I do not own Guy or Kakashi or any Naruto characters. I am making no money from this piece of fiction.
It was the early hours of the morning, but Guy was still awake. He was pacing slowly around his room with an un-characteristic frown on his face.
Kakashi hadn't been himself since the fight with Itachi and Kisame. Guy could not forget the look in his eye when he regained consciousness. It wasn't just the somber stare of a beaten man. He looked as if he had seen hell. Guy was about to tell him that everything was okay, but the medics, realizing Kakashi was awake, rushed him out of the room saying he was in the way.
Guy stopped pacing and sat down on his bed.
It seemed impossible to see Kakashi so weak he could not support his weight on water. It was hard to believe that anyone could bring such a formidable ninja to his breaking point without destroying his physical body. Guy was sure something happened to Kakashi that no one knew about. Everyone else in the village seemed to think this was just another one of his gloomy moods and he would get over it soon. But Guy felt this problem was only going to get worse if someone didn't step in.
Guy shook himself, trying to forget how much he had wanted to go straight to Kakashi that day on the water. He tried to forget how much he longed to slow his friend's quick, labored breathing with his touch.
But he could not do that then, and he could not do it now. Perhaps Kakashi would always remain out of his reach. Guy shuddered at the thought of Kakashi being untouchable forever. He was nearly impossible to reach, and not just physically. Kakashi lived a guarded life. He seems to most to be a simple, lazy, somewhat perverted person who is quick to smile. But Kakashi visits the memorial stone at least twice a day and then laughs at the fact that he is always late for meetings.
Guy knew Kakashi was a kind, brave soul who deserved to live with no secrets. He was not the paranoid recluse he was acting like. Kakashi was always alone - alone at the memorial stone, in his house, and in his mind
Guy stood suddenly and marched out into the night.
Kakashi's small house was as still as stone. Even the insects were silent. Guy let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding when he saw light shining dimly through his screened bedroom window. Guy walked straight to the window. He knocked a few times, saying,
"Kakashi, can I come in?"
Silence answered him.
"It's Guy."
"I know," was the faint reply.
There was another silence, heavier than the last, in which Guy could almost hear the wheels working in Kakashi's head. Guy shut his eyes tight.
Finally, low and breathlessly, "It's not locked."
Guy smiled from ear to ear.
He found himself halfway running to Kakashi's front door. He stopped short just as his hand touched the doorknob. He stepped back and took deep breaths.
Guy had only seen Kakashi a few times in over two weeks, and he hadn't spoken to him at all. He was rarely seen out in the village. He was ignoring everyone. But Guy noticed that Kakashi actually went out of his way to get away from him. He couldn't think of a time recently that he was close enough to Kakashi to see the expression on his face.
The fact that he was being especially avoided by Kakashi was not only painful, but frustrating, to Guy. It was bad enough that Kakashi wouldn't let anyone close enough to help him - he wouldn't even let his eternal rival within reaching distance. Guy knew that hewas the person Kakashi needed the most. He was sure he could help resolve whatever was wrong.
Heknew Kakashi trusted, appreciated -even liked him - as a friend. They had been through so much together and known each other for so long that it was impossible not to be close.
There were a few instances, though, that hinted that Kakashi might feel a love beyond friendship. Sometimes a stare would last "too" long, and Kakashi always seemed to have to sit between Iruka and Guy when the three of them were together.
Guy opened the door and walked swiftly to Kakashi's bedroom door. He knocked again but this time he did not wait for a response before he entered.
Kakashi was doing quick, precise pushups in the exact center of the room. He did not acknowledge Guy's entrance at all. Guy was able to navigate his way around him enough to sit on the couch against the left wall. Kakashi kept on with his exercise. Guy sat still on the edge of his seat.
Kakashi had on the usual mask and headband, and a pair of loose sweat pants. But he wore no shirt. Guy could not remember the last time he'd seen his friend so undressed. Sweat was making his pale, lithe body shine in the overhead light. Guy noticed that Kakashi's ribs were prominent and wondered if he had been eating enough. But Kakashi had always had a slight build. He reasoned also, that Kakashi had to be eating properly to have the energy to exercise. Guy bent forward to see Kakashi's face and saw that his one visible eye, the one close to him, was closed. He stared for a moment to see if it would open, but it did not.
Guy sighed and closed his eyes - thinking of Kakashi's cool, soothing voice and how wonderful it would be to hear it after so long. Guy's eyes flew open at the sound of Kakashi hitting the floor with a painful, exhausted grunt.
Guy stood halfway up and reached out but the instant he hit the ground Kakashi had hopped up onto his feet. Guy froze, having no idea what to do or say. He sat back down. Suddenly he felt as if he was prying into a very private moment. He hoped Kakashi would say something to get the conversation started.
He was still giving Guy his profile, swaying slightly on his feet. His head was hung low and his eyes were tightly closed. Guy wondered how long he'd been training.
Endurance was always an obstacle for Kakashi when he used the Sharingan. Maybe that's why he was working out so late – so he'd be better prepared if he ran into Itachi again. Or maybe he was avoiding sleep to keep his mind out of disturbing places. Guy thought about how physical strength and endurance was his own specialty. Together, they were a perfectly balanced team.
Guy's thoughts were interrupted when Kakashi tilted his head back with a frustrated sigh. Finally he opened his eye and glanced at Guy in the subtlest of ways. Guy saw it perfectly and knew he was probably the only one who would have. He wondered if Kakashi realized anyone could read him so well.
Kakashi stared hard at the floor. He took a deep breath and said,
"I'm not telling you anything."
Guy's hopes of hearing the voice he loved were shattered. Kakashi spoke in a voice so low and rough it didn't sound like him at all. It was like he hadn't spoken at all in a long time.
Guy hadn't expected Kakashi's voice to be so heavy with defiance. His heart sank but he sat himself up straighter, determined not to give in to shock tactics. He spoke clearly and sensibly when he said,
"You let me in, that means you want help."
"No it doesn't. I don't know why I let you in."
"It's obvious you're suffering. You should tell someone about it."
"I can't." he said.
Guy stood so that Kakashi has to look up to him.
"Why not?"
"I can't explain."
"I can't."
"Why can't you tell me?" Kakashi stares at the floor. "Why can't you try?"
"I can't because it wouldn't do any good for anyone. I don't care if you think otherwise, you're wrong."
Guy narrows his eyes. "You're acting like a child."
Kakashi looks up from the floor sharply. Guy is caught off guard by his sudden look of disdain.
"I'm acting like a child?" he half-shouts, laughing bitterly. "I suppose you think I'm being selfish, too?"
Guy's hands curl into fists. "Well, yeah. You-"
Kakashi put up his thin hands. Guy sees that they are shaking and his anger falters.
"Stop, I don't wanna hear it." His hands fall limply to his side. "I can't do this. You don't understand. You can't. This is my problem. I'll deal with it. Don't you get it? Even if I could somehow explain, it just wouldn't help." He turns away.
Kakashi's breath was coming too fast. Guy took a slight step forward. He looked closely at Kakashi's face. His eyes were closed again, and he was working to slow his breathing. Guy noticed the sweat on his brow, the deep purple circles under his eyes.
"I'm sorry Kakashi."
Guy reaches out to him but he steps swiftly out of reach. He glares at Guy in horror. He speaks in a harsh whisper.
"What the hell are you doing?"
Eyes wide, Guy answers.
"I'm trying to help."
Kakashi relaxes his defensive stance but his eyes are narrowed with suspicion.
"Someone told you to check on me."
"No. I came on my own."
Kakashi slouches. His eye darts back and forth from Guy to the floor.
"I don't understand why. I mean, I don't need..."
"I'm your friend."
"No if you really were, you would leave me alone. I have students and teammates…enemies… and that's all." Kakashi's voice is lower now.
Shaking his head, Guy answers, "That is not all, Kakashi, and we both know it."
Kakashi raises his voice, "If you know everything - who do I have? Who?"
"You have me."
Kakashi pauses for a moment,
"Just because I have you doesn't mean I need you." His words were slurring together. "I'm fine. I'm fine."
"No, you're not. I know you went through something in that fight that changed you. I want you to change back to the strong, kind person I knew before."
"You ask too much. I need to be alone. That's what I need."
With a lingering sigh Kakashi falls backward into the chair opposite the couch. He put his head in his hands, grabbing fistfuls of hair. It seemed, now, that it was sheer willpower that was keeping Kakashi awake.
"Just go, please."
Guy took a deep breath and stood up.
He walked silently toward the door even though that was the last thing we wanted to do. He looked back at Kakashi as he crossed the threshold between the bedroom and the rest of the house. Kakashi sat as if trapped in that position forever.
Kakashi stayed sitting as he listened to Guy let himself out. The door didn't slam. Kakashi sat up slowly, trying to figure out why he felt bad – why he wished the door would've slammed. He felt a feeling rush through him like cold water, but he didn't know what it was. Kakashi hadn't felt anything that strong in a long time. He thought for a second that it was regret but dismissed the idea as impossible. He didn't care.
Before Kakashi could think much more about the strange feeling, he felt himself falling asleep. He shook himself, rubbing his eye. He couldn't sleep. He stared blankly at the wall for a while and realized in the stillness that he could feel Guy's presence outside near his window. He turned off the light, hoping he would leave.
It had been so many days since Kakashi had slept that soon he dropped unto his double bed. The new darkness was lulling him to sleep. He grabbed on to his soft, deep red sheets and wrapped himself tightly within them. He fell asleep thinking of Guy and his voice during the argument. He was thinking of his body, his face.
Outside Kakashi's house, Guy was leaning back against the wall beside the window. He didn't feel like going home. On this night, he wanted to be as close to Kakashi as possible.
He saw the light in Kakashi's room turn off and smiled - imagining him warm and safe in bed. Yawning, he slid down to sit against the house. The warm night breeze hinted at fall's approach and the insects chirped a gentle rhythm. He fell asleep wondering what it would be like to sleep with Kakashi in his arms.