A click reverbed through the empty cell as the door slid open. The brutish guards shoved the bloody and bruised body of was once one of the most beloved gods in Asgard with great force, resulting in an excruciating thud against the white wall that was now stained with the God's crimson blood. Anyone would think he'd be a broken man now, but that couldn't be further from the truth, his body could be beaten and the people could say whatever they wanted, but Loki never lost his arrogance and his face always remained unreadable. The sadistic Guards Scoffed as they saw the smirk spread upon his lips as he sat up straight in a provoking manner.

The Cell was relocked after one of the two Guards got in a few good punches and was satisfied. Thor could not bear to visit his brother, knowing that his appearance would be horrifying bloodied and he could not even stand to think of it. Frigga constantly visit the man she still called her son and it always resulted in her breaking down and crying, begging for lenience to Odin, who refused to let his distraught wife convince him to give Loki anything less than the other criminals that were charged for lesser crimes received.

It had been nearly a month now and Loki's skin was raw and bloody from the merciless beatings he received, yet he refused to atone for his sins, and he still kept his chin high. His flesh was burned badly today and slowly healed unlike the rest of his body.
"You have a visitor." The guard that had previously punched him hissed at him hatefully. Closing his eyes, he hardened his heart, he expected Frigga to enter the cell to sneakily rub a healing ointment on him like she had done every other time she visited, which was treason of course but she did not care.

Loki could hear footsteps making their way to the white bench across from him. "Seems they ruffed you up pretty good reindeer games."

The God's bright green eyes shot open in surprise of Tony's voice. The cocky bastard was sitting with his legs crossed, stroking his Gotee as he sized up the other.
"You... How did you get into Asgard?" Loki hissed with a scratchy voice, due to not used to speaking often.

"Y'see, we weren't convinced that you were being punished for your crimes by Thunder Kid's words alone so one of us had to see for ourselves, Fury demanded one of us go and get evidence, so I volunteered myself because I wanted to make sure you were suffering like I have been for myself. It took a hell of alot of smooth talking to get your almighty Dad to give me permission to come here with Thor, but you know me and my tongue, I always get what I want. But this isn't what I'd expected to find.. Its downright unhumane."

Snapping a few pictures as he spoke, he slid the stark-phone back into his pocket and waited for the poker-faced god to reply.

"He is not my father... And Asgardian punishments are what they are.." He finally replied after a bit of intense staring.

"Well, they are fucked up."

"Are you questioning Odin's punishment? You do realize that is not the brightest thing to do right, you puny mortal? Without your armor you are like a rabbit surrounded by wolves in this place." Loki sounded highly amused at Tony's lacks of fucks he gave.

"I must be the sexiest fucking bunny any of these people have ever seen then because I've been getting a whole lotta looks since I arrived here."

"Thats because you are the first mortal to venture here, don't be too proud, they make fun of your pathetic midgardian race here everyday." He snickered at Tony and adjusted himself onto the bench into a less painful position.

"Che, whatever, you can all act high and mighty all you want, but at least we have tech." Tony countered, making silver-tounge let out a coarse chuckle. It'd seemed like forever since he had managed to genuinely do that, even if it was painful it was pleasant to know he still could.

The visit was cut short when the unamused Guard told Tony his time was up. Loki watched as Tony got up and exited, leaving behind a deep feeling of loneliness within the four walls that had become his new home.

Thor walked through the great hall, having lost track of the slippery man he didn't know had visited his brother already. "Tony!" He called out looking every place he could think of. Tony was surrounded by flirty women as he lifted the cup in his hand to let the thunder god know where he was. "Yo thunder-boy."

"Man of iron, do not run off on your own!" Thor scolded taking the half emptied wine goblet from Stark, and placed it on an empty table.

"Geez, sorry mother-may-I" He mocked, as the girls exused themselves.

"Where have you been?"

"That doesn't matter. I need to talk to the all mighty old fart about Loki."

"Watch your tongue.." Thor warned as his face reddend slightly.

"Just testing waters Thunder-boy, no need to loose your head." Tony said giving Thor a pat on the arm.

Thor began to wonder if the man before him was suicidal or if he just liked to walk on a thin line between death and life for kicks.

"Follow me, and for your own good, please control your flapping muscle inside your mouth unless you want it cut off."

Stark smirked as he trailed behind the bulky God. The golden halls and beautiful designs carved into the walls made Tony whip out his phone and start photographing. The stone floors were so glossy it showed their reflections like mirrors. "Whoever does your floors, tell em' I'd hire them down on earth to make my floors like this."

"You want our cleaning slaves?" Thor asked not turning to face the other.

"Slaves? Whoa, uh no, you see thats highly illegal where I come from, not that I'd take any if it wasn't"

An short snort exited the muscular man's nose as he opened the grand doors of his father's throne room, where Odin himself sat looking at them with his stone faced look he always had on, his one eye focused on the mortal that approached behind his son. "Father... This is the Man of iron..."

"You can just call me Tony" Stark inserted, shrugging a bit. Thor bowed humbly holding Tony's neck so he also bowed.

"Welcome to Asgard Man of Iron.. I do hope everything here has been to your liking."

"Uh, yeah, sure.. So you are the big man huh? Nice to meet you, its a nice place you've got here."

Odin's brow raised slightly at the casual way Tony spoke to him.

Clearing his throat, the Elderly god thanked him for the compliment, then followed to ask what he needed.

"You see, I was sent here to make sure Loki was getting proper punishment.." Tony began

"Yes? And were you satisfied by what you saw?" Odin asked, stroking his beard slowly.

"No. It's inhumane."

Thor began sweating bullets as he could feel Odin beginning to become enraged at being questioned by a mere mortal.

"Oh?" Odin growled tightening his grip on his staff until his knuckled whitened. "Then by all means, tell me what you would find befitting to someone who tried to enslave your kind and killed so many due to petty jealousy?"

Tony gulped, feeling the intense aura of discontent animating from All-Father.

At a loss for words, Tony began to wonder why he was contradicting the God before him, especially since he couldn't bring any of his suits and could be crushed like a bug. Tony was Ballsy, not stupid so he held his tongue.

"Father.. Perhaps... You can strip him of his magic and give him the same punishment you gave me?.."

Odin tapped his staff against the stone creating loud clicks to silence his son.

"This is not the same situation Thor. What he did was far worse than anything you have ever done. If you are truly displeased with the punishment I have given him, I can conceal his power and let the mortals decide what to do with him, since it was your world he committed genocide on, but, I cannot fully strip his power, because he is not of my blood.. Are you truly sure you can speak on the behalf of mortals and take responsibility if something should go wrong Man of Iron?"

Thor looked at the other's concentrated expression as he calculated in his head all of the possibilities and all that could go wrong. Of course, the brutal daily torture Loki endured had to stop, because it was just way too fucked up, but talking Loki back to earth would get make alot of people pissed off.. And if the seal broke and Loki's powers were released, all hell would break loose. Conflicted between the two shitty options, his conscience finally won and he gave in. "I'll take him with me.." He finally decided, making Frigga gasp with relief as tears stung her eyes, and Thor smiled brightly, and even Odin felt slightly relieved beneath his poker face.

"Very well Man of Iron, He is your responsibility, but if he regains his powers, he shall be taken back here perminatlly."

"Aye aye, captain."

Thor pulled Tony away like a weightless ragdoll before Odin could shove the staff up his ass.

(AHEM, first off, sorry for butchering the characters lols. I fail at writing, I just write for fun, so don't get too mad if I make mistakes. ;v;'' Thank you if you read this)