Hey everyone thanks for taking the time to read my first fanfic! I'm so thrilled to bring this story to life and I hope you all like it. Please read and review and I will try to update as much as possible. Disclaimer: The characters mentioned in this fanfic are property of the creators of Alpha and Omega. They are in no way what so ever my own characters and are being used strictly for entertainment.

- Tman210

Love at West Jasper High

Chapter 1

Humphrey's POV: I woke up to the blaring of my alarm clock. I didn't know why I felt so excited to go to school today; nothing good ever happened to me there anyway. My name is Humphrey Ashcroft I'm 17 years old. I live with my alcoholic father, David, and my two older brothers, Alec and Shawn. My mother died when I was six. I have two other older brothers, besides Alec and Shawn, their names are Colt and Adam. Colt is a police deputy and Adam is in prison for drug dealing. I don't hate my family, if anything I feel bad for them.

I got up out of bed and took a hot shower, when I finished my shower I dried off and spiked my messy silver hair with a handful of gel. I than put on a black t-shirt, a pair of tattered blue jeans, a pair of tattered black sneakers, a spiked belt, a spiked collar, and a leather vest before downstairs. When I entered the kitchen I saw my father sitting at the table two empty cans of beer sat in front of him. "Good morning David" I said, I haven't called him dad since his drinking intensified; I couldn't bring my self to call him my father. "I'm your father boy show some damn respect! and grab me a beer will ya?" David ordered. "Yes sir" I replied as I opened the fridge and grabbed a carton of milk and a can of Bud Light for David. I handed David his beer then grabbed a box of frosted flakes. I poured a bowl full, added the milk, and began to eat.

While I ate Alec came downstairs he was 18 years old and in his last year of high school. Alec had long jet black fur and green eyes. He had a fairly athletic build and a scar on the right side of his bottom lip; a scar he received after getting decked while protecting me from Garth Scott, the captain of West Jasper Highs football team, the West Side Howlers. "Morning Humphrey, are you ready for school?" Alec asked. "Yeah I am, is Shawn driving us?" I asked Alec. "No he's hung over, I don't think he's even going to school today" Alec replied. "Oh well, he's all ready been held back once, if he wants to repeat grade 12 a third time it's his choice" I told Alec who just nodded his head before returning to the peanut butter and jelly sandwich he was making. "Are you gonna try to score with Kate?" Alec asked. " You knowI don't have a chance with her, she's with Garth remember?" I replied. "Garth is an asshole, she can do better" Alec told me. "I won't disagree with you" I said. "You stupid punk kids! Stop worrying about love, you won't find it and if you do it will just leave you" David shouted in a condescending tone. A wave of anger grew through me; who was David to tell me whether or not I should love or not? Just because he has given up on love doesn't mean I have to. I felt like bashing his jaw in right then and there but Alec gave me a warning look and I managed to get a hold of my emotions. "Let's go Humphrey, we need to get to school" Alec told me. I grabbed my backpack and followed my brother out to our truck.

I hadn't said good-bye to my father; I didn't even want to think about him. The only person I wanted to think about was the girl of my dreams, Kate Hale, the head of the cheer squad, one of my closest childhood friends, and Garth Scott's girlfriend. Kate had long, golden wavy hair, amber-colored eyes, tan-colored fur, and white fur on her belly and chest. She had a toned athletic body, soft beautiful legs, a perfect hour-glass figure, an amazing smile, a round and firm butt, and perfect B cup breasts. But that was just her physical appearance; she had an amazing personality and unlike most girls on the cheer squad she was sweet and friendly. Kate was an intelligent model student and I had never loved someone so much but I could never have her; she belonged to Garth, not a nerdy, anti social, delinquent like me. The truth was a hard pill to swallow; but I had no choice but to accept it the facts were all against me anyway.

"Don't let dad get to you Humphrey, he's just drunk" Alec told me."He's not drunk, he's dad" I replied. Alec pulled over to the side of the road and locked the doors. "What are you doing?!" I asked. "Something is bothering you and I want you to tell me what it is" Alec replied. "You wouldn't understand" I said. "I could try, if you would just tell me" Alec said. "Just forget about it, okay?" I responded. "I'm not just gonna forget about it Humphrey! We're brothers we need to trust each other and have each others backs! So what's bothering you" He asked. "It's everything all right! Mom's death, Dad's drinking, Adam's imprisonment, Kate's relationship status, school, everything! Everything in life is fucked up Alec and it's never going to improve!" I told my brother. Alec just looked at me before resting his hand on my shoulder, looking me in the eyes, and beginning to speak. "I know things feel hopeless Humphrey, but I promise you things will get better. I'm not sure when; but they will. Until than you need to stay strong and get up on your feet no matter how many times you get knocked back down. I know that's easier said then done but if anyone can do it it's you; you've been through so much all ready" Alec told me. After removing his hand from my shoulder Alec began to drive again.

When we reached West Jasper High Alec parked the truck and I went to meet up with my friends Mooch Mason, Salty Jones, and Shaky Rollins. As I walked into the school I accidentally bumped into Kate, she had dropped her books and I bent down to help her pick them up. Kate was wearing a white tank top, a bra with red straps I figured the rest of her bra was red as well, a pair of blue jeans, and a pair of white high heels. "Sorry about that Kate" I said as I handed her the last of her books. "It's okay Humphrey, thanks for helping me pick up my books" she said. Just then our moment alone disrupted by an extremely muscular wolf with brown fur, slicked back brown hair, and green eyes. He wore a black football jersey the logo on the front said "West Side Howlers" a big letter "C" was on the left side of his jersey. The writing on the back said "#1, Scott". He had a pair of tattered blue jeans on, a pair of black sneakers, and a white muscle shirt under his jersey. There was no mistaking this wolf's identity; everyone in Jasper Park knew who he was and if they didn't his gang of football players and himself would be more than happy to make sure that they did. The wolf was none other than the biggest jerk in Jasper Park, the captain of the West Side Howlers, and Kate's boyfriend; Garth Scott. "Hey Omega! What are you doing talking to my girl?!" Garth shouted.

In West Jasper High popularity was sorted into three groups; the most popular group was the Alpha's which consisted mainly of the Cheerleaders, Football Players, and other sports players. The next group was the Beta's, average, everyday students. Then there was the Omega's the outcasts, the lowest of the low, the freaks, the nerds, the posers, the retards, the poor, and the worthless. The Omega's were looked down on by the Beta's, the Alpha's, and most of Jasper Park. The worst part is that I am an Omega.

"Garth it's okay, Humphrey was just helping me pick up my books" Kate told Garth. "Did I ask you?" Garth asked. "Garth please-" "DID I ask you?" Garth asked angrily. "No" Kate replied. "No I didn't, so shut the fuck up!" Garth spat. "HEY ASSHOLE! Don't talk to her like that!" I spat Garth responded by slamming me against a wall. "What are you gonna do about it coyote?" Garth asked. "I'm gonna bash your skull in" I replied. "Ohhh I'm so scared! please all-powerful being spare me I have seen the error of my ways! Please forgive me for my sins" Garth cried in a mocking voice; this caused all of his followers, except for Kate and defense player Hutch Murdoch, to burst out laughing. All of a sudden Garth got serious. "Keep away from Kate or I'll bury you" Garth threatened. "Go to hell!" I hissed. "I can see I'm gonna have to give you a lesson in showing respect to your superiors" Garth said calmly then began to raise his fist. "Mr. Scott!" A voice called out before Garth could strike. The voice began to Principle Monroe, an old friend of my mom and dad. "What's going on?" Principle Monroe asked.

Garth let me go and turned to face Principle Monroe; he had a huge fake smile on his face. "Principle Monroe! Looking sharp as usual" Garth complimented. "Stop kissing up Mr. Scott, I found you preparing to remove Mr. Ashcroft's face from his skull and I want to know what he possibly could have done to force you to resort to violence!" Principle Monroe said; completely ignoring Garth's compliment. "Don't worry about me Principle Monroe, he hits like a toddler anyway" I said. Garth flashed me an angry glare before turning his attention to Principle Monroe. "Be that as it may Mr. Ashcroft, I will not allow violence in the halls of this school" Principle Monroe told me. "Seriously Principle Monroe we were just messing around, I wasn't really going to hit him" Garth said. "Now you've resorted to lying? Mr. Scott I want to see you in my office after school today" Principle Monroe told Garth. "Tonight! I have practice tonight, I have to be-" "MR. SCOTT! You should have thought about that before threatening to assault another student and lying to me after I caught you in the act. Now I WILL see you after school and YOU will be there unless you want to be taken off of the team for the rest of the season! Are we clear?" Principle Monroe asked. "Yes sir" Garth muttered. "Pardon me?" Principle Monroe asked. "Yes sir" Garth replied. "Good, now all of you get to class!" Principle Monroe ordered and walked off.

"Come on Garth, he's not worth it" Hutch said as he led Garth away. "This isn't over Coyote, I'll get back at you, come on Kate!" Garth ordered and led her away. Kate looked back at me, she had an apologetic look on her face and she mouthed an apology before walking away. My thoughts about what had just happened were interrupted when Alec walked over to me. "Hey brother are you all right?" Alec asked. "Yeah I'm okay, leave it to Garth to ruin a good moment" I said before continuing to my first class of the day.