Chapter 30 (and final chapter) - War is Over
Laura sipped on her second glass of wine as Bill sat talking on the telephone in the corner.
She was wearing his comfortable brown robe with nothing underneath. It had been a long campaign but now it was over. She could do nothing more but wait until the results started to come in tomorrow afternoon.
The press had taken the news of their relationship better than she could have ever had anticipated. The story was on the front page of all the evening newspapers. Her admission was the lead on every television channel.
The public were eating it up. Their 'ice queen' President was showing her emotions – in public. Her voters had embraced her after her bout with cancer, allowing her to gain ground against the then very popular President Adar. Richard's subsequent attempt to smear her by making their affair public had become the turning point in that election. Now it seemed once again that people were finding affinity with her when she exposed her human and vulnerable side.
Back then, Laura had not understood why people had believed her trustworthy enough to make decisions every day on their behalf. She was someone who admitted to using an alarming error in judgement when sleeping with a married man. Yet the people had voted for her.
Now, those same people were favouring her simply because she had fallen in love with a man whose rank in the Fleet also deemed him inappropriate. Her numbers had double in the polls over the last few hours.
Bill hung up and joined her on the bed. She gave a grateful hum when his talented hands began to massage some of the tension out of her neck.
"That was Britton," he mumbled.
"He's given everyone involved in the search for Earth two weeks shore leave. If you win, they'll start up again after that."
"And if I lose?"
"If you lose, he has several records packed up and sitting in an airlock ready to be flushed out into space. We've agreed to keep the FTL details public. Our Specialists will continue to work on transferring their technology to our ships. The updated starcharts can be kept. But, all the information on Kobol and your involvement with the Tomb of Athena et cetera will be destroyed."
She lifted her hand and feathered a touch across one of his where it stroked her skin.
"Thank you, honey," she whispered. "We need to talk."
"What about?"
"What you told the reporters today. That you'll resign if I get re-elected. To ensure that we can never be accused of impropriety where military decisions are concerned."
"There's nothing to talk about. That's what will happen."
"We work well together. I know we can separate the Admiral and the President." She turned and knelt on the bed so that their faces were aligned and she could watch his face as he talked.
"We think that," he said. "But we don't know. In reality the lines are probably blurred and we don't even notice. And the Cabinet and the Quorum would continually accuse you of favouritism and nepotism every time a tough military decision needs to be made. No, this is the only thing we can do. If you become President for another term, I will officially retire."
"Bill, the Fleet is your life."
Bill kissed her cheek. "Not my entire life anymore. I now know I have you. I have Lee and Saul and Kara. I don't feel as lost as I did when Galactica was taken away from me. I'll be okay."
Bill rose off the bed and poured himself a drink.
"Laura, there's something else I wanted to ask."
"I've never really asked anyone this before - surprisingly. Last time it was a natural progression of things and I just knew that it was expected. This time, I'm not sure about what's expected at all."
Laura lounged back so that her head lay upon the pillow. She didn't know if the wine was making her too light-headed and her perceptions had become unclear, but he seemed flustered. Bill was usually so confident. Even if he was unsure of something, he rarely showed it, even to her.
"What, Bill?"
"Laura, if you say no, I'll understand. We can just continue as we have been, and I'll never bring it up again. But, I want you to know I want this – for us and no other reason."
"Bill, will you just tell me what you're talking about!"
Laura literally blinked. She looked down into her glass. Had she misheard?
"Bill, I'm feeling a bit silly tonight. Was that your idea of a marriage proposal?"
"It is. Until it isn't." He paused. "Did I just say that?" They both laughed, both hiding their embarrassment and hesitation. "What I mean, Laura, is that yes, this is a marriage proposal. But it isn't, because I think I should do it properly." He took her hand and pulled her back up to face him again. "Laura Roslin, will you marry me?"
She stared down at where their hands were joined. She hadn't been expecting a proposal. She should have. It was obvious he would want to make things formal.
Bill would love her until the day she died. Even with all Carolanne's flaws and all the mistakes he made in that relationship, he continued to love his ex-wife on some level. Once Bill Adama loved it was forever.
Bill held many old-fashioned ideals close to his heart. To her, one of the great mysteries of Bill Adama was why he remained an atheist. He was so steeped in tradition and conventions when it came to so many other subjects.
She had just shouted out her love and commitment to him to billions and yet he wanted to add a piece of paper to confirm that it wasn't all a publicity stunt. Bill had been suited to the military for all these years because he liked order. He liked to be in control. Being married was the orderly thing to do; the right thing to do. It was also him pledging an oath. Not to the Fleet and the Twelve Colonies this time, but to her.
She looked back up at his face.
"You don't want to," he said. "You hate the idea. You're independent, I understand. You've committed yourself to me in so many ways, I need to stop being selfish. I need to look at the big political point of view. I'm sorry."
She lifted her hand and couldn't resist in tracing the lines that marred his face as he frowned down at her – such a serious look.
"Bill, the answer's 'yes'. I absolutely will marry you."
"Laura…" His face cleared and her heart missed a beat at the complete love she saw shining from his eyes.
"Bill, what if I make it some sort of political grandstanding gesture on my part? You're asking a woman whose main focus in life for such a long period was her career and her position. Some things need to be sacrosanct but I just want you to know that I will always be a politician. I know I thought of giving it all up not long back, but I don't think I can. It's part of me; who I am. What if my aides and advisers want to make our wedding into some sort of circus?"
He frowned again. "I was thinking of something quiet. Just you and me; Lee; Saul and Ellen; Kara. Whoever you want to invite. Marcie?"
She tilted her head to one side. "Wally?"
His frown deepened. "If you want," he eventually said.
"Oh, Bill! I'm teasing." She kissed him. "I know how jealous you were that night. I don't understand why. There was never anything between Wally and me."
He pulled her close. "How about not teasing me again until that ring's on your finger?"
She giggled. "Do you know what you're letting yourself in for, Mr Adama?"
"Yeah," he said, sighing and holding her tighter. "I know. And I wouldn't have it any other way."
Boomer watched as he unlocked the door and entered his apartment. She'd been standing watch every morning for almost six months. Now, he was here, on leave, and she had no idea what to do next. She had no plan beyond catching a glimpse of him.
Her heart rate increased when his arm became visible as he pushed open the windows to let some fresh air circulate around the rooms.
She wanted to ask him so many questions. Had he seen her pregnant sister? Did he now know his origin like Anders?
It had been an unsettling experience when One had told them the identities of the other four Cylons who had created them. Had he designed her deliberately with his own fantasies in mind? Was this the only reason he had been attracted to her?
She had always felt she was the inferior model. She was the proficient pilot; the mechanically minded technical expert. She was not the one called on if philosophical or intellectual discussions were taking place. It would make sense that she had been designed by another mechanically minded Cylon.
She sat down on the small brick wall that she had been standing next to, and stared at the ground. Life was so much simpler when she had thought of herself as human. Her memories were so clear; even the ones that One had invented. She still treasured photographs of pretend people who never existed. She devoured any news she could of her former friends - Starbuck, Apollo, Helo. If the other models discovered that she couldn't let go, they would probably discuss boxing her entire model.
When had he looked out and seen her sitting here? She slowly raised her eyes to the voice she had wanted to hear saying her name for such a long time. There was only one question she now wanted him to answer: did he hate her?
"Hello Chief," she murmured.
They never said anything else or moved for what felt like an immeasurable period. Then finally, he reached out and offered her his hand.
"Want to come in?" he asked.
She took his hand and followed him, sobbing all the while.
"We need to destroy resurrection."
"Six, are you completely delirious? You really need to stop talking to Anders and Tyrol."
"I've thought about this before they joined us. Our lives have no purpose."
"Speak for yourself," Five said with his usual sarcasm.
"We've changed," Eight agreed.
"But the humans haven't," One insisted.
"For our existence to hold any value, it must end. To live meaningful lives, we must die and not return. The one human flaw that they spend their lifetimes distressing over, mortality, is the one thing that can make us whole."
"I agree," Three said.
"You're right. It was a mistake to give you resurrection," Galen said.
"You!" One's stubby finger pointed in Tyrol's direction. "Don't get to vote!"
"Why not?" Eight asked. "He has more right to vote than you do!"
"Four, Five and I are going to carry out the plan, even if you and your father figure lover here want to start up some hippy commune."
"We voted to not attack," Six injected.
"I'm sick of democracies," One snapped. "After the election, I'm making arrangements, no matter who the President is. Find yourselves some nice little place to sit and watch as we destroy the Colonies."
One turned and left with Five following closely.
The other models frowned when Four remained behind.
"I've been contacted by one of my brothers," he announced. "A Simon who is a medic in the Fleet, based near Gemenon."
"He must have something significant to share if he risked detection by contacting you," Three said.
"Yes. He is married. He has a wife. She is an aeronautical engineer. This was why she was chosen. He now realises he loves her."
"Yes, this happens," Six murmured.
"The Fours hope to finally discover the secret of natural reproduction. The ingredient we all think is essential now exists between this Simon and his wife."
"Love," Six added.
"The Fours no longer wish to vote to attack and we agree; resurrection must be destroyed if we are going to fulfil our destiny."
"And then there were two," Tyrol said.
"Five will never have a clear thought of his own. But One will be a much harder prospect to persuade," Three said.
"I think we need another vote," Boomer said. She would surprise everyone when she made this suggestion. She didn't want to lose everything now though. She had only just found Galen again. Her sister was in love with Helo and about to have his baby. "We need to vote whether or not we should box One."
"We need to tell Bill."
"Oh, Saul. He fought in the Cylon War. The stories you've told me about the atrocities he witnessed where the Centurions were carrying out experiments on hybrids…"
"Yeah, he will take some convincing that we're all willing to play happy families now and live in peace, that's for sure. But he's the only one who will be able to convince Roslin."
"We could just carry on like we were: our children mingling; making their homes amongst the humans. Now that John is boxed, we can ensure all the other models keep their word and don't carry out any further attacks."
"All of them are on the most wanted lists of every authority in the Twelve Colonies. It's only a matter of time until one of them panics and something happens. No, we have to come out."
"I'm not sure I have your faith in William Adama."
"You should, Ellen, because he and Laura Roslin are the keys to our survival. Now that the Sixes destroyed resurrection, they're the only ones who can ensure the survival of our species."
"And if Roslin instead chooses genocide?"
"Trust has to begin somewhere."
"Honey? Are you out here?"
Bill was sitting, watching the beginnings of the sunset. He had barely spoken all afternoon.
"I know it's a lot to digest. I'm having a little trouble myself. And Saul isn't my best friend."
"I'm glad I've retired. I can leave the final decision to you, Madam President."
She smiled and sat down beside him, lacing her fingers with his.
"You are still allowed to offer your wife an opinion, Mr Adama."
"Hmph." They never said anything for a long while, just sat in silence each contemplating the revelations of the day. "Roll the hard six," Bill eventually murmured.
"If we don't take this offer of peace now, they may never offer it again. They say they've destroyed their ability to download, but how difficult is it for them to rebuild it? We've been lucky up until now. An absurd series of events caused them to hold off on destroying everything a couple of years ago. If we don't agree to live in harmony with this generation, to allow them freedom and a voice in the Quorum, the next generation may not be so magnanimous. I think we should roll the hard six and forgive them. Accept them."
"What about my visions?"
"Some of them have come true. We've got time to discover what the others mean."
He lifted his finger and pointed to a patch of dirt in the corner of the grounds.
"I'm thinking of starting a garden over there. I don't know if I have much of a green thumb."
She snorted and squeezed his fingers.
"Romo Lampkin will be sworn in as Vice President tomorrow. I have a good feeling about him, Bill. Maybe, finally, there will be someone I can feel I can trust to make some decisions for me. Finally, I can think about retiring after this term and living with my Old Man."
The sky changed colour: a bright orange with a tinge of pink eclipsing any blue that had previously existed.
"What a beautiful view," Laura whispered.
"It is. It reminds me of you."
Thanks for all the reviews, especially the guests to whom I can't personally reply. :) I still have a zillion fics to post here, so I'll think of which one tomorrow! There can never be enough a/r, right!? 3