
Chapter Six


Eve's laugher filled the bowels of the hall. She slammed her cards on the table, declaring herself winner and downed the eighth tankard of the night.

"Coins boys, hand over your gold," She cheered, smacking her hands on the table to hurry them up. Her purse was now fat with her winnings, her time in the Thieves Guild playing cards with Brynjolf having come in handy for once. She could never beat him but these foolish drunkards were an easy target even half pissed.

"Another round boys or have you fallen short of money?" She teased, counting out the coins before tucking them safely in her purse. The men before her growled in protest, shaking their heads, demanding that she had been cheating. Which of course she had but they didn't need to know, "Oh such sore losers," She mocked, stealing one of the men's drinks, laughing and then downing the rest.

"Tomorrow night wench and you have yourself a rematch," The man whose drink she had taken called out. His eyes were blood shot with the liqueur he had drank, his greyish hair pulled back into a loose ponytail behind his head.

"Yes yes," She called out, hand waving above her head as she slid from the booth and strolled towards the stairs Argis had walked up hours before, "I'll be glad to take more of your gold," She said finally before turning the corner.

Her first thought was whether Argis was still awake, hoping that he was. She'd kept an eye on the barmaid that had given him the look, out of jealousy, she had to admit since there was no use denying it. There was no use pretending with this amount of alcohol in her system. But thankfully the woman hadn't left her post and she was still downstairs just before he had left to go to bed.

A sliver of excitement erupted in her belly. It was the mead she knew but she was urgently craving Argis' attention. Eve drew her bottom lip between her teeth, biting hard enough to distract her from the butterflies in her stomach.

She didn't want to go to bed though, she didn't want to sleep. She wanted to see him, to bother him some more so that she could just bathe in his presence. It might have been the mead acting but she strolled up to his room, hand knocking on the heavy oak door before she could stop herself.

Eve waited, anxiously, nervously, wondering if he was going to be mad if she'd woken him. She had learnt her lesson that he wasn't a man to be trifled with if he was woken up. He'd been so moody with her that she actually apologised profusely because she didn't want him to be mad, Eve didn't like it when he was mad. And that had been one of the obvious tale tell signs that she was seriously falling for him, usually she didn't care what she did to people but with him she cared, oh boy did she care.

She heard a grunt just behind the door and she swallowed hard, feet planted firmly to the floor. The door opened slowly and she stared down at his feet, feeling embarrassment wash over her.

"I uh-" She stammered, all words and courage gone.

"What is it?" His voice was sexy gruff, his eyes were bloodshot, and he reeked of whatever he'd been drinking.

"Was thinking about you," She breathed still staring at his feet. He wasn't wearing socks and it was a strange thing not to be wearing socks when there was snow outside. But it wasn't cold in the Inn, the fires made it so that it wasn't and Eve didn't know why she was thinking about fires or his lack of socks, it was a stupid thing to think about.

"How much have you had to drink?" He asked, opening up the door further.

"Too much, I'm sorry to have bother-" His hand reached out, grabbed her by the waist and pulled her inside. He closed the door quickly behind her and pressed her back into it. Eve let out a little gasp, moving onto her tip toes as his warm body pressed against hers.

"Was thinking about you too little lady," He said close to her ear. Gooseflesh erupted along her skin and she felt the hairs on the back of her neck prickle.

"Argis," Eve let out, bunching her hands into fists at her sides as she fought the temptation to reach out and grab him.

"Thinking about you a lot," His lips brushed against the top of her ear and then she felt his stubble scratch along her jaw and his lips replaced that sensation and then his lips were at her throat.

Eve turned her head away, opening up her throat to him and she let him kiss her there, knowing that he was probably just as drunk as she was, if not more. But she wanted this, wanted it so fucking badly. Just thinking about him kissing her had made her wet but she was going to get him to feel it, to please her like she needed to be pleased.

His lips curved around her throat, his teeth occasionally nipping between kisses. Her jaw fell slack as he moved a hand to curve underneath her breast. He was testing her, seeing how far she'd let him go before telling him to stop. The fact was she didn't want him to stop; his kisses alone were making her sigh and moan.

He nipped at her neck harder, jolting her from her complacence.

"Argis I don't think-" He cut her off, crushing his lips against hers and any thought of denying herself of him was happily thrown out the window. She opened her mouth to him and his tongue slid inside, tasting her in sweeping licks. She moved her hands around his waist, feeling the muscle at his ribs, delightfully running her fingers through the coarse hair of his abdomen.

Her brain was swimmingly delirious, the alcohol making her fuzzy and the adrenaline that kicked in from his kiss made her heart stammer to life and made every touch electrified. He deepened the kiss, pressing her harder into the door and she ground his hips into her. One of his hands hooked around the back of her thigh, lifting it up until she it was wrapped around his waist. He did the same with her other leg until she was pinned between him and the door.

"This is a bad idea baby," She whispered between kisses and he grunted and nodded in response, not even willing to let up in his unrelenting storm. His callous fingers moved along the seam of her trousers, loosening the thread that she had knotted to keep them up. Then he moved to her top, peeling the fabric from her and throwing it into the abyss behind them.

"Bed baby," She ushered quickly, feeling how hard he was underneath the thin fabric of his trousers. Argis did as she asked, his hands at her thighs he lifted over to the bed and dropped her on it. The wooden frame creaked with her landing, cold air filling all the places that Argis' warmth had been.

Eve looked up at him, towering over the bed. His hair unruly and his eyes watching her with a predatory stare. He was topless, and it was the first time she'd properly seen his broad chest, the tight muscles of his pectorals and abdomen. Light brown hair spiralled downwards from his belly button to the bulging of his linen trousers. Eve drew her bottom lip between her teeth and he gave her smile, exalted by the flicking light of the lantern on the desk and the leaping shadows that it created.

"Beautiful Eve," She let his words settle over her, warming her all over. He covered her body with his own, kissing her again but a little less hurried. She could taste the alcohol he had drunk, smelt it on his skin.

His lips moved to her jaw, throat and then to her chest before drawing a circle with his tongue around her nipple. Eve's body jolted, her feet curling around the back of his knees and her hands working their way into his hair. She moaned as he did it again, before drawing the hardened pebble into his mouth.

Fingers roamed the expanse of his broad shoulders as he worked her. His mouth moved further downwards, kissing the sides of her belly where she protested with a laugh. He whispered things she wanted to hear, mind so intoxicated it was hard to believe that was happening was really happening. His mouth stopped at the lacings of her trousers and she protested.

Eve looked down and he was watching her with this half smile that was divinely sexy and seductive and that alone would have been enough to get her wet if she wasn't drenched already. She threw her head back down onto the pillow; thighs twitching in anticipation as he tugged open the lace and tugged the fabric down over her hips.

She felt his fingers first on the sensitive skin of her inner thigh, his nail rolling ever so gently up and down. She moaned, it felt nice but she wanted more and he was denying her that. Then she felt his lips replace the touch of his fingers and that felt even nicer. Her hands curled into his hair again.

He worked his way upwards painfully slowly until he kissed her there, a little tease before his mouth moved to her clit. His tongue grazed her in one single lick and her body shuddered, a moan sliding from her throat. She was so worked up she knew it wouldn't take long to reach climax and she was almost at begging point. She needed him to give her that release.

"Argis," She sighed, his tongue grazing her again.

"Drenched Eve," His mouth moved against her with every word and she swallowed down another moan, "Incredible."

It wouldn't be if he didn't make her come. She groaned in response and she felt one finger slip inside. Her hips bucked at the feeling, it wasn't enough she wanted to feel his cock thrusting inside her; she wanted him to feel her climax around his length. But she knew he wasn't going to give her that, he wanted to explore her first before giving her what her greedy self wanted.

As his mouth worked her clit, his finger curled in a hitherto motion. The grip in his hair tightened as she felt it build up. His touch made her blood boil, the alcohol made her noisy. She moaned coarsely, guttural even, as his fingers brought her to a delicious climax. His mouth trailed a pattern up her torso as she was coming down. He stopped at her lips, curling her hair behind her ears before kissing her, kissing her so deeply she was drained of all possible energy. He must have noticed because he pulled her trousers up from her ankles, tying them loosely at her hips and moved to fetch her top.

"Sleep little lady," He kissed her sweetly again after helping her pull her top back on. He started to move away before she protested in a sleepy haze.

"Stay," She said, "I sleep better when you're here."

Eve could have sworn she saw him smile before her eyes shut. But she knew he hadn't leave when he climbed into bed beside her, rolling her onto her side so that he could slot in behind her. Argis pulled the blankets up their waist and kissed her neck quickly before settling down. She was too far gone to feel his breathing settle and for the mead to claim him too.