Equinox – an Itachi & Sakura story
By: MitsukiShiroi
Disclaimer: Naruto and all its characters belong to Masashi Kishimoto.
Chapter XX
So when your hope is on fire,
But you know your desire.
Don't hold a glass over the flame.
Don't let your heart grow cold.
I will call you by name, I will share your road.
- Mumford and Son's "Hopeless Wanderer."
Brilliant crimson and orange poured out of the sun and across the horizon. Beyond the east side of Konoha and the thick, luscious forests that surrounded her village, the sky turned red. The furrowed clouds that graced the horizon turned into every shade from the palest pink to the deepest purple.
The Seventh Hokage could only watch in awe as one of the most beautiful sunrises of her life announced the dawn of a new day. Pushing back a pink strand of hair, Sakura opened one of the windows of her office and drew in a deep breath.
Far below, she could see Iruka pulling together his graying hair into a ponytail before unlocking the gates to the Academy. He was yelling something at one of the other, younger teachers and apparently felt her gaze as he glanced up to the Hokage Administrational building, using his hand to shade his eyes.
She waved, uncertain whether or not he would be able to see her behind the sun-kissed windows.
A knock on her door alerted her to Kotetsu and Izumo's arrivals. "Come in," she called.
Izumo walked in first, carrying a large stack of scrolls in his arms. "Good morning, Hokage-sama," he said with a smile, gently laying down the scrolls on her desk. As he noted her crestfallen look, he sighed. "It seems the tensions between the Lightning and the Fire Countries are increasing our workload again. I can sit with you to distribute the missions today."
"It's fine, Izumo, thank you," she said. Sakura hung up her hat on the back of her chair and straightened her coat before seating herself. "S-Class missions?"
"Quite a few," Kotetsu said as he walked into the office. He too carried a stack of scrolls, though considerably less in number. These were the trademark black ones that she always designated to her best teams in ANBU.
"Kotetsu, can you call in the ANBU Captains?" Sakura asked.
"Of course, Hokage-sama."
"Izumo, I need you to guard the main gate with Kotetsu today," Sakura said as she rifled through the massive stack of scrolls, sorting them quickly. "I'm expecting Tenzou to return with his team today, as well as some of the Intelligence Forces. Have them report to the hospital if they're hurt—if they're fine, send them to me immediately to debrief." She paused. "Send the captain of the Shadow Squad to me."
"Yes, Hokage-sama," they said before disappearing from the office.
She sighed as she picked through the scrolls, sorting them in a high pace. Iruka would be in later to distribute the D-Class and C-Class missions to the Genin and Chuunin. As she broke the first seal on one of the S-Class scrolls, a knock came.
"Enter," she called, realizing vaguely how much she had started to sound like Tsunade.
"Morning," Naruto said as he strode in, Sai and Sasuke following him swiftly.
"Good morning Team Uzumaki." Sakura smiled fondly at them and scanned the document in front of her. "Tensions are rising in the Lightning Country. I've sent an emissary to the Raikage in order to remedy the situation, but he hasn't returned yet." She gritted her teeth thinking of the young man she had sent out. A fool's errand perhaps, but she had hoped the Raikage would at least try to be reasonable.
"You want us to go there?" Naruto asked, raising an eyebrow. Sakura glanced up at him to find him standing with his arms crossed and disapproval etched over his face. 'I told him to try and hide his emotions a little better,' she thought affectionately.
"No. Sasuke is their target and I will not risk one of my best teams into that area right now. I'm sending you to the Sand to liaise with the Kazekage. I want the three of you to reinforce our long standing relationship with the Sand and see whether they will support us if the Raikage decides to pursue this war of his." Sakura leaned back and noted with satisfaction that Naruto seemed to cheer up a little.
She glanced at Sasuke. He stared rather impassively to the windows behind her, but there was not a doubt in her mind that he was paying close attention to the exchange. Sakura could've sworn she could see a muscle jump in his jaw. "Sasuke," she called out, waiting for him to turn his midnight eyes to her. "I hope you fully understand our current predicament. Do not forget about the oath you made to me."
"I haven't, Hokage-sama," he replied quietly, but the irritable tone was clear. Naruto seemed to have picked up on it to as he looked at the Uchiha over his shoulder and pinned him down with a glare. Meanwhile Sai seemed to find the whole situation incredibly fascinating as he stared from Naruto to Sasuke.
"Good," she said calmly. "The Kazekage knows of your arrival in three days. The borders between the Wind and Fire Countries are still opened, so your passage is guaranteed. Return to Konoha in a week's time."
As Naruto opened his mouth to say something to her, a knock on the door came. "Enter," she called out. The door opened to reveal the captain of her newly formed Shadow Squad—a squad she had specifically formed for reconnaissance and spy missions in and about the Lightning Country. Her captain was a man whose code name she barely remembered, but one of the few men she trusted to do a good job. Thus far, the squad hadn't failed her yet, but they annoyed Naruto immensely.
Even now, Naruto was staring at the captain distrustfully.
"Captain Shadow," he said with a faint tone of disparagement.
"Naruto," she warned.
Despite him acting like a big child, Sakura couldn't help but look at Naruto affectionately as he observed the newly arrived captain through squinted eyes. "Excuse me, Captain," Naruto said. He glanced over his shoulder to Sakura and she smiled apologetically.
Even though Naruto had a special status within Konoha and he was privy to many of the secrets only known to the Hokage and her closest associates, the Shadow Squad was a specially formed squad that reported only to Sakura herself—effectively bypassing Naruto and Tenzou both.
"You know your missions details, Team Uzumaki. Report back in a week's time," she repeated. As the three men nodded and moved to walk out of the office, Sakura added quietly. "Be safe."
"You know we will," Naruto said, flashing his trademark grin at her before closing the door behind him.
She leaned back in her chair and glanced at the captain in front of her. "Did Kotetsu and Izumo brief you about the situation?"
"Not yet, Hokage-sama."
Sakura nodded, looking for one of the scrolls she had set apart earlier. Finding it, she handed it over. "This is an A-Class mission that will take you close to the Lightning Country's border. Do the mission then make a detour to scout out how the border is looking. According to several reports, more and more Cloud shinobi have been up and about the borders, fortifying their positions. I need to know what the actual situation is and as detailed as possible."
"Understood, Hokage-sama."
She was quiet for a moment longer, observing the black paint on the porcelain mask as if looking for a hint of emotion. "Dismissed, Captain," she said and watched him disappear from the room, leaving nothing but faint wisps of smoke.
Sakura crouched down beside the little pond, tearing up the last pieces of her bread. As she gently threw them into the water, a swan started swimming towards her, four grey signets in tow.
Sighing, she wiped at the sweat that began to bead on her forehead. The muggy heat that came to the Fire Country every summer was one to be reckoned with. It was high noon now and the sun beat down with unrestrained brutality. In the distance, a few withering trees cast patches of pathetic shade over a couple of crocheting grandmothers. They shared a laugh and continued their loud prattling and tittering.
A little ways behind them was the Ninja Academy—the last day before the summer holidays had finally come and even from her spot in the clearing, she could see countless children pressing their faces against the windows, counting the minutes until midday. Just in front of the Academy was an ancient swing. She smiled fondly, remembering how Naruto had often occupied the swing in his lonely years before Team Seven came into existence. Now it seemed to be one of the few relics left from the Konoha she grew up in.
"Congratulations," she said, noticing the arrival of a shinobi behind her. Glancing over her shoulder with a broad grin, Sakura nodded at Shikamaru. "I heard you're getting married."
The Nara shinobi grinned bashfully. "Afraid so. My single days are at an end. It's time to begin my life of dawdling around and marriage."
"Dawdling?" Sakura laughed. "All these years, you were actually working? Who would've thought that?"
"I sincerely thank you for the compliment, Hokage-sama," Shikamaru grinned, making a mock bow. His face turned serious as he walked up to her and sat down beside her. "And what about you?"
"Me?" Sakura shrugged. "I'm married to the numerous scrolls that occupy my desk."
"Do you still think of him?"
She smiled. Even after all these years, Shikamaru still retained his sharp mind and instinct. "Every day." She remained quiet for a bit, and then looked at him. "You know, sometimes I forget how long it's been since we were in a team together. All my memories of that time are still so vivid. It's like reading a book."
"Like you can just start again from the beginning?" Shikamaru said.
"Would you do anything differently then?"
"Depends. Do I know the outcome already or not?"
Shikamaru sighed. "I think that everything changes with every decision made. So if you go back and make a different decision, the outcome will differ from what you know too. So it opens up a whole new story."
She toyed with a small cosmos flower. "Then no… But if I didn't know the outcome… Perhaps."
"I like not knowing. Knowing how everything goes and which paths to take sounds bothersome."
Sakura laughed. "Yes, that too."
"Anyway, I came here to tell you that the Cryptanalysis Office managed to crack one of the codes used by Cloud nin. Shiho managed to decipher a few of the messages we intercepted already and it seems they've started to rally near the border in hopes of finding any weaknesses in our defenses. I've gathered all the documents and brought them to your office, but I thought it would be best to inform you myself."
"Thanks Shikamaru. And thank your fiancé too. Good work," Sakura said, standing up. In the distance, the bell rang for the Academy and countless children came pouring out of the main entrance, yelling and screaming in glee. Some of them noticed her and waved enthusiastically. She returned the gesture with a big smile and turned to Shikamaru.
"I'll be in office in half an hour. I just need a couple more minutes to cool down and unwind, if you don't mind."
"Of course, Hokage-sama," Shikamaru said, saluting before vanishing into thin air.
She dusted off her white Hokage coat and slowly walked to the entrance of the Academy, finding many mothers waiting for their children in front of the gates. She recognized many of them, kunoichi from her childhood that had turned housewives instead of pursuing a ninja career. Among them was one of the girls who used to bully her. Recognizing Sakura, the woman flashed an awkward smile and chatted with the lady standing beside her. Her son ran up to her a moment later, jumping into her arms.
'I suppose it's time for women my age to get kids,' Sakura thought, shaking her head as she walked away from the Academy, nodding at some of the teachers standing outside. A pang shot through her as she thought of Itachi and the idea of a small child with his raven hair running about. She dismissed the thought quickly.
As she passed by Ichiraku Ramen on her way back to headquarters, she stopped. In her mind's eye, she could easily see the old Team Seven there, sitting on the stools, listening to Kakashi's inane jabbering. Naruto would always ignore him and Kimimaro would be seated beside her, rolling his eyes as he dismissed whatever wisdoms Kakashi chose to impart that particular day. She giggled as she remembered herself as a 12-year old girl, grabbing a pen and paper whenever Kakashi would start one of his tangents, only to realize most of the information he gave was utterly useless.
Kakashi's wisest words would come when he wasn't even trying—something she figured out soon after their first big mission to the Wave Country.
"Ah, hello there Saku—Hokage-sama," the old proprietor greeted as he stepped out of the back of the store with a broom.
"Good afternoon Teuchi-san," she said in return. "Slow day today?"
"No-one in the right mind eats ramen on warm days like these, Hokage-sama," Ayame's voice sounded from inside the store.
Sakura couldn't help but laugh.
"Don't be rude, Ayame. Would you like a bowl, Hokage-sama?" Teuchi said, holding up a hand to the store.
"Not today Teuchi-san, sorry. Naruto isn't in town and he would have my head if I visited you without bringing him along," Sakura apologized. "I was just reminiscing a little."
Teuchi nodded, the corners of his eye crinkling. "Tell Naruto I said 'hi' when he returns. And that he still has an open bill which needs to be paid before the end of the month."
"Will do," she laughed.
She looked at Ichiraku one last time before passing it by, hearing Kakashi's soft, smooth voice and the hyperactive bellowing that belonged to a young Naruto in her mind. Some days would bring on the nostalgia. Nostalgia for days that she took for granted when she lived them and for days that she wished she could relive over and over again as time passed, if only just to refresh the memory of those particular days.
As she looked at the empty chairs, the Genin and Kakashi she envisioned sitting there transformed into three new ANBU recruits and their captain.
Wistfulness seared through her, hot and painful, making it hard for her to breathe as she allowed herself a few intense moments of longing for those simpler times. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before striding away from the tiny restaurant and all the memories it held.
The dark brown leaves rustled in the wind as the sounds of dead, weak trees creak at every push the wind gave. Apart from the sound the trees made, the Forest of Death was ominously quiet. Looking up, Sakura was transfixed by the myriad of fluttering leaves that danced in the high boughs. The woods seemed to close in overhead, effectively shutting out moonlight.
She passed a rotting tree stump, crinkling her nose as the damp stench of fungus penetrated her nostrils. "This forest always amazes me," she whispered, as if afraid she might wake something. "The flora and fauna inside is completely different from anything I've encountered in the Fire Country. It's unbelievable."
"I'm glad you enjoy being here," Naruto said, glancing over his shoulder. "I'm not a fan."
She giggled softly, looking up as a shadow called for her attention.
High up in the trees, Sai was moving from branch to branch with the stealth and grace of a cat. He paused now and then to scan the environment, looking down at their little band with that huge, ridiculous smile playing on his lips before he would return to work.
"Sasuke, have you been here before?" Sakura asked as the Uchiha appeared to her left, crimson Sharingan blazing.
"Once before, during a training session," he answered briefly.
"… Hokage-sama," Naruto reprimanded, rolling his electric blue eyes.
"I don't think he'll ever address me properly while you keep scolding him," Sakura said, smiling. "And either way, it's fine. You're my elite team."
"I thought the Shadow Squad was your elite team," Naruto said, raising an eyebrow.
"Are you still annoyed about that?"
"I don't carry grudges. I just don't understand why you didn't consider us, apart from bastard over there," Naruto said, punctuating his remark with a sharp wave of his hand towards Sasuke. "We're highly-effective, loyal and most importantly, trust-worthy. I would've preferred some action over the ambassador missions we keep getting."
"Ambassador missions are crucial for you, and you know it. When I step down, you need to have formed your own bonds with the current world leaders and they need to see you and know you in order for that to happen. The years you were gone from Konoha to train under Jiraiya made you stronger, but also fairly anonymous to countries other than the Fire Country."
"Hm," Naruto replied.
"You're sounding like Sasuke," she said, playfully slapping his shoulder as she passed him by. "Come, you insisted on coming here with me to 'protect' me, but I still need to make haste."
"It's still dangerous here."
"I'm Hokage."
"And I needed some action."
She laughed. "Of course you do."
"Incoming," Sai called out.
Up ahead, the thick bushes rustled. Naruto swore under his breath and hastily jumped onto one of the branches, looking over his shoulders to see whether she had followed him. Just as Sakura landed gracefully on one of the branches, a massive tiger jumped out of the foliage.
His great, convex head looked up towards them. A pair of smoldering, chatoyant eyes scanned the party, as if determining who would be the easiest prey. The predator flashed his giant fangs at her, whisking his tail back and forth. Something drew his attention then and the tiger whipped his head around, growling menacingly at Sasuke. The Uchiha stood in the middle of the clearing, looking distinctly unimpressed as he ceased up his opponent.
Beside her, Naruto groaned softly. "Get out of there you idiot!" he called out.
Two bright orbs of doubloon gold looked up at them, feral in gaze and implacable in their hatred. Sakura stared at the animal, both entranced and impressed. The tiger looked back at Sasuke, and began to pad towards Sasuke with balletic grace, shoulders bunched and muscles rippling.
Time seemed to slow down as the tiger circled Sasuke—the predator closing in on its prey. Finally, it sprang at Sasuke. His colors seemed to ignite in the dim light, a combustible mix of ember-orange and coal black. The tiger's mighty forelimbs descended upon Sasuke and even from her vantage point, Sakura could see the retractile claws emerge from his furry pouches.
Sasuke rolled to one side, nimbly jumping back from the tiger as it took a moment to absorb the impact on his legs. As it turned its massive head towards Sasuke, the Uchiha put his speed to use and jumped into one of the trees.
"Can tigers climb trees?" Naruto asked quietly.
Just as Naruto asked his question, the tiger leapt onto the tree, clawing its way up.
"I'm going to take that as a yes. Let's move away. If we stay close, it'll track us down in no time," Sakura said, signaling for Sasuke to move north. As she used her chakra fueled leaps to pass the climbing tiger, she spared the majestic animal one more glance before it faded from view.
"Well that was fun," Naruto said, a big goofy grin lighting his face.
"I've never seen one… Only seen illustrations in books. I knew a few of them lived in the Forest of Death, but I actually thought they had died as time passed. I've been in half a dozen times and never even found a footprint," Sakura said, shaking her head.
"Let's just hope the herb you're looking for wasn't there," Naruto joked.
She smiled. "It should be near the middle of the training area. Blue flowers. Keep your eyes open."
By nightfall they had ventured further into the tangled heart of the primeval forest. She had forgotten how the umber-brown forest reeked of age. The woody incense was from centuries of snapping branches crashing to the forest's floor and rotting silently. Composting, organic smell rose up in waves like a miasma as they passed under numerous sprawling trees. Huge roots spread-eagled the ground, twisting and turning, making it impossible for them to easily make their way through.
They finally arrived at a wide glade, where the trees fell away to reveal a bespeckled sky. The first of the night stars were glinting like silver pin pricks, luminous and bright. An ore gold moon hung quietly in the distance, casting a honeyed sheen over the trees. Somewhere up ahead, an owl hooted, heralding the night.
She dropped her backpack next to a lightning blasted tree trunk. "The herbs I'm looking for should be close. But we're not going to make it back tonight. Let's rest here and proceed in the morning."
"Yes Hokage-sama," Sai replied calmly, throwing his own backpack to the ground.
Naruto put his hands on his hips and looked around. "Alright. Sai, gather some firewood. Sasuke, you go hunt down some fish—there should be a river just north from here." He ignored the glare Sasuke sent into his direction. "I'll go inspect the perimeter."
As Team Uzumaki went into separate directions, Sakura couldn't help but smile. She had originally planned to go out on her own to look for some excitement in the Forest of Death and perhaps hone her survival skills. The fact that Naruto had absolutely insisted on going along with her had irked her at first, but she found she enjoyed the company of the three men. It had been too long ago since they had been on a mission together—half a year had passed since their stint in the northern part of the country.
She felt sick as she remembered Itachi and their goodbyes in front of the gates. How she had begged him to stay and how she had remained silent about having seen him. Even looking at Sasuke had been hard throughout the first few weeks, but with time, it felt like a scattered dream, or a far-off memory. Not telling Naruto was killing her, but in time, she would have to.
If he was going to become Hokage, there should be no secrets. Secrets were what caused some of Konoha's worst tragedies in the first place, including the Uchiha Massacre. But she definitely wasn't looking forward to having that conversation with him.
Fueling her leg with chakra, she stomped the ground in the middle of the clearing. The moldy forest floor collapsed slightly, making a perfect place for the camp fire. Just as she finished bringing a couple of logs to the fire, Sai returned with dry twigs. He threw them in the middle of the pit she had created and grabbed his backpack.
"Did you get inspired by something?" she asked as he pulled out his sketchbook and his set of pencils.
"The tiger. I drew them before, but seeing one in person helps me in perfecting it. They're much stronger than I had anticipated them to be," Sai said with a smile. He sat down and immediately began sketching.
"I see," Sakura said, watching him surreptitiously as he continued to draw.
Sasuke was the second one to return. Carrying several fish with him on a stick, the Uchiha calmly trotted back into the glade. It struck her again how much he started to look like his older brother. When she had first seen him, almost a decade ago, he had seemed so serious and stern. As time had passed, Konoha had softened him a little—he would smile now and then and dared to open up from time to time. Even now, he almost flashed a kind smile to her as he walked up to the center of the clearing.
He kneeled down beside the pile of twigs and stuck the skewered fish into the ground. His hands formed a flurry of seals as he activated a fire jutsu to start their campfire. "Thanks Sasuke," she said.
Sasuke looked up, nodding to her as he rearranged the fish until they started to roast over the fire. He sat beside the fire quietly, looking off into the distance. There was a swell of silence, but she didn't allow it to bother her. Instead she observed the Uchiha for a moment longer, before leaning in a tad closer. "How are you doing Sasuke?"
He peered at her from the corner of his eye, Sharingan replaced by midnight blue now. "Fine," he replied after a brief pause.
"You're going to have to give me something more than that," Sakura said gently. "We haven't spoken much since you've been on the ambassador missions along with Naruto. I'm curious how you find them."
"Hn…" Sasuke said, staring off into the distance. "Naruto likes more action-oriented missions."
"Captain Uzumaki," she corrected. "And you agree?"
"When you first came back to Konoha, I wasn't sure what to think or do with you. I have to admit, I wasn't happy when the Sixth put you in my team. But it turned out pretty well in the end…" she paused. "I briefly contemplated giving you your own team now that you have my trust… But I have a feeling you like this team."
Sasuke remained quiet.
"I know, Sasuke. The 25th anniversary since the massacre is coming up, isn't it? This December if I'm correct. I was wondering if you wanted some time off perhaps… I can imagine it being a hard time for you."
"I'm fine," he snapped.
"No you're not. You're lonely. I know what that looks and feels like. I've felt like you do for years, constantly battling it," Sakura said, leaning in to turn the fish. "Your brother… When he was my Captain, he helped me overcome my loneliness. Now I want to help you with yours."
She glanced at Sai who had stopped drawing in order to watch the exchange with interest. As he noticed her looking at him, he nodded quickly, packed his stuff and disappeared from the campfire.
Sasuke took a moment longer before turning to her. A small, sad smile played on his face while he looked at her for the longest time. "Sakura… You're annoying."
Stunned, she sat still for a moment, observing him until finally she started to giggle. Clamping a hand over her mouth, she continued to laugh until tears formed in her eyes. Wiping at them, Sakura cocked her head. "You're damned annoying yourself, Sasuke."
"Why did you let me stay?" he asked after a pause.
"Because… I saw something in you that reminded me of myself. I knew you were a good person but you have had a very difficult life. Honestly, it's surprising you're even functional with all you've been through," Sakura replied honestly. "But I knew that I could help you in some way."
"Even after I killed those two?"
"I still don't approve. I wish you would've told me what had happened and that you had been fully honest with me from the beginning." She stayed quiet, listening to the crackles of the campfire, gathering courage for her next question.
"Do you hate him?"
He averted his eyes, watching the shadows from the fire dance in the clearing. "No. Not anymore." A pause. "I hated him. I wanted him dead more than anything. I suppressed my memories until I could only remember that night and how he was, and even then, I forgot parts of it. It wasn't until Tobi told me the truth that I began to remember how close he and I were."
"Do you want to tell me about it?"
"There is not much to tell. He was my older brother…"
"And you were crazy about him," Sakura guessed.
Sasuke made an amused little sound. "I used to pester him for shuriken training."
She perked up. "The one with the targets? Where he puts one in a blind spot?"
He looked at her, eyebrows raised. "Yes."
"His signature training. It was one of the first things he trained Naruto, Shikamaru and myself in," she said with a fond smile. Another silence stretched between them, this one comfortable for a change.
In the distance, she felt Naruto nearing the clearing and knew her little respite with Sasuke was over. From the way Sasuke was suddenly sitting upright, she realized he felt him coming too. Despite their antagonism towards one another, Sasuke didn't tense up. It was interesting to see—Naruto would always complain about Sasuke but when she had pitched the idea to him about giving Sasuke his own team, there was a certain kind of panic she hadn't seen in Naruto since Itachi had left Konoha.
There was no way she could break up Team Uzumaki. Not when Sasuke finally felt at home somewhere and Naruto had his precious friend so close to him. If there was something she wanted to prevent, it was for Naruto to become lonely.
She leaned in close. "Sasuke… I'm sure that he wouldn't mind if you didn't forgive him. But I'm also sure that no matter what you've done or what you decide to do from now on… He would love you forever."
Eyes wide, Sasuke finally displayed genuine shock just as Naruto appeared from the thick foliage and sauntered into the clearing. The blond raised his eyebrows as he quickly took in the scene playing out in front of him and turned his gaze to Sakura, as if silently asking for permission to come closer. She nodded with a tiny smile. "Any huge centipedes stalking us?"
"Sadly no. I know how fond you are of them," Naruto grinned, plopping down beside the fire. "I bumped into Sai on my way here. He is taking the first watch to make sure we don't get mauled by tigers either."
"Good," she said, accepting one of the grilled fish as Sasuke handed her one. "Let's move on at dawn. I'm getting tired just thinking of the work that awaits me if I come back any later than midday tomorrow."
"Such is the bane of being Hokage," Naruto said with a wink, taking a bite from his fish.
"I'll bring Sai his," Sasuke said, picking up one of the two remaining fish.
"He is five minutes into the forest. Five o'clock."
"Thank you, Sakura," he said, and she got the distinct feeling it was for more than the simple instructions. She giggled as Naruto bellowed, "Damn it Sasuke, it's Hokage-sama!" after him and took a bite.
"Now, are you going to share what you were talking about?" Naruto asked, pretending to be more interested in his fish than his question. He prodded the campfire a little as he flashed a mischievous smile.
She flicked a small pebble toward him. "Se-cret."
"He is alright… Sasuke, that is," Naruto said quietly, still poking the fire. "He is arrogant and proud and cocky and obsessive. But he is also lonely. And I get that… I'm sure you do too." He glanced at her. "I liked him from the very start and he has grown to be like a brother to me. Sai also. We're dysfunctional and as individuals, we're broken and idiots. But put together, Team Uzumaki is highly successful."
"When did you grow up to be so wise?" Sakura said, wrapping her arms around her knees. "You used to be such a stupid kid."
"I still am. Stupid that is. I don't think I qualify as a kid anymore seeing as I'm turning thirty in a couple of months," he flashed a grin. "But I like to think I'm learning."
"You are," she replied. "You've grown immensely as a person… So much so that I think that in another year or two, if the village is stabilized and the threat from Lightning is over, I can resign."
"Eight Hokage, huh?" Naruto smiled and looked up at the night sky. "Whatever you think is best Sakura-chan. You know I'll be jumping at the opportunity, whether or not it's next month or in ten years from now. As long as Konoha is in safe hands, I'm fine either way."
"What will you do with Team Uzumaki once you become Hokage?"
"What do you want to do?" Naruto asked.
"I'm not sure… Perhaps pick up a shift now and then at the hospital. I would love to return to ANBU too. I miss doing missions and using my skillset," Sakura said, pulling out some grass from the mossy forest floor. "Why, you want to trade positions? You become Hokage and I reform Team Haruno?"
"You'll be my elite squad then," Naruto winked. "Who needs a Shadow Squad?"
She tittered softly. "You never know when it comes in handy."
"They're really good?"
"Apart from Team Uzumaki? The best."
"Good answer," Naruto said, taking a bite from his fish. He fell silent and Sakura patiently waited for whatever was coming. The Number-One Hyperactive Knucklehead Ninja wasn't prone to thinking his questions over like these unless he didn't really want to know the answer.
Eventually, he looked up. "Tell me something… When I become Hokage…. Will you stay with me?"
"What brought that on?" Sakura asked, dumbstruck. "Of course. I'm always going to be there for you. Whether you need a taijutsu partner, advice or a dinner partner for when you visit Ichiraku. You and I have always been together… I'm not leaving you when you finally achieve your dreams."
"Promise?" he asked and for a moment, Naruto wasn't the almost-thirty year old ANBU captain… but the twelve year old boy she had just been teamed up with. Lonely, fragile and so scared of being alone again. He was right—Team Uzumaki worked, but all three of them were broken and scared. No matter how many years she would be there for them, that core of anxiety would always remain in each of them. No amount of cockiness, ridiculous fake smiles or boisterous attitudes would ever be able to mask it fully.
She sprang to her feet and briskly walked to Naruto, hugging him hard as she reached him. "I would never leave Konoha, or you." Cupping his cheeks, she gently kissed his forehead. "It's the promise of a lifetime… Dattebayo."
He chuckled as his signature phrase fell from her lips. "Sounds strange when you say it."
"Probably because you haven't used it in years."
"A sign of growing up."
"Thank heavens."
He raised an eyebrow, looking distinctly unimpressed. "I seem to recall a certain pink-haired kunoichi slamming her fists into my face multiple times a week while bellowing 'Shannaro!' Or have we forgotten all about that?"
"No idea what you're talking about," Sakura said, giving him a playful push.
"You'd better keep that promise," Naruto warned.
"When did I ever break a promise?"
"Good point. You're not one to lie to me," Naruto said, trademark grin in place.
A memory of a certain one-eyed Uchiha walking away from her came to mind.
She swallowed hard, but the bitter taste remained.
The serrated mountains loomed in the distance. Just as he looked up, a chute of snow detached itself and went trundling down one of the mountains. It slid over the craggy edge and crashed into the chasm below.
Uchiha Itachi marveled at the magnificent sight for a moment as he warmed his hands with his tea cup. Staring at the murky depths of his tea, he stared at a reflection that wasn't his own. Forced to mask his own face in enemy territory, he had used a simple Transformation Jutsu and sat quietly in one of the mountain cafés, listening in on the conversation between two Cloud shinobi.
They chatted continuously to each other, complaining about the harsh weather conditions high in the mountains that separated the Frost Country from the Lightning Country. Fascinated by their lack of professionalism, he listened in on their conversation until he was confident there wasn't anything more to be gained.
In the end, it wasn't anything he could use.
He stood from his chair and shook some coins out of his pocket. Wrapping his cloak closer to his body, Itachi slowly walked away from the warm heaters of the café.
The concrete path that had led to the café was covered in black ice—using his chakra to keep his feet firmly planted on the ground, Itachi looked with detached interest at the massive icicles that hung from the barren trees.
Once he was sure the shinobi in the café wouldn't be able to see him, he transformed back into his own body and used a chakra fueled leap to jump into one of the bare trees around him. Up ahead of him was a forest and beyond it were the Raikage's forces, rallying to attack the Fire Country.
There weren't many of them—from his vantage point he could see three campfires with three medium sizes camps built around them. Though the Raikage was determined to have his revenge, Konoha was one of the largest Hidden Villages with a decent amount of military power. Attacking them head on would be a gamble and could turn out to be disastrous. Especially considering Akatsuki had exterminated most of the Cloud's strongest nin, alongside both their Jinchuuriki.
As long as Haruno Sakura reigned as Hokage with Team Uzumaki as her private squad, they would be safe from everything but clandestine attacks.
Itachi smiled. 'Military reports are greatly exaggerated. Raikage is bluffing.'
Still, it wouldn't hurt to get a closer look.
Placing his mask in front of his face, Uchiha Itachi continued on.
"How did it go?" Sakura asked.
"Excellent," Naruto replied, folding his hands behind his head. "Nice to visit the Water Country when it isn't freezing there. The Mizukage is pleased with our alliance and has agreed to vote for a Kage Summit in light of recent events to see whether we can persuade the Raikage to reconsider."
"Seen any action?"
"None," Naruto sighed deeply.
"I have some A-Rank missions for you to do over the next couple of weeks. You'll have your action then. For now, thank you for your efforts during the Ambassador Missions. You'll be accompanying me to the Kage Summit as well, providing the Raikage agrees to meet with us."
A knock on the door.
"I'm never getting any work done," Sakura laughed. "Enter!"
The Captain of her Shadow Squad stepped in. "Captain," she greeted, pointedly ignoring the way Naruto's smile briefly turned into a grimace as he noticed the newcomer stepping in. Sai and Sasuke had both glanced at the captain, but returned to full attention as they noticed Sakura's gaze upon them. "Team Uzumaki, dismissed. Return tomorrow for your next mission."
"Understood Hokage-sama," all three of them said in return, walking past the Captain.
As soon as the door closed, she could hear Naruto's disapproving mutters.
Ignoring it, she folded her fingers, waiting for Team Uzumaki to move away.
"I trust your mission was a success?" she asked finally.
"Yes Hokage-sama," the Captain replied.
"You can take off your mask now. I prefer looking into someone's eyes," Sakura smiled. She waited patiently as he took his dark mask off, revealing a shock of brown, tousled hair and grey eyes. "How did it go?"
"Raikage is amassing some forces near the borders, but it isn't anything threatening. I would wager it's simply a training exercise disguised, poorly so, as a threat," her Captain said, sitting down in one of the chairs as she waved at them.
"The Mizukage has agreed to a Kage Summit. I think it's the only way to actually speak to the Raikage. Two emissaries have been sent to the Lightning Country and they haven't returned. I'd go myself, but Naruto would have a fit."
The Captain nodded. "I strongly disagree as well."
"He wants to know who you are," Sakura said, standing from her chair. Folding her arms, she walked to the windows of her office, looking down at Konoha. "But so far, he has been the only one who seriously questions me about you."
"What did you tell him?"
"That he would know once he became Hokage himself." Sakura glanced over her shoulder. "Dismissed Captain."
She sat silently in the empty office for a moment longer, pressing her hands against the warm glass of the windows. Looking at the pile of scrolls on her desk, she quickly rifled through them to check if she was missing anything vital before deciding it could all wait.
Grabbing her Hokage coat, she admired the vermilion lettering that spelled out 'Seventh Hokage' before stalking out of the office. "Izumo," she said as she passed him by. "I'm taking the afternoon off. Send a messenger if something urgent comes up."
"Of course, Hokage-sama," Izumo replied kindly.
As she arrived home, she beamed when she noticed the second pair of sandals neatly stacked by the door. Kicking off her boots as swiftly as she could, Sakura padded into the living room, finding Itachi seated at the kitchen table.
He looked up with a kind smile, laying down his pitch black ANBU mask.
"I still have to get used to talking to you when you're disguised," she said as she sat down in his lap. Itachi simply looked at her with his one good eye, pushing a pink strand of hair from her eyes. "You look so different too. Maybe we should stop having you show up at the Administration Office, just to avoid people from asking questions."
"You know what is best," Itachi simply replied, pressing his lips gingerly against hers as she leaned in.
"I told Sasuke what you wanted me to tell him… About how you would love him forever… He seemed to really appreciate it. Didn't want time off when I offered it to him."
Itachi nodded thoughtfully. "Thank you, Sakura."
She averted her eyes, still not used to him trying to open up to her completely. Of course, she had always known he cared deeply for her, but it was masked, like it was taboo. Now he finally attempted to show all the emotions that run deep under the surface, as part of their agreement, and she found she still had to get used to it.
He was still distant and quiet and he would always keep some things to himself, but Uchiha Itachi wouldn't be Uchiha Itachi if not for those traits. The lone wolf suited him, no matter how badly she wanted to be included into his thought process. But he was trying hard and so was she.
As his fingers reached the silver flowers of her necklace, she touched the red and white tie around his hair. He was still dressed in an ANBU uniform. The sight of him looking almost exactly like he did when they had first met, if not for him ageing a decade, filled her both with immense happiness as well as sadness. Happy that the man she loved had finally, finally, returned. And sadness that she was the only person within the village confines that knew the true identity of the Shadow Squad's captain.
It was the one condition he had for returning to Konoha with her. For Sasuke never to know he had survived. To give his little brother some sense of peace, as he had originally planned when he left Konoha.
Itachi's anonymity also had consequences for her. They would never be able to have a normal relationship. It was impossible for them to even go out together unless he was disguised. But even so, this tiny shot at happiness was worth it to her. For once, she wouldn't allow it to slip away from her.
She stood from his lap, opening the curtains to the balcony on one side to allow sunlight into the room. Basking in the light of day, Sakura looked at Itachi. He had stretched out his long legs and seemed comfortable in the shadowed parts of her house.
Together, they would protect the village and the people they loved. He, as the nameless and faceless ANBU captain that thrived in the dark… And she as Konoha's light—the Seventh Hokage.
A/N: And it's over!
In the past I've gotten several emails saying that my endings lack that special moment, or that extra twist. I don't think every ending needs a twist. And while this is an ending to Equinox itself, the story of Itachi and Sakura goes on in my head.
Also, a semi-happy ending, because this is what I envisioned it would be from the very first paragraph I typed up over a year ago!
This chapter is also un-beta'd. I've been hit by the muse-bug and really didn't want to keep you guys waiting for another couple of weeks while I go over this chapter over and over again. So forgive any spelling and grammar mistakes please.
Also to prevent the "Why is this M-rated when there is only one sex scene in it!" reviews: The M rating stands for Mature. Of course, it's suitable for teenagers to read, if you can overlook the one sex scene and some of the cussing. That doesn't mean that it isn't a mature story. It is. And it was certainly written for a mature audience.
This is also goodbye.
I've been an ItaSaku writer for almost ten years now. I was fifteen when I set out to write my first story and here I am at age twenty-five, wrapping up what has turned out to be my favorite project.
I feel truly privileged to have found this community and to find my passion for writing. But it is also the incredible support I got from this community that helped me grow as a writer, and as a person. I couldn't have gotten to where I am now without you guys.
Thank you all so much for all your love and support throughout the years. Equinox will be my final fanfiction project as I'll be working solely on original stories from now on, but the ItaSaku community will always hold a big place in my heart.
If you would like to read my original work, please contact me via PM or tumblr (mitsukishiroi). I would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks again, and here is to many more years of ItaSaku shipping. I hope my stories will hold a place in your heart and that you'll look back on them fondly, even when Naruto has ended and you might all have moved on from this fandom.
Love always,
Mitsuki Shiroi