Hey guys, this is my first write up and if all goes well Ill continue writing! I have some ideas but if my writing style is bad haha then ill just leave it to someone else! Sorry for the no edits, will get better later on! I will keep working on this, so please make an account and give me your feed back! Would really help me continue haha or what to improve on!

"Kyosuke… Kyosuke… Tch"


I was having a good night's sleep, when I felt a sharp sting on my cheek. That right here is my cute little sister, Kirino. I can just feel something heavy on my stomach, looking straight to her face my heart started pounding from the sight of my sister in such a seductive pose though it happened many times, it was a sensation this early in the morning. The previous times were durning the early hours of the night where I was more relaxed but this time.. I could feel the heat as everymorning ensures.

how cute she is laying on top of me. She was on all fours like she was covering me while I was trying to get up in my bed. On a closer look, her face was almost as red as mine. At this point.. her strawberry scent scattered throughout the room.. My little sister seriously can't be this cute but.. no matter how cute she was I couldn't count her as being a woman. Wait a second…. WHAAAAAT?


"…Be quiet! Isn't it obvious, I'm waking you up" She said angrily

"That's not what im asking!? Forget it? In any case leave my room"

"I told you to be quiet! They will hear us" Looking at my shut door in fear my parents dont barge in, I calmed down a bit.

Jheeze, is she always this stubborn? Why she didn't want to leave the room is beyond me.

"Fine I get it, I get it, at least get off me"

I was in my own bed, early in the morning, with my sister ontop of me looking face to face inches away from it. What the heck kind of situation do we always get into, if Kaa-san actually see's us like this, Id doubt id be able to clear the misunderstanding.

My sister did as I told her, apparently with a disgusted expression. She sat at the corner of my bed. Sigh.. What did she want? She was those kind of people who still looked good angry… Couldn't be, AM I A MASOCHIST? YADA YADA I screamed in my head. I peeked over to see her face creeped at my suddent outbursts of swayying hands over my head.

I stood to get dressed for school… I gazed over my shoulders to see what she was looking at and received a "are you stupid?" kind of look.

Jheeze, she could atleast be nicer to me. I really dont get her sometimes, she can be really cute and other times like this...

"Are you really that stupid, its summer break?" Kirino said while I got my school uniform

That's right, final exams were finally over and oyagi finally let me move back home after getting that A on the mock exam

"You should have told me sooner and what's with the attitude today? So suddenly in the morning, could it be… your on your-"

She wore a flustered, embarrased expression. "-BAKA! HENTAI! DISGUSTING SISCON" Kirino screamed racing out of my room, sheesh and she told me to be quiet.

'Not cute at all'

My little sister really is full of emotions but I can't help but feel responsible for them as her older brother. I walked over to the mini fridge she bought me and opened it. I found 4 pieces of toast with butter on them, behind the back cabernet almost as if someone was trying to hide them but not waste them did, mom put these out last night noticing how hungry I was? Oh well, no point now since its breakfast soon.

'Ohio- kyosuke, I love you" – a message written on a sticky note inside the freezer. My mother really did love to show her expression to us..I smirked

Now that I think about it, when did kaa-san get into my room? and why did kirino wake me up on summer vacation?


I heard a damp voice behind the wall

"… I need life counselling"

"Again? Alright I got it, after breakfast.."

It has been awhile since the last time I gave her my advise… on second thought Kirino always asks for something instead of advise, knowing her she was going crazy to play against someone easy on the new Siscalypse V5.0 that just came out… Am I really that bad.. I collapsed against the bed.

"….O-Ok" She said timidly.

My sister's room was right next door and our walls were rather thin so we can more or less here at all times what the other is doing, in fact it was so thin that without the wall, you can mistake Kirino and I for sleeping together. Her bed was on positioned on the wall right next to me, one could call it sibling intuition that we choose this arrangement.

Ever since she started asking me for advise a year ago, it felt like I was living in a constant dream. I wouldn't be surprised even if Godzilla were to come and attack this town today.

But she is acting way too suspicious today…. She would normally ask if I finished the eroge that she gave me in such a roundabout way but… today she was so unusually cute. Anyways I couldn't be happier. Finally getting that A on the mock exam really warred me out, Studying at that small apartment and being taken care of by Ayase.. I wore a mischievous grin but did Ayase really confess to me? Overlooking her strong killing intent to me at times she could be perfect, maybe this is my chance. No… what am I saying, I may be alone forever since I promised Kirino not to go out with anyone. I don't get it, should I be feeling this way towards my little sister? Maybe Kaa-san had a point. This is so irritating, just imagining my little sister like that… Anyways I should go downstairs; I don't want Oyagi to be waiting for me. Just thinking about his stern scowl sent shivers down my spine.

I went down the stairs, to see Kirino sitting at my spot today all alone, it seems my parents left this morning for there hourly walk. A tradition they kept up all year long, I havnt realized it since its 10 am right now but since its summer break, everything has been delayed. *Sigh*

"Ohiogozaimaso… Kirino why are you in my seat?"

*Glare* "Tch…My chairs broken"

There she goes again, mom always leaves 4 pieces of toast on the table on her china glass ware but today there was only 1. Seeing Kirino stare it down... Sigh… I quickly gave up the thought of breakfast and I went to the fridge to pour myself a cup of sweet tea. I glanced over to the garbage can to dispose the empty sweat tea carton and saw a bunch of burnt toast with odd amounts of sugar and butter. I paid it no mind, being too scared to know the meaning behind this. I made my way to oyagi's spot to finish my drink.

"Not there…" Pointing at her seat

"…Sit there"

"Heh? Isn't that seat broken?"


Sigh.. every time she wants something she always gives me that look. Wait,

"Did you set this up just so you can sit in my chair?"

"HAH?!.. Pervert! Disgusting.. how much of a siscon are you?"


"Hmph.. Just hurry up"


"Here… You can have this I already ate" Shoving the toast to my face, it was nice of her but why was she blushing. I really don't understand her.

But did she really eat the other 3 pieces?

I grabbed it anyways


"-L-lo-love hotel…"

Hah?! I choked on the toast making way through my stomach. What is she asking me?

"w-what do you mean?" With a forced grin, I looked the other way.

Kirino "Disgusting… don't misunderstand you siscon, I was just asking if…"


Kirino slammed her hands on the table and stood up "H-how m-much DO I MEAN TO YOU" she yelled turning red.

What's the matter with her, asking me about a love hotel and now this? Is she crazy?

"I g-guess…. you are the most precious thing to me right now…" at this point I blushed as hard as kirino who was still facing towards the table stood up.

"D-do-does that mean…. You love me?"

Don't say that to me like that, I'll misunderstand the situation


"… I see"

What kind of suspicious build up is going on, I feel like I'm in one of those imouto eroges Kirino forces onto me.

"Kirino.. Why are you asking me this?"

"Aniki… close your eyes"


Too cute, how could I resist if she calls me anika

"Just do it you hentai!"

Forget what I just said, She really pisses me off

"If you peek… Ill kill you"

"Wakata, wakata"

Jheeze what is this tension-

-W-what!? I opened my eyes to see kirino's eyes closed tightly and her lips on mine. What is this feeling on my lips. So gentle and soft, I can almost taste the essence of cherry warming up my body. Is my little sister really kissing me?! What is this feeling, should I be enjoying this so much?

Breaking the kiss, Kirino said

"Aniki… I love you"

I was at a loss for words, she surely couldn't have ment it more then a brother and sister relationship but at that moment, all I could think about was how close her warmth was to me. I could see under her pink blouse while she was so close. My first kiss was my little sister.

Still at a loss for words

She looked at me with tears about to flow out if I didn't say anything, was this really happening. I pinched myself to awake from this EROGE, but at no use. This was reality.

After that kiss, I started noticing her womanly features. Her breasts, long thighs, and her smooth skin. This isn't good, I was her brother how could I be seeing my little sister like this. But it was to late for hope.

"I love you to.. Kirino"

Did I really just say that

Kirino's face lit up, her smile extending to the utmost ability that it can be.

She turned around

"Baka Aniki, this was just data for my newest novel! *giggle* You really are a sis-con aren't you, taking this so seriously" She strolled off happily.

Huh… HUUHHHHHHHHH, Did I just confess to my sister?! The life drained out of my face.

"Oh… Aniki, I need some more help with another… S-Scene"


"Aniki... Its a night scene" Kirino raced off upstairs

'night scene, what could she mean by that'

And did I really just kiss my little sister? What the hell is the matter with me, I couldnt just stop my self...


Fixed up my story a bit more, edited and change it! If all is good, Ill continue this haha! Tell me what you think, things for them are going to start to get real heavy soon If you like this direction post below!

Note the story is sappose to be more dialogue, Its based of a continuation of a story that is already going on! I was just wondering what parts should I rewrite, edit the ideas to make them sound or feel smoother! Or anyone have any ideas how to continue the plot? Im asking this to get the opinions of people who arnt familiar with this!