Light streaked across the room, brightening the pale blue walls as Tubby the house elf stretched to open the navy blue curtains. Tubby was different from most house elves, she was short and fat and wore, instead of the usual pillow case or potato sack, a pretty purple dress made out of left over curtains. House elves are not to be given clothing by their master unless to free the house elf, however, the Potters made it clear to Tubby that she was free to make her own clothes out of left over curtain fabric. Her nose was wide and swollen and her eyes were bright orange. She quietly scuffled around the room trying not to wake the person sleeping in the bed but Tubby was a clumsy elf and she tripped over an old broomstick dropping the colossal sized basket of robes she was carrying.

"Oh Good morning Tubby thank you for cleaning my robes for me I'll be needing to pack them for the trip to Hogwarts this week." James lifted his head up and turned leaning on one elbow to face Tubby. "I'm sure you have many more things to do than take care of me Ms. Tubby. You can go back downstairs and have some breakfast if you want."

Tubby 's fat cheeks blushed as he spoke to her, she was always embarrassed when one of her masters acknowledged her. This meant she was not doing her job correctly. House elves are not to be noticed. "Tubby is so sorry Mr. Potty. P-potter Tubby means. Tubby is not being a good elf to day. Tubby is making loud noises and waking Mr. Potter up."

"It is quite alright with me if you want to come wake me up everyday. There is no sense in me being so lazy and sleeping half the day away." James said still laying on the bed looking quite sleepy with his green eyes and wild black hair resting everywhere on his head. "I tell you what, why don't you open Jinx's cage and then go downstairs and see if Mum needs you for anything. Thank you Tubby."

"Yes sir. Mr. Potter" and with that Tubby clumsily left the room a few seconds later, James heard a metal cling and Jinx flew in and rested on one of James' bedpost.

James rolled over and looked out the window. Without even looking at the clock on the wall he knew it was very early. The sun was just peeking over the hills outside of James' room. He looked down at the floor and saw the broom that Tubby had tripped over and silently wished he could hop on the broom and go soaring in between the hills outside of his window. He wished he could feel the wind blowing through his already tousled hair. Only a few more days and he'd have free reign of the Quidditch field at Hogwarts. Soon he could fly as high and for as long as he wanted.

James laid flat on his bed again daydreaming of catching the golden snitch and winning the red haired girls attention when Jinx nipped his toe that had came out from under the blanket. "Ouch. Looks like I've outgrown my blanket and my bed." He thought to himself.

James sat up and slid his legs off the side of the bed. He walked over to the dresser on the other side of the room and opened a chocolate covered frog box. Walking away, he left the open box on the dresser and watched as the frog hopped out and off of the dresser. In a matter of seconds the owl was chasing the frog around the room. James enjoyed watching the white owl hop around after the chocolate frog. The frog gave one last leap into the air and Jinx swooped down and caught it. Jinx was a white snowy owl with big, bright blue eyes. Her parents had given her to James for a Christmas gift during his first year at Hogwarts. She was a comical owl although she could be a bit snobbish when needed. She was perfect for James. She loved affection and loved to have fun, and not to mention she loved chocolate.

James grabbed a royal blue robe out of the basket that Tubby left, slipped in over his shoulders and stuck his arms through the sleeves as he entered the kitchen.

"Mmm, Do I smell breakfast?" James kissed his mother on the cheek and headed out to check the mail when she stopped him.

"Good Morning James." His mother looked him over and laughed. "Have you been too busy daydreaming to realize that you have grown out of your robes?"

James had been busy daydreaming. But it was normal to see him lost in his own world, daydreaming of Quidditch, exploring the enchanted castle, trips to Hogsmeade, but most of all dreaming of some mystery girl. His mother always knew when he was daydreaming about her because his eyes sparkled even more; they lit up and shone a bright green. If he wasn't careful he'd go in to a daydream right now, but his thoughts were interrupted by his father entering the kitchen.

James looked down and saw his wrists jutting out from the sleeves. He leaned even farther over and looked down to notice his robe came just below his knees. "I guess I have. Good thing we're heading to Diagon Alley today." he said between spurts of laughter. He had grown out of his robes and his blankets on his bed. In fact over the years he had become an extremely good-looking young man. His bright green eyes glittered and set off his tan skin and untamed hair. He was the seeker on the Gryffindor Quidditch team so he kept in shape. His chest poked through his now seemingly small robe. His muscles perfectly etched. His long legs made him seem extremely tall.

He was easily the most attractive boy at Hogwarts. The only boys who even compared to him were Sirius Black, James' longtime friend and Luscious Malfoy. Sirius Black and James were both 6th year Gryffindors and had been friends since their first year. Luscious Malfoy was a vile seventh year Slytherin.

Just as James expected Luna the family owl had arrived with the mail. A letter addressed to James sat on top. It was written on fancy parchment with fancy lettering. But James was not as impressed this year as he was his first year. He opened the letter on the way to back to the kitchen and read of his list of school supplies. "2 Dress Robes, new quills, cauldron.. I've still got a good one. Oh we get to wear any color robe we choose this year. Some sort of privilege for 6th and 7th years. That's should be nice." He said to himself as he began to imagine the girls in all different colors and styles.

He stepped into the kitchen looking excited. James loved going to Diagon Alley. He enjoyed being immersed in the excitement. He enjoyed meeting the strange wizards and witches that frequented Diagon alley but most of all he was excited to see his friends that he hadn't seen since the trip back to Platform 9 and ¾ last summer.

"Good Morning, I see you're excited for school to start." James' dad had taken his usual spot at the table along with his mother. James laid the school list aside and sat down at the table with his mother and father.

"I can't wait." James said as he began to eat the breakfast Tubby had served him.