
Tony woke in the hospital to see Gibbs seated in a chair by his bed. The older man looked to be asleep in the chair. Tony smiled.

"That's right you're not dead, DiNozzo," said Gibbs, who then opened his eyes.

"Ziva did it," Tony said. "Where is she?"

"In a hospital bed with an IV attached to her arm cleaning out her system of whatever that shit Ullman gave you," Gibbs answered.

"She's okay?"

"Better than you are, DiNozzo," said Gibbs.

"I'm fine," said Tony, who then tried to sit up but his body wouldn't listen to him.

"Stay in bed and rest. You have a couple of broken ribs, some bruises, dehydrated, and filled with that serum," said Gibbs. "You are staying in that bed for at least another couple of days."

Tony lay back in his bed and sighed, "It's over. Saleem's dead."

"Yup, it's over," said Gibbs. "Get well and you'll be out of here in a few days then to NCIS for debriefing."

"Sounds good," said Tony, who then closed his eyes.

"I have to go back to DC with McGee and Jardine. Morse and Borin are refusing to leave until you are ready," said Gibbs. "I have a feeling that they are breaking rule 12."

Tony smiled and said, "If they are they have my blessing."

"You don't use my rules?" asked Gibbs.

"Not that one. My rule 12 is keeping it out of the office," said Tony.

"Your team your rules," said Gibbs.

"I know, Boss," said Tony.

"I am definitely not your boss, Tony," said Gibbs.

Tony opened his eyes and looked at Gibbs, "You are my mentor and friend, though, Gibbs, and always will be."

"That I am," said Gibbs with a hint of a smile.

Gibbs started towards the door.

"Gibbs, how did you find me?" he asked.

"Ziva. She called Morse then me. She told me that she wasn't letting you out of her sight and if she thought you were going to yourself killed she'd get herself captured," said Gibbs.

"And you came to the rescue," said Tony.

"With my team and yours. We didn't need anyone else," he said.

"I owe her a lot," said Tony.

Gibbs shook his head, "You two only owe each other one thing, DiNozzo. I think it's time you stopped dancing and do something about her and you."

Gibbs opened the door and left. Tony stared up at the ceiling for a few minutes. He remembered what they said to each other while on Saleem's truth serum. Yeah, it was time to stop dancing. He closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Tony was sure how much time passed but he felt a strong, yet petite, body beside him in his bed. He opened his eyes to see a tangle of chocolate curls on his chest and face. Clearing the hair away from his face, he inhaled its fragrance, a mix of citrus and Israeli wildflowers.

He had no idea when she came into his room and got into his hospital bed. Like most things, she did it with grace and stealth. He wasn't about to complain. She weighed almost nothing and it felt natural to have her in the same bed as him. He kissed the top of her head and closed his eyes. Sleep would be enjoyable like this.


When he woke again, she was gone, but there was a note waiting for him. He opened the note.


I am being released and have been told to report back to NCIS DC. We need to talk, but first you need to get better. Hurry up and get better. I will be waiting for you in DC.


Tony crumpled up the note and shoots it like it was a basketball. It went directly into the garbage can. He acted as if an audience of fans erupted in applause and cheers. Tony waved his arms about then started to applaud himself.

"I really need to get well and go to DC," he said to himself.


Morse and Tony walked into NCIS Headquarters. Borin had finally returned to the Coast Guard, though she was now on Morse' speed dial and he had a date with her this weekend, though he still had no permanent place to stay.

"Listen, you can stay on the sofa of my old place until I know where the hell we are headed," said Tony.

"I can't hope we stick around here," said Morse.

"You like Boron that much?" said Tony.

"Yeah, I do."

"Well, good for you," said Tony. "Maybe even if I don't stay in DC, I can put a word in for you to stay here. You can rent my place from me."

"Boss, you've staying," said Morse. "I don't think Ziva will let you go."

"We'll see, Jimmy," said Tony.

The headed up the elevator to the third floor then got off. Morse headed to the bullpen while Tony continued to the stairs and the mezzanine to see Vance. As Morse entered the bullpen, Ziva looked up with a questioning look on her face. Morse pointed to the stairs. She looked and saw him heading up to see Vance.

"He'll be down," said Morse.

"I know," she said.

Tony entered Vance's office. The Director was on the phone. He gestured for Tony to sit, so he did in one of the empty chairs in front of the desk. Vance wound up the phone conversation then he hung up.

"The President, SecDef, and SecNav are thrilled with the work you did. You can write your own ticket if you want," said Vance. "Where do you want to be, Agent DiNozzo?"

"Where not what?" smiled Tony.

"You acted as a SAC. I don't see that changing unless you are interest in one of the assistant directors' jobs, but those jobs don't allow for much field work. Are you done with the field, Tony?" asked Vance.

"NO, not yet," he said.

"So, you're a SAC for now, but where?"

"I don't want to leave DC, sir," said Tony.

Vance smiled, "I didn't think you would. I want to start an anti-terrorism unit specializing in domestic ops. Our task force was the most successful one all the agencies have had. You and your team will work with other agencies and overseas sources to make sure that NCIS is doing its job to help protect the US public from terrorism. Of course, you will be limited to terrorist acts on Navy and Marine personnel and facilities unless working in a task force."

"I doubt we'll get many chances for that," said Tony.

"Special Agent Fornell assures me that you and your team will be part of any FBI anti-terrorist task forces. Homeland Security Deputy Director Morrow has said the same thing. They will want you not only to be part of the task forces but to second them or lead them in some cases," said Vance.

"We still have to deal with Malouf and the Lapine and that mess," said Tony.

"Mossad has sort of taken care of that for us," said Vance. "Lapine is dead. Marlin is going to federal prison and the good senator has been told not to run for re-election or else he'll be exposed. As for Miss Malouf, well, she cut a deal giving us all the intel she knew on arms dealers and those terrorist organizations which deal with them for a new identity in WitSec. It's done. All you have to do is take some time off and get settled here in DC before you put your team together, SAC DiNozzo."

"Thank you, sir."


Ziva knew how to be patient. She had been on more than one op in Mossad where all she had to do was sit and wait for the right moment to open up. Yet, she didn't want to be patient now. She wanted Tony to come down from the director's office.

"So, Morse, are you headed back to Bahrain?" asked McGee.

"That's up to Tony. I hope we stay here," said Morse.

"You will," said Gibbs, who looked over at the stairs and saw a smiling DiNozzo coming down them.

Tony walked into the bullpen. Gibbs nodded at him. Morse looked at him.

"Where are we going, Boss?" asked Morse.

"Nowhere," smiled Tony, who then continued to Ziva's desk.

He walked over into her space. She stood up to ask him what his new job was going to be, but before she could speak, he kissed her. It was far from a tentative, chaste kiss. Everyone in the bullpen felt a little uncomfortable witnessing this kiss, but neither Ziva nor Tony seem to care. She responded to the kiss and he deepened it even more. Finally, Gibbs cleared his throat loudly and they broke apart.

Tony leaned over and whispered in her ear, "Consider that the beginning of the talk we need to have."

He stood up straight and looked at Gibbs.

"I'm not on your team anymore, Gibbs," he smiled.

"I know, DiNozzo, but take your own rule 12 – keep it out of the office," said Gibbs.

Tony smiled, "I'll try."

Ziva got on her tippy toes and whispered into his ear, "But not too hard. I like being kissed by you at work."

"Well, I'm happy. My Boss is finally getting some and we get to stay in DC. Beers are on me tonight," said Morse.