Hello, welcome to the start of my new story. If you've read my other work in progress, Harry Got His Wand, you might notice similar themes at work. I know it has been a while since that story was updated, I haven't abandoned it I just have a lot of work on at the minute. Very soon I'll have a lot more free tiem to work on both that and this. I hope you enjoy.
If you asked the average person what their favourite sound was they'd probably reply with something soppy like 'the sound of leaves in the park' or maybe, if they were a parent it could be 'the sound of my child's contented sleep'. This is boring. Let's narrow the field a bit. If you asked the average magical person, that is to say, a witch or a wizard what their favourite sound was they might reply the first crackle of magic they produced or again another whimsical noise made by a child. Narrowing the field once more if you were ask Harry Potter during his battle with the basilisk at the end of his second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry he would have answered without a moment's hesitation that his favourite sound was the battle cry of a phoenix. It's a good thing he wouldn't hesitate either since if he had the basilisk would probably have impaled him on its fangs and devoured him and then where would we be?
Speaking of being and whereabouts in general Harry Potter was currently hiding behind a large rock in the Chamber of Secrets while Fawkes battled the basilisk. He held the Sword of Gryffindor in his right hand, his wand in his left and the Sorting Hat was sitting rather lopsidedly on his head. He lifted the hat out of his eyes and peeked over the rock. Fawkes had blinded the basilisk in one eye and was circling to attack again. The basilisk snapped its jaws at the phoenix which swooped out of the way. Quick as a Snitch Fawkes darted in close and drove his beak into the basilisk's remaining eye. The basilisk roared and thrashed. Fawkes was scrabbling to pull his beak free from the ruined eye when the basilisk slammed its head into the walls of the chamber. Fawkes exploded in a fireball that burned Harry's eyes even after he shut them. Shrivelled and featherless Fawkes fell to the floor of the chamber and lay still. The basilisk was reeling and its head was smoking and burnt but when Harry crept forward he saw its nostrils flare and with open jaws it lunged at him. Without thinking Harry blindly thrust the sword out in front of him. The basilisk's own momentum drove the blade through its upper jaw and into its skull. Riddle screamed and Harry's legs gave out. His vision was becoming blurred and he began to twitch. The last thing he saw before he lost consciousness was the broken fang of the basilisk sticking out the ruined remains of his right arm and a figure in purple robes advancing on him.
Dumbledore had been deep in thought when he felt Fawkes's distress through their connection. He'd cared for Fawkes through many of his regenerations but it had never felt like this before. He closed his eyes and visualised the connection between them which appeared in his mind as if it were a golden thread connecting him and Fawkes. He grasped his end tightly and apparated through the link. When he appeared in the chamber Riddle gave a cry of alarm. Dumbledore saw Harry pinned beneath the dead basilisk and rushed to his side. The shade of Riddle was still yelling threats but Dumbledore paid it no mind as he pulled Harry free of the carcass. His exposed arm was turning black, a corruption spreading web like from the wound caused by the basilisk's fang. Dumbledore pulled a vial from his pocket, unstopped it and poured the clear liquid into the wound. Phoenix tears held the power to heal the most grievous of wounds, when they were fresh. Dumbledore carried tears he'd collected from Fawkes some years ago. They wouldn't cure Harry of the poison but they would give him time. The black rot faded and receded but still throbbed nastily in the centre of the wound. Harry's eyes flickered open and looked around in an unfocused haze. His lips moved but no speech came forth. Dumbledore leaned closer as he struggled to make out what Harry was saying.
'Ginny' Harry breathed. 'Ron, Lockhart. The diary.' The effort showed in his face, already streaked with blood and grime and now was shiny with sweat.
Dumbledore picked up the Sword of Gryffindor and advanced on the Riddle shade. His blue eyes were no longer twinkling but shone with a fury that still haunted the fevered dreams of Grindelwald as he wasted away in Nurmengard. He swung the shade through the riddle shade. The blade passed through it as Riddle laughed. Remembering what Harry had said Dumbledore aimed his next strike at the diary, piercing the pages with the sword's point. A white light began streaming from Riddle's eyes and when his mouth opened to scream the glow erupted from there as well. Dumbledore shielded his eyes as Riddle exploded.
Harry lay still on the floor, his breathing shallow. As Dumbledore stooped to pick up the reborn Fawkes he heard the sound of footsteps. Ron ran into the chamber with Lockhart's wand at the ready. His arm was shielding his eyes.
'Harry?' He cried. 'Ginny?'
'Mr Weasley, the basilisk has been slain. You may open your eyes'
Ron dropped his arm. 'Professor Dumbledore! What's happened? Is my sister ok?'
'Mr Weasley I need you to be quiet and do exactly as I say. Stay here with Harry and your sister. I have to get help.'
Ron nodded. As Dumbledore stood to disapparate Ron went over to Ginny who was stirring on the floor. When she opened her eyes and saw Ron she began to cry and buried her face in his robes.
Ron hugged his sister tightly as she told him everything. How she'd found the diary and how it had gradually taken control of her and brought her to the chamber. Suddenly her eyes went wide.
'What will mum and dad say? They'll never want to speak to me again. No one will. All those horrible things I did.'
Ron smiled. 'Don't be daft, we're just glad you're alive. Dumbledore will straighten everything out you'll see. Me and Harry will tell him everything.'
A soft pop drew the Weasley's attention. Dumbledore had returned to the cavern bringing with him Snape, McGonagall and Flitwick. At Ron's direction they retrieved Lockhart who was having an argument with a toadstool and brought him into the chamber. Dumbledore gathered up Fawkes in his robes and made them all join hands.
'This,' Dumbledore said, 'will not be easy'. He then apparated teachers and students both out of the chamber of secrets and into the infirmary.
Madam Pomfrey had obviously been prepared as there were beds waiting for them when they arrived. Despite Ron's protests he was bundled into bed along with his sister while the professors levitated Harry behind a curtain to a separate bed. After administering a dreamless sleep potion to the pair of them Madam Pomfrey joined the professors as they surveyed the damage to Harry. Snape was examining the wound.
'Well professor I can say that if you hadn't administered phoenix tears immediately he wouldn't have even made it this far. I don't suppose Fawkes will recover enough to cry some fresh ones in the next five minutes?'
Fawkes poked his head out of the Sorting Hat where he was resting. It was all the answer they needed. Dumbledore's face was grave.
'Harry Potter cannot die. Not like this. We must find a way.'
Dumbledore looked first at McGonagall and then at Flitwick. 'I need a moment with Severus. Please go and check on the young Weasleys.' His face told them it wasn't a request. After they had left he turned to Madam Pomfrey. 'I'm afraid I need you to leave as well Poppy.'
Madam Pomfrey opened her mouth to speak, then shut it again. She turned and left. Dumbledore looked at Snape. 'During your service to Lord Voldemort did he ever teach you how to cast Fiendfyre?'
Snape looked warily at Dumbledore. 'Yes' he answered.
'And to control it?' Dumbledore pressed.
'Yes. Headmaster, if you're about to suggest what I think you are I'm telling you now I won't do it.'
Dumbledore snapped. 'He cannot die do you understand me? If he dies now everyone dies. You are bound to help me Severus you swore an oath. You. Will. Help. Me.'
Snape said nothing and rolled up his sleeves. Dumbledore raised the Sword of Gryffindor over Harry's mangled arm. 'Ready?' he asked Snape.
Dumbledore brought the sword down. The cut was clean. 'Now Severus' Dumbledore shouted.
Snape waved his wand and conjured Fiendfyre. Instead of the raging inferno normally associated with the spell Snape had brought forth a wispy snake. The severed arm was pitch black and the flesh sloughed off leaving a foul stench. The Fiendfyre consumed the corruption and obliterated it. The rot was still spreading through Harry's arm, past the elbow and up towards the shoulder. Snape grimaced as he sent the Fiendfyre into Harry's arm. As the fire surged through his veins they glowed. The effect was so powerful that for a moment Dumbledore could see bone through Harry's skin. Gradually Snape pulled back the Fiendfyre. 'That's as much as I can do' he said to Dumbledore. The stump of Harry's arm was red raw and blistering, but the venom had ceased its journey to the heart.
The professors looked down at the boy who lived. His breath was so shallow it was difficult to tell whether he was breathing at all. Dumbledore turned away and walked past the curtain into the main room of the infirmary. Madam Pomfrey and the other professors were waiting.
'He should sleep for a few days, maybe a week. Poppy, I'd like you to keep me informed as to any changes in his condition. I know we can't keep this a secret but there are some owls that must be sent before word reaches the students. There will be a staff meeting first thing tomorrow morning. That will be all.'
Dumbledore and the senior staff left the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey checked that both Weasleys were sleeping soundly before approaching the curtain that shielded what remained of Harry Potter. As she bent over him to check his temperature his left hand shot up and grabbed her by the wrist. In the same instant, his eyes opened.
The once emerald green eyes of Harry Potter now burned bright gold.