Everyone stared in dismay as the water gushed from the bottle and immediately began to evaporate away under the burning sun. TK felt his throat dry up just looking at the waste. What had just happened? How had their bottle of water ended up in this sorry state?

"What the hell happened?" Tai asked at last. Sora, who moments ago had been in such a foul mood now looked like she was about to burst into tears, she glanced at Izzy who had been in charge of the bottle and in that swift look dumped all the blame onto him. The group turned to him for an explanation.

"Don't look at me!" he said with his palms out as if that would prove his innocence "it's not my fault Sora pushed her parrot into me!"

"Nobody's blaming anyone," Joe said trying to keep the peace, but TK could see that something was wrong here.

"Maybe she did push Biyomon into you," Matt said with his arms crossed across his chest "but that doesn't explain why the water is all over the floor,"

"Well Einstein I dropped it didn't I?" Izzy retorted and TK could tell he was getting uncomfortable. He looked at his brother who was glaring at Izzy with an accusing look.

"Why was it open?" Matt asked. The question silenced the group. Izzy opened his mouth to reply then closed it, then opened it once more. It was Tai's turn to look angry, he marched over to Izzy and gave him a shove.

"C'mon Izzy, what's going on?" he demanded. Izzy looked so uncomfortable TK almost felt sorry for him, he had guilt written all over his face. "Izzy!" Tai looked like he was about to punch Izzy.

"Alright!" Izzy shouted "I had some okay? I had some water! Sue me!" TK was stunned, Izzy didn't even seem to care that he'd completely wasted their water supply – they were stood in a freaking desert!

"You're a selfish weasel!" Mimi yelled at Izzy, her eyes were filled with tears. TK felt he should comfort her but figured the tears were a little over the top. It wasn't like they weren't going to make it without that one bottle of water. He glanced around at the older kids and their grim faces did little to inspire any hope.

"Hey come on guys," he said "Izzy messed up okay, but there's no point in arguing about it. We need to move on."

"Move on to where?" Tai yelled rounding on TK "Just where the hell do you suggest we go TK? We've been walking for hours and there's nothing here! That water was pretty much the only thing we had to get us through this hell hole!"

"Let's just keep going, we're bound to find something soon, maybe we'll reach a town or village and will be able to get help?"

"Face it TK, there are no other people here," Matt said "I don't know what we'll find if we ever get out of this desert but it won't be help."

Mimi began to sob.

"Well then we should turn around!" TK suggested, he could hear the desperation in his voice, he sounded weak, scared…he felt it.

"We'll never make it back," Matt said dryly "Not now that Izzy's gone and lost our water."

"I told you: I was thirsty!"

"Oh well I'm glad you're okay now," Matt said with acidic sarcasm "that makes me feel a lot better, in fact, I'm a little less thirsty myself knowing that you're okay."

Joe, ever the voice of reason intervened.

"Look, enough. We can't stand here, we need to decide: do we keep on walking in the direction we were headed, or turn around back the way we came?"

"Call a vote," Tai said sounding surprisingly commanding.

"I vote we carry on," Izzy said. Matt rounded on him angrily with such force that TK was taken by surprise, he didn't know his brother could be so menacing.

"You don't get to vote," he spat "in fact, I don't care what you do, you can stay lost our here for all I care!"

"Matt!" Sora gasped sounding truly horrified.

"Why should we listen to a word he says?" Matt asked angrily "he's a liar and it's pretty clear he's only out for himself, I don't trust him as far as I can throw him."

"Hey! I'm part of the group! If we're calling a vote then at least let it be democratically!" Izzy protested. He had some nerve, TK thought, he hadn't even shown the slightest bit of remorse for what he'd done.

Tai turned to his friend.

"Deal with it Izzy, out here, we play by our rules."