Title: "As the Moon"
Author: Kat Lee
Rating: G/K
Summary: He will rise again as beautifully and powerfully as the moon.
Disclaimer: All recognizable characters, names, codenames, places, items, fandoms, titles, and etc. are always © & TM their respective owners, not the author, and are used without permission. Any and all original characters and everything else is © & TM the author and may not be reproduced in any way without the author's express, written permission. The author makes absolutely no profit off of this work of fan fiction, and no copyright infringement is intended.
He watched as the full moon rose, huge and luminescent in the dark, night sky. His ebony tail swished with his excitement; his little paws eagerly kneaded the windowsill upon which he set. He loved to watch a moonrise. Seeing the moon begin her ascent in all her glory always reminded him that he, too, would one day rise again.
His world might be dark now. He might be trapped in this feline body and with these Spellman bitches, who loved to abuse him and turn him into things that no self-respecting Warlock, or even cat, would ever be for their amusement. He might be powerless to defend himself now. But one day, just like the moon taking over from the sun and shining her life upon the earth, he, too, would rise to power again.
He would shed this cat body. He would stand tall and proud again in his full light, beauty, and power. He would stretch his might across the world and shed light where, until now, since his initial failure, there had only been darkness. He would save the good Witches, the Vampires, the Werewolves, and every monster, and animal - they had been added to his list only after he'd felt, first paw, what it felt like to be small, furry, abused, and neglected -, who was now oppressed. Like the moon and her silver light, he would touch them all, push away their darkness and bathe them in his power.
He would come to them and light their way back to him. He would erase their troubles, ease their pain, and make their suppressors their footstools. He would give them power over those who now held power over them and let them do with them as they wished. He would find peace for them again, and love, and make a new world and a new order.
The oppressed would rise underneath his paws. He would share his power with them, and never again would they suffer. Never again would he suffer. Like the moon, outside the presence of the sun, he would shine, but unlike the moon, once he rose, he'd never set again. He'd keep the Council and the Spellmans both underneath his controlling paw. They'd never be able to hurt him again or be free to hurt others.
Salem's tail swished more swiftly as moonlight filled his emerald eyes. "Shine on," he whispered, smiling, as Sabrina snored behind him. She would shine tonight, and one night soon, he, too, would shine. This time, he would never stop. He would not be stopped, and the world would once again belong to its rightful owners - to the beings who held magic as beautiful and as strong as the moon.
The End