Got the idea from both a song and a picture. enjoy.

Yukiteru sighed as he walked glancing behind him hoping she wasn't following him. Yuno had offered for Yuki to stay the night but he was honestly terrified of her and didn't want to spend a whole night together. He looked up at the sky watching the shimmering stars above him and something caught his eye. It looked like a shooting star at first but was headed right for earth. He could feel it when it hit the surface. Whatever it was wasn't far and feeling a mix of curiosity and fear he hurried in the direction of the park it landed in.

When he got there he froze and stared gaping at the sight in front of him. There was a huge crater and in the middle was was a bundle of feathers and a completely naked young boy around 14, same as him. He saw all the blood and for probably the first time he decided to do something brave. He ran down the crater nearly falling on the pale form of the larger boy and lifted him up.

"Hang in there..." He breathed starting his way back up before the police or something turned up. He half dragged the boy all the way back. His mother wasn't home, as usual. Mom would probably freak out... Yukiteru thought as he flopped the mysterious boy onto his bed. He looked at the many wounds all over his body.

"Now what?" He wondered aloud. "I Guess I should get some bandages... Ah better hurry!"

When he returned the boy was awake and looked around the room taking in his surroundings with an odd calmness. He stoped when his eyes met Yukiteru's and the winged boy froze.

"Um... Hello... Sorry I found you and you were hurt s-so..." He didn't want to think he had kidnapped him or something. The boys red eyes sparkled with amusement and he smiled suddenly surprising Yuki.

"Um... I'm Yukiteru Amano..." He said a bit shyly. The winged boy opened his mouth but no sound came out. He blinked and rubbed his throat.

"huh? You cant talk?" Yukiteru looked around and grabbed his phone.

"You know how to use this?" He asked and the white haired boy shook his head. Yuki gave him a quick tutorial on how to text them waited.

Akise Was all he managed to text.

"Akise... Your name? So I guess I'll call you... Akise-kun." Yuki smiled at him and Akise returned the smile warmly.

Yuki washed out his wounds and bandaged them careful not to hurt him. He was surprised at how comfortable he was around Akise. He didn't have very many real friends. He didn't count Yuno a a friend really. He wondered if him and Akise would be good friends and couldn't help but smile to himself. Yuki let Akise have the bed and he got out the futon to sleep on. It was around 1:35 AM by the time he had finished dressing Akise's wounds and was so tired he almost fell asleep right next to Akise. Akise chuckled silently as he watched Yukiteru climb into bed and drift off to sleep. He however didn't feel very tired. He couldn't remember anything, Why he was here, who he was, etc. The only thing he knew for sure was his name. Akise Aru.