Simca was in trouble there was no way that he could leave her alone now. He closed his eyes and found his mind replaying the scene just before he passed out after he won the battle between Akihito and himself. He focused closely on Simca's tear filled eyes as she held him close. This time he noted her lips moving. He tried to focus more but his vision started fading and then it all went black. He opened his eyes again and laid there on his hospital bed puzzled.
"What did she say then?"
Ikki found himself wondering out loud.
"Does it matter? You would probably be just as confused as you are now if you did hear her."
Ikki sat up and looked toward the door where a figure was standing leaned up against the door frame.
Nurses rushed and scrambled about in an effort to get there in time.
"We need to get as many hands as we can in room 301 stat!"
A doctor yelled as he and a few nurses rushed down the hall into Sora and Kilik's room.
"Who are you?"
Ikki asked as he squinted his eyes to get a better look.
"Squinting won't do you any good you know. This is the first time that we have met Mr. Minami."
The figure smiled and stepped forwards into the room.
"If this is the first time we have met then how do you know my name?"
Ikki said slowly reaching his hand down towards the call button for the nurse's station. Even I have to admit that right now I'm not well enough to fight off anyone. I can barely move.
The figure chuckled and smiled.
"That won't be necessary Mr. Itsuki Minami aka. Ikki. I just want to talk."
The figure stepped the rest of the way in and closed the doors behind them.
A special thanks to all of my faithful readers, reviewers, favoriters, and followers! To the people that review my fanfic I just learned how to reply to your reviews so yeah I will be playing around with that later on! A big thank you to the people who have been there since chapter one and on and another thanks to the new readers for reading. I hope that you will enjoy this fic and stay with it. Also reviews are always wanted unless they are super mean for no reason but no one has posted any like that so far so yay! If you have any suggestions of noticed any mistakes that I've made grammar wise please let me know. Since I have a beta now that shouldn't be a problem now! Thanks again to WolFang1011, TheSkyKing, Fateburn, nirodriguez, sweetsugargirl02, and all of my adoring fans. Lol! Jk! See you next time!