2 Years after the end of the war.
Anya was in the bathroom of the apartment that she shared with Marcus on Azura It was early, and she was bent over the toilet throwing her guts up. Marcus slowly awoke to the sound of his beloved vomiting. Not again, he thought as this had been happening all week. He was worried about her as she'd been sick every day this week. He got up and made his way to the bathroom.
"Hey, you ok?" Stupid question he thought to himself.
Anya had stopped now and looked up at him. "Yeah. I think that's all of it"
"Anya, I'm worried about you, you need to go and see the doctor"
"Oh it's probably just a bug"
"Anya please. You don't ever get sick like this. Please go and see Doctor Hayman"
Anya sighed. "Ok I will. For you"
"Thank you. Now, how about you get back into bed, and I'll bring you some breakfast, if you can manage it" he offered
"Mmm that sounds lovely"
Marcus stroked her back gently, then made his way to the kitchen.
Anya got up, had a drink of water. She looked at herself in the mirror. "Hope I feel better soon"
Marcus made Anya some bacon and eggs. Food supplies had improved vastly over the last two years. He never would have believed three years ago that he'd be making bacon and eggs again one day. He took the breakfast into the bedroom with a glass of orange juice. Anya thanked him, then managed to eat most of it, leaving one piece of bacon that Marcus soon finished off. Soon after she'd eaten, she fell asleep. Marcus watched her for a bit and smiled. He hoped she was ok, she meant everything to him and he loved her so much. He left her to sleep so he could go find Dr Hayman. The island had come a long way since the end of the war. Not quite like Jacinto was before and during the war due to limited resources, but a long way none the less. The main focus was food and medical supplies. With rebuilding civilisation they needed to keep people alive. They had utilised a medical centre here on Azura, which is were anyone with any medical expertise worked, including Dr Hayman. She was the chief medical doctor of the Cog, and chief of medicine at Jacinto Medical centre. So Marcus certainly trusted her. He made his way to the medical centre and asked for her. She was with a patient so he had to wait for a while. He couldn't help but worry about Anya. They hadn't survived an 18 year war for her just to get sick. When the doc was free Marcus explained Anya's symptoms to her. She said she would visit her at home to make it easier for her. She also told him not to worry too much. It could be anything. He thanked her and left. When he got back, Anya was fast asleep. He didn't have the heart to wake her as she looked so peaceful and she probably needed her rest. He laid down beside her on the bed and soon drifted off as well.
Anya awoke feeling a little better. Marcus was fast asleep beside her. She smiled and kissed him on the forehead. She was so glad she had him. He'd been so sweet since she had been ill. He really had taken care of her. He woke up, surprised that he'd fallen asleep.
"You fell asleep"
"Mmm I guess I did" he replied sleepily.
"Did you speak to the doctor" she asked.
"I did. She's going to come and see you this afternoon"
"That soon. Well at least we can find out what the hell is wrong with me"
"Anya. I'm sure it will be fine" he said as he pulled her in for a hug. They were interrupted by a knock at the door.
"That'll be the doc" Marcus said as he went to answer the door. Anya felt a bit nervous, she couldn't even remember the last time she was sick. Marcus and Anya greeted her and they all sat in the lounge of their small apartment.
"So Anya" she began. "Why don't you tell me some of your symptoms" the doctor asked.
"Well, I've been throwing up a lot. Also I've been feeling really tired lately"
"Anything else?"
"Um, I've been going to the bathroom a lot more than usual as well"
She listened making some notes as Anya was talking.
"Well, it sounds like you've just picked up a bug. But to be safe, I'd better take a urine sample" She said as she reached into her bag and pulled out a small container. She handed it to Anya.
"I will go and do my thing then" Anya said as she made her way to the bathroom.
"So, you don't think it's anything too serious" Marcus asked
"I don't think so, but I just need to do a couple of tests"
Marcus nodded. She could sense his concern.
"Don't worry too much Marcus. It could be as simple as adjusting to a new life. Since the end of the war it's been hard for everyone to adjust"
"Tell me about it" he replied.
Anya emerged from the bathroom and passed the container back to the doctor.
"I'm going to do some tests on this, and I will come back tomorrow to let you know the results. Try not to worry Anya, and get some rest. That goes for you to Marcus"
"We will doctor. Thank you" Anya said as she showed her out. Marcus pulled Anya in for a hug and stroked her hair.
"Whatever is is Anya, I'm here for you ok"
"Yeah. I know you are sweetheart. It's so silly worrying. It's probably just a bug like the doc said"
"Yeah, probably" he said, even though he feared the worse.
Marcus had a restless night that night. He couldn't help but worry about what the doctor might say tomorrow. Anya was sleeping like a baby. He watched her for a while and eventually drifted off him self. He awoke early the next morning to the sound of Anya throwing up again. His heart sank. He hoped that after such a good night sleep she would be feeling better now. He made his way to the bathroom. He gently rubbed her back as she was sick. When she was finally finished he grabbed her a glass of water. She sipped it slowly.
"How you feeling"
"Like crap" she replied. "Sorry, just feeling a little moody this morning"
"That's ok. I'd be moody to if I'd been throwing up. Do you want me to stay at home with you today?"
"No that ok Marcus. You've already taken two days off. And you promised Hoffman that you would help him and the others out today"
"I guess. I mean, civilisation is not gonna rebuild it self I guess. But I'm coming home at lunchtime cos I wanna know what the doctor said, ok?"
After breakfast he kissed her goodbye and made his way to 'work'
Anya tried to relax but nervously waited for the doctor. She just wanted all this to be over and to feel ok again. She'd much rather be out there helping everyone else, not at home sick. She wondered what Marcus was up to, she'd much rather be out there with him. She knew he'd rather she was at home resting. She was shaken from her thoughts with a knock at the door. She opened it to see Doctor Hayman on the other side. She invited her in and they sat down in the lounge again.
"So Anya, I will get straight to the point. But before I do can I just ask what time of day have you been sick the most"
"I usually just throw up in the mornings" Anya replied.
"Yeah, that's what I figured. Anya. There's nothing wrong with you. You are perfectly healthy"
"Then why do I feel so bad"
"Anya, You're pregnant"
I am going to write another chapter. And yes I know in the books Anya is infertile but that's why it's an unexpected surprise