"Hey are you Listening? Amano-kun?" Hinata waved a hand in front of his face.

"Eh?! Ah... oh sorry Hinata-san...!" Yuki mumbled looking up quickly.

"Geeze... I said a meteor crashed in the park not far from here! Imagine if it had hit the school!"

Ouji sat down on the desk across from Yuki and said. "Honestly I wish it had!"

Hinata looked at him. "Why?"

"No school!" He laughed. Yuki had stopped paying attention again and was looking down at his phone.


"Whats this?" Ouji swiped the phone away.

"Ah! Give it back!" Yukiteru stood up quickly trying to grab it back.

"What is it your stupid diary thi-... Akise? Whats that some kind of code?" Yuki grabbed the phone.

"Please don't take my things..." He sighed sitting down.

"Whatever weirdo." Ouji grumbled turned and walked away. Yukiteru looked down at the phone. He had taken a picture of Akise and he didn't want Ouji to see.

Yuno was watching Yuki out of the corner of her eye. That Hinata's gotten too close to Yuki lately... She thought clenching her teeth. If she gets too close I'll have to 'take care' of her... Yuki...

After school Yukiteru was walking home his head bent slightly as he looked at the picture of Akise. Yuno was watching him quietly from around the corner. That's odd... Hes not typing anything... She thought as she changed hiding places. As Yuki approached his house he stopped, unlocked the door and opened it withought looking up. He had learned to do this after hundreds of times writing in his diary.

"Akise's probably hungry." He thought suddenly and went to the kitchen to fix him a snack. He froze. What is Akise is just in my imagination... Like Murmur and Deus? He wondered a bit sadly.

All of a suddenly he felt someone put a hand on his shoulder and Yukiteru screamed turning around to see it was just Akise.

"Oh... Akise-kun. You scared me. I was just making you a snack." He stepped aside slightly showing him the Sandwich and Akise smiled.

"Sorry it was probably boring here all by yourself." Yuki said. Akise just smiled. And Yuki awkwardly smiled back before turning to finish the sandwich.

Akise watched him from behind and Yuki could feel his warm breath tickle his neck and blushed. "Um?" He looked at him seeing his gently smiling face again. There noses almost touched.

Yuno was looking around trying to find a window or something she could see in when she found one she gasped at the strange naked boy with her Yuki slowly moving forward until there lips touched. Yukiteru's eyes widened and he jumped away blushing bright red. "A-Akise?!" Akise gave a silent giggle at his reaction.

"I'll kill him... I'll kill him!" Yuno screamed breaking the window.