Chapter 14
Calleigh smiled as she turned off the alarm before it sounded so it wouldn't wake Horatio. She then carefully rolled over and watched him sleeping, for a few minutes as he lay on his side, facing her. He was exhausted last night; we stayed up way too long talking when he should have been sleeping. She smiled as a thought crossed her mind; I've come to love waking up next to him in the morning. His face is so peaceful at this time of the day, before the onslaught of worries and problems that sometimes overwhelm him on the job. Well, this morning Handsome, YOU are going to get the rest you need so much and I am going in to cover for you at the lab.
Later that morning as she walked into her ballistics lab with a mug of hot steaming coffee, her phone chimed that she had a call. Looking at the screen she smiled. She had been anticipating his call and had prepared to counter his displeasure.
"Good morning Handsome," she answered sweetly.
"Calleigh Duquesne…why on earth didn't you wake me? Do you realize how late I am? And how am I supposed to get to the lab – call a taxi?" She smiled at his frenzied tone of voice before she responded,
"I didn't wake you because you needed your rest and because of the fact that you are NOT coming to the lab. You mister, are going to stay home today. I'm handling the lab."
"But Sweetheart, with me out the day shift is short by two people. I need…"
"YOU need to stay put, or would you prefer that I ask Frank to bring Alexx over to babysit you all day?" She grinned as she imagined the look on Horatio's face at that suggestion.
There were a couple of moments of silence before he answered in a defeated tone, "Alright…you win. But, what am I supposed to do all day?"
"Rest - that's what you're going to do. I left your breakfast in the warmer drawer of the oven. For lunch there's crab pasta salad in the refrigerator along with some steamed zucchini. I also made you some sweet tea; I know how you love it."
Horatio chuckled as he replied, "Thank you. At least you left me something to eat. You, Calleigh Marie Duquesne are one persistent woman… but I do love you."
She smiled and then looked around to make sure she was still alone and answered,
"I love you Handsome, now rest so you will heal and get better."
"I want to get better for you Sweetheart. Call me if you need me."
After saying goodbye to Horatio, Calleigh began walking around her lab, checking to make sure Scott, the ballistics expert on the night shift, had everything back in its right place. She would be the first to admit that she had a fetish about everything remaining orderly in her domain. She was glad that the man was almost as OCD as she was about this lab, but he wasn't quite up to her level.
Sitting down after completing her inspection, she began to seriously think about her career as she sipped her coffee. As usual, Horatio is right – we're going to have to make changes in our lives, but I'm not putting my career ahead of him, neither will I allow Horatio to leave the lab just so we can have a relationship. This lab, his team, it's his life. He's worked too hard to make it the best crime lab in the state and if truth be told, one of the best in the country. She thought about her options, which weren't many, but still, she had a couple to choose from.
I could either teach at the academy, or transfer to SWAT. Captain Taylor has always told me since the time I helped out temporarily in SWAT, that the door would always be open if I decided to leave the lab. I certainly didn't want to join SWAT then and leave Horatio, but now we wouldn't be apart except during the day…. I need to take a little time and consider my choices. I'd miss this lab, she thought as she slowly looked around the large room, taking in every detail, as if committing it to memory, but I love Horatio more and now, I know he loves me.
After eating breakfast, Horatio walked out on the balcony with his coffee, drawing in a deep breath of the warm salty air blowing inland off of the water. He leaned over the edge as he propped one of his forearms on the railing while sipping his coffee, looking out across the blue-green ocean stretched before him under a clear blue sky. From behind his sunglasses he began to scan the beach below and watched as a young couple walked hand in hand laughing while their dog ran in and out of the surf. The sight made him smile. Maybe Calleigh was right. I do feel a little stronger this morning after the good sleep I had last night. Every night is a good night with her lying next to me.
After a while, he sat down at the table and once again, the scene of Lara holding a gun to Calleigh's head flashed through his thoughts. He squeezed his eyes shut as he told himself, I could have lost her forever…. He rubbed his forehead with his free hand, but the memory caused his other hand to loosen the grip on his mug, just enough that it dropped a couple of inches and landed roughly on the glass table top, jolting him from his thoughts.
As he wiped up the spilled coffee, he heard familiar voices bickering from down below. He stood and looked over the edge of the balcony and saw a familiar elderly couple beginning to sit down at a table under an umbrella. The man held a thermos and the woman undoubtedly had bagels and Lox in the bag she was holding. Mr. and Mrs. Goldberg, he smiled, it's been a while since I've seen them…but then of course it has, I'm hardly ever here during the day. I'm long overdue for a visit.
Horatio walked out of the building barefooted in his shorts and t-shirt and headed for the couple who were enjoying their coffee while watching people walking by on the beach. As Horatio approached the pair he greeted,
"Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Goldberg, nice to see you out."
The elderly man turned to see who spoke, shocked when he saw that it was Horatio.
"Horatio my boy, it's been ages since we've seen you other than on the news. How are you doing?" Motioning with his hand the elderly man said, "Pull that chair over here and sit with us a while."
As Horatio placed the chair next to the man, his wife spoke up,
"It is so good to see you Horatio. You're looking too thin…you need to eat. You know you're welcome at our table anytime. You come and I'll put some weight on you!"
Horatio tucked his head and smiled at her comment, then looked up and tilted his head slightly to the side before answering,
"Thank you Mrs. Goldberg."
"Martha, don't you ever watch the news…Horatio was shot, he's recuperating," her husband sharply reprimanded her.
"That's why you're home, right?" Mr. Goldberg returned his attention to their visitor.
"Yes, for a few days."
The Jewish woman handed Horatio a bagel she'd prepared for him. Even though Horatio was not hungry, he accepted it and thanked her.
"It's just horrible how people behave today. The very idea of shooting a policeman…just preposterous," Martha Goldberg added as she prepared another bagel.
After several minutes of conversation, a friend of Martha's walked up and asked her to walk down near the water to meet her grandchildren who had come to visit. That left Hiram Goldberg and Horatio alone to talk.
Horatio noticed how the elderly man smiled as he watched his wife walk away with her friend.
"How's she doing? The last time we spoke you told me she was not acting like herself."
"She has her good days…bad ones too. Today is a good day." He looked down at his hand nursing his cup and continued as he turned his head and looked up at the redhead,
"Because we fuss at each other, people get the impression we don't get along." He shrugged his shoulders, "It's just our way of communicating. I love her with all my heart and I know the day is coming when she'll leave me; the doctors tell me her Alzheimer's is beginning to progress faster now."
Horatio hung his head and whispered, "I'm so sorry."
Mr. Goldberg smiled as he looked over at Horatio as he asked, "You have a woman, don't you?"
Horatio's head shot up and his mouth opened slightly, ready to deny it, but then closed it as the corner of his lips turned up in a smile, his blue eyes sparkled behind his sunglasses as he thought about Calleigh.
"I saw you down by the water the other night. I was out on our balcony…couldn't sleep. From what I saw perhaps it's serious?" the man inquired with hopefulness clear in his voice.
Horatio turned his head toward the water and watched as Mrs. Goldberg enjoyed visiting with her friend and watching the young children playing in the water. Turning back toward the man he answered with a smile,
"It is. But, she's going to have to change her career for me…and I wonder if I'm worth her doing that."
The elderly man responded, "Don't worry. I won't tell Martha. If I did, half of Miami would know. Did you ever know that Martha held a high-ranking office in a bank when we met?"
Horatio shook his head that he didn't, as his eyes focused on the elderly man.
"She was. When we fell in love, I was president of that same bank. We both knew it wouldn't be kosher with policy, but the heart is not regulated by policies. It's regulated by feelings. She gave up her career for me. Like you I had my doubts, but fifty-five years, three children and ten grandchildren later, neither of us have regrets. I can't imagine how my life would have turned out without her."
Hiram Goldberg's story suddenly gave Horatio courage to carry out what was in his heart.
Horatio stood and politely asked, "Would you please tell your wife how nice it was to see her again and thanks for the bagel. I need to go. There's something I need to do."
The man smiled and assured him that he would.
"Bring her by sometime when you can; we'd love to meet her." Horatio smiled hearing the man's request and assured Hiram that he would.
Hiram Goldberg watched as the lieutenant walked back toward the condo building and smiled as he thought about the young man finally finding a woman he loved.
Thirty minutes later, Horatio, showered and changed into a pair of khaki slacks with a blue shirt and picked up his car keys off of the foyer table. He patted his slacks pocket to make sure he had what he needed. I know I'm not supposed to drive, but as long as Calleigh doesn't find out…. With that thought, he locked the door of his condo behind him.
The day was hectic for the team and Calleigh didn't have time to call Horatio until almost two in the afternoon. Working in his office, perusing and signing paperwork that needed approving, she pressed his speed dial number. Pleased that it sounded as if she woke him, she teased him about the fact and then they talked for several minutes before Frank Tripp came to the door of Horatio's office. Calleigh motioned for the detective to come in and he quietly sat down in the chair in front of the desk.
"Frank just walked in Handsome. I'll talk…"
Frank motioned for her not to hang up and said, "He needs to hear this."
"Horatio, Frank has some news that he wants us both to hear; I'm putting you on speaker phone."
"Horatio," Frank began, "just got word from two of my best snitches out on the street that Ricardo has left Miami."
"You believe them Francis?"
"They've been on the mark before. Don't see any reason not to believe them."
Calleigh gave a look of relief and then asked, "Can your snitches find out where he went?"
Frank raised his eyes to meet hers responding, "Already on it." Looking back at the phone on the desk, Frank continued. "By the way Horatio, visitation and services for Fannie Harrison, her son Johnny and Ms. Davenport will be tomorrow afternoon beginning at one at St. John's Mission on Haywood; thought you'd like to know."
There was silence before Horatio responded in a muted tone.
"Thank you my friend. I will be there." Changing the subject, Horatio asked, "Now what about Alexx and Brian? Do you think it's safe for them to return home and start back in their normal routine?"
"I think they can go home, but I'm going to suggest to the captain that we keep a limited surveillance on the house and Brian, just to be sure."
"I agree. I'll be back to the lab Monday; maybe we'll have some information on Ricardo by then."
Calleigh sighed and frowned as she shook her head at Horatio's comment about returning to work.
After Frank stepped through the door and greeted Alexx with a kiss on her cheek, he walked into the living room and then slowly turned and faced her.
"We've gotten word that Ricardo skipped town. With that news, Horatio and I both believe that it will be ok for you and Brian to return home."
Alexx quickly hugged herself and turned around to face the windows.
Frank stepped up behind her, puzzled by her response as he said, "Alexx you don't look happy with my news, talk to me. What's bothering you?"
Turning around and then looking up at Frank she answered, "It won't be the same house."
Giving her a perplexed look, he exclaimed, "What are you talking about? I stopped by yesterday and the workmen have finished with the remodeling… your house looks just like it did before."
Shaking her head vigorously in disagreement, she quickly vocalized her thoughts.
"I can't go back there; the shooting…as well as too many memories. My life has changed, I need to change with it," she searched Frank's eyes and then sighed. Frank stepped close and wrapped his arms around her.
"I understand Alexx, but where else can you go?"
"I've been in contact with a close friend who's in the real estate business and she found us a condo to rent by the month until I can find one to purchase. You know, Brian will be going off to college soon and I don't want to be left to bump around in a large old house. I'd like to buy a beach property, a place bright and cheery," her voice became and noticeably more cheerful with the thought.
"What does Brian say about this?"
Alexx smiled, "You know young boys. The beach is a magnet for the girls…so he can't wait to get there."
"I'll go by the house with you and help you gather some more of your things and then drive y'all to the condo." Frank paused as he considered her plans and then said, "You know, this might not be a bad idea for you to change to another address."
One day that week, Horatio had reluctantly told Calleigh that it would be best for her not to continue to stay with him. He was better and no longer in need of help, besides, her being there would only reinforce IAB's case against them. She couldn't hide her disappointment, but she assured him that she understood, still, there was uncertainty in her eyes and it pulled at his heart when she left that morning.
The first night apart Calleigh was unable to sleep. I've gotten so used to Horatio being beside me. She reached out her hand and placed it where he should have been – next to her. She finally worked up the courage to call him, even though it was late. To her surprise, when she reached him, he admitted that he couldn't sleep either and was just about to call her. From that night on, they carried out late night conversations over the phone after their dinner dates or eating in.
One night after they ended their call, he lay there thinking, Sweetheart if you only knew how hard this is on me. Since I've gotten stronger, it has become increasingly difficult to keep from taking full possession of your beautiful body. The inadvertent touches in the night were causing my self-control to begin to waiver... Even thinking about her touch now, triggered a strong physical reaction, but he wanted to wait for the day when she'd become his wife; he had that much respect for her.
A week later, and after a long day at the lab, Horatio and Calleigh took their usual evening stroll down the beach along the water's edge, arms wrapped around each other. Horatio stopped abruptly and tenderly cupped Calleigh's face before leaning down and capturing her lips in a scorching kiss. Both panting for air after his strong show of affection, Calleigh leaned into him to keep from falling down in a melted heap on the sand. His powerful kiss had taken her completely off-guard, but she loved the spontaneity, something she would have never guessed that he possessed.
"Wow!" she whispered, finally able to speak as her hand slowly travelled over his chest.
Horatio smiled as his hand reached inside his pants pocket before positioning his arms around her again.
"Did you talk with Captain Taylor in SWAT today?"
"Yes. I think it is going to work out just fine. There's an open slot on the day shift, but there are two problems after I transfer, one is that I won't be around you during the day. The second is what I told you a few years ago – I don't look good in all black."
Horatio chuckled as his right hand tightened on the object that it held as he brought that hand around beside her.
His voice was almost a whisper as he answered, "As I recall, I think I responded with, 'I beg to differ'," he paused momentarily before adding, "but I also think you will look good in white."
He stepped back, out of her embrace and then opened the small black velvet box he'd been holding, revealing a glittering diamond teardrop engagement ring, that reflected the warm hues of the setting sun.
Calleigh's eyes focused first on the ring as her mouth gaped open and then up into his questioning blue eyes.
"I know this may be too soon, but I've found I can't live without you. Calleigh will you marry me?" he asked tenderly with his head tilted slightly to the side.
She pulled in a deep steadying breath as a lone tear of happiness traversed slowly down one cheek, she quickly answered, "I will… I love you Horatio."
He then took the ring out of the box and slid it on her finger. When he looked up into her green eyes again, his own tears caused by the all-consuming happiness that he felt, threatened to escape his sparkling blue eyes, as his bottom lip quivered.
"I love you so much Calleigh," those were his last words for a few minutes as their lips joined in a long, passionate kiss. Calleigh knew she had found the one man who understood her.
It had been a few days since Lobo's sentencing on the initial charges. With Horatio's testimony, the man was sentenced to twenty-five years without parole. It wasn't the outcome that Horatio wanted to hear, but without Ricardo, they couldn't connect Lobo to Johnny Harrison's murder.
Calleigh was due to begin her job as a secondary sharp-shooter with MPD SWAT in just a few days and Horatio had missed her presence immensely around the lab, but relished the fact that he would soon be with her every night. He'd been surprised by her wanting them to marry so quickly. He assumed that she'd want to have a nice ceremony and had prepared to wait, even though it would have been hard, but all she wanted was a casual affair on the beach at his condo, just her father, Alexx and Frank and the team and a few close friends. Her plans suited him very well.
The afternoon found him sitting in his office finishing up paperwork, after a day filled with call-outs, so he could be off for a couple of days for a brief honeymoon. He paused as he sat back in his chair and smiled as his thoughts turned to Calleigh and the fact that this time tomorrow they would be man and wife. His happy thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a sharp knock on his door.
Looking up, Horatio was shocked by who stood in his doorway.
The young Cuban smiled as he entered the office, looking around as if making sure everything was the same.
"ERIC…it's good to see you!" Horatio happily exclaimed as he stood and walked around his desk pulling the young man into a brotherly hug.
"Hey H." After they stepped apart, Eric asked, "How are you doing?"
Horatio looked down at the floor as he shook his head and chuckled before looking back up at the former CSI.
"I'm good Eric. What brings you to Miami? Did LAPD send you here on a case?"
Eric's expression grew pensive.
"Uh no, H, I came on my own. I resigned from LAPD. It just wasn't for me. Things…things are different out there. I thought I could fit in, but…." He hung his head. "I learned that you can't run away from memories. I know now that I belong in Miami. Hey, I heard you have an opening for a fingerprint and trace expert? Have you filled the position?"
"Ah, just so happens that I haven't." Horatio paused, unsure how to approach the subject. "Eric, there's something you ought to know."
"Yeah, I heard. Ryan called me with the news. Congratulations H. You and Calleigh are good together…you know she's loved you for years, don't you?"
Horatio smiled. "Thank you Eric."
"Um, when can you start?"
"Well, let's see," Eric paused for effect, "do you think the department can get my paperwork through for me to start tomorrow?" He grinned at Horatio's obvious relief.
Frank stood with Horatio as they quietly talked on the beach. After a couple of minutes, he turned his attention to the blue-green ocean for a moment and thought about the many revelations that had occurred over the past few weeks, some good, some bad. As he was lost in thought, the brisk wind whipped his soft, golden red hair back from his face. The cool early evening wind felt good. He could feel it through his light blue t-shirt as it pushed open his white linen jacket, and blew his white linen pants firmly against his legs. The sand felt good to his bare feet. He knew Frank liked this aspect of their wedding, the big man disliked dressy affairs. Horatio had to admit that he too loved Calleigh's ceremony plan – simple and relaxed. Then the music began and he looked up and saw Alexx appear from behind their gathered friends. She wore a knee-length pale yellow sun dress that matched Frank's t-shirt that he wore with a khaki suit.
She smiled radiantly as she approached him and Frank and Horatio glanced over his shoulder, following her eyes, finding Frank grinning back at her in return. We might be doing this again one day down the road, Horatio thought smiling.
The music changed to the bridal march and when he searched the opening, Horatio felt his breath leave him as if he'd been punched. Suddenly, Calleigh appeared on the arm of her father and they began to walk toward him. Calleigh is the most beautiful woman inside and out…. He had to tell himself to breathe so that he wouldn't pass out. She wore a simple, low-cut, white, knee-length sun dress and she smiled radiantly as she came closer to him carrying a bouquet made of a mixture of pale yellow roses and light blue orchids.
After they finished their vows, and exchanged rings, the minister nodded to Horatio; the redhead's cue to begin.
Horatio started, "Calleigh, I am about to make a feeble attempt to try to convey how I feel."
Calleigh bit her lower lip in anticipation.
"Someone asked me what made me realize that you were the one. I answered that it was a million tiny little things that, when you added them all up, they meant we were supposed to be together. I knew it the very first time I touched you. It was like coming home…it was like magic."*
Muffled gasps of admiration could be heard scattered throughout those in attendance at his words.
Horatio's heartfelt declaration made Calleigh's eyes well with tears and she squeezed his hand as she smiled at him. I wasn't expecting anything like this!
She cleared her throat, hoping she could speak.
"Horatio… through the years, you have been my friend, and my mentor. Those aspects laid the foundation for what we share today and will forever. You've possessed my heart from the first time you gave me your rare, shy, boyish smile as you tilted your head. Your tenderness, and your respect towards me makes it easy for me to say – I love you."
When the minister said Horatio could kiss his bride, he didn't hold back. He wrapped his arms around her and gave her a deep, searing kiss that brought shouts and cheers from the group.
As the sun set, Horatio and Calleigh slowly danced in the sand, wrapped in each other's arms to the soft music and murmured their thoughts and feelings to each other. Their friends watched as they enjoyed a menu of boiled shrimp, potatoes, mushrooms and corn on the cob, washing it all down with ice-cold beer.
After everyone had left, including the caterers, Horatio and Calleigh walked off the elevator to his condo. After unlocking the door, Horatio suddenly swept Calleigh off her feet and into his arms.
"HORATIO…what…are you..."
He smiled at her and said, "I believe it is a requirement that I carry you over the threshold, Ma'am."
Leaning down and kissing her lips tenderly, he walked through the door and then with his foot, pushed the door closed behind them.
*Quote from the movie "Sleepless in Seattle".
{The End} Please watch for the sequel to this story, "Below the Radar" coming soon!