It would seem my Monk muse has returned to me with a full length story, and that may not be a good thing! Read on...

Disclaimer: Not mine!



Natalie Teeger laughed at her daughter's indignant tone. She remembered thirteen and all the drama that accompanied that major milestone. First kisses, first boyfriends, first heartaches and first betrayals. She knew if her daughter was anything like her, and she was, she would be in for a rough few years. They both would. It was the way of the world, the way of becoming a woman. It was a daunting prospect, but she wouldn't have it any other way.

"It's the truth, Julie!" Glancing at her daughter, Natalie grinned. Julie sat in the passenger's seat, her head resting against the window. Her expression softened noticeably. "I love you, sweetheart."

Julie rolled her eyes. "Love you, too, Mom."

"That's my girl." Natalie returned her attention to the street in front of them.

Several seconds later, a truck slammed into Natalie's side of the car, and all she heard amidst the screeching tires and shattering glass was the terrified screams of her daughter.


A bystander heading down the sidewalk witnessed the truck hit the small car, and she quickly reached into her purse and retrieved her cell phone, then dialed 911.

"Yes, I just saw a wreck!"

Leland Stottlemeyer smiled as he closed the file in front of him and turned on his computer. As it booted up, he sat back in his chair and let out a deep breath. His life was finally at a good point. He was divorced, but he was on good terms with his wife and could see his boys whenever he wanted to. He had a great job, the best colleagues a guy could ask for, and friends he could really count on.

Yes, his life was good.

His door suddenly swung open, shaking the walls of his office. Randy Disher burst into the small area, panting heavily. Stottlemeyer frowned and sat up in his chair. "Randy, what the hell-"

"There was an accident," the younger man managed, his eyes wide and filled with pain.

Immediately Stottlemeyer got to his feet. "Who was it?"

"Natalie and Julie."

"What do we know?" he demanded shakily.

Stottlemeyer didn't miss the way Randy's eyes filled with tears, and a rock settled in his stomach. "Randy?"

"Julie was taken to Mercy General. Responding officers say she has a broken leg and fractured ribs, along with a bad concussion from her head hitting her window."

"And Natalie?" Stottlemeyer prompted, feeling every bit his fifty-two years. "What about Natalie?"

"She didn't make it, Captain."

The ceiling did a slow revolution above him, and he grabbed at his desk to steady himself. "What?" he heard himself whisper hoarsely.

"The truck hit Natalie's side of the car." Tears began rolling down Randy's cheeks.

"Leland, she died at the scene."

To Be Continued...