"Aww, come on," Emma complained, "do I really have to?"

"Yes," Ruby replied on the other side of the phone.

"I'm not a party girl."

"I can make you one."

"Ohh," Emma moaned, "don't even think about it."

"So you'll come?"

"If you drag me."

"You're going to regret that," Ruby said in a teasing voice, "if you don't come I'll make you come. Wear something decent, alright?"

Emma scoffed and hung up. Ruby can be a huge pain in the ass once it comes to partying or celebrities, but then again, she's almost always a pain in the ass, that's what made her special. Emma finished dressing, and went into the kitchen for breakfast. Ruby was already at work, Henry was with Mary Margret who was at David's house, and Emma would always be alone, getting ready for work, coming home from work and eating dinner was her usual routine. She checked her phone once again- 6:40 am.

Shit, if she wasn't going to hurry, she would be late.

She jogged to her car in the parking lot and drove to Starbucks, today, however, it was crowded. Great, how was she going to get her coffee with all this? Luckily, she found a spot and pushed through the crowing people to the counter. From afar, she caught someone with dark hair, but before she can take a look at his features, someone blocked the gap. Celebrity, she thought, going to normal places to get attention.

"Emma," a cashier finally saw her, "the usual I presume?"

She nodded and handed her a five, still trying to catch the 'celebrity'.

"I wish they would've chosen a different place," she muttered to the cashier and she nodded. They handed her coffee a few minutes later- 6:55. Fuck she was going to be late.

"See you tomorrow, Widow!" Emma called to the cashier and pushed in between people to get out. She was going to be late to work- again.

"Late again," Regina called, as Emma walked in, "one minute," she complained, "there was a celebrity at the Starbucks I usually go to."

"Then you could have gotten there earlier," Regina chimed, and Emma grumbled.

"There was traffic too," she said, it wasn't really a lie. The traffic was around the Starbucks she went to.

"Stop complaining, and start working," her boss's voice was stern again. Sometimes, she didn't know what was wrong. At one moment, she would be nice and funny, then a split second later, she would be stern and bossy.

Emma walked to her office and started to do the paperwork, but she heard someone text her. Ruby.



I'm bored

I'm at work

You heard of the celebrity spotting?

No. You act like I know all the gossip news

You'll be like me soon

In your dreams

It's only a matter of time

Ruby stopped texting her and Emma continued her paperwork until it was time to leave. Emma really wanted a new job, one that paid well, not working as a bartender, like Ruby. "It's a good job," Ruby had told her, and be tempted by drinks? No thank you. Mary Margret, on the other hand, was a doctor, just like her boyfriend, David. In fact, they met while the first week of working when they still didn't understand anything and had to be called into their boss's office to be warned.

She checked her phone- 4:58 pm. Good, she thought, and started packing up. Her days were boring, she only wished she can have a fun life. Be in a film crew, maybe director, or make up artist, or camera person, she shook her head, clearing out that dream that would never happen.

"RUBY!" Emma shrieked so loud, Ruby had to cover her ears.

"We're not leaving until we find you the right outfit," Ruby said, totally unaffected.

"It's not like I'm going to find my next lover in there," Emma grumbled, watching Ruby look through her closet.

"You might," she replied, "have a little hope, won't you? And do you even have any dresses?"

Emma shook her head- she will not find her lover- love of her life. She will never love again, thanks to- no Emma don't think about him he only abandoned you after he proposed, he only cheated on you with a stripper, he only left you pregnant.

Emma cleared her head by taking a deep breath- in and out, in and out. She was calm until Ruby grabbed her wrist and dragged Emma into her bedroom.

"You're my size, aren't you?"


"Alright then," Ruby pulled open her closet door and she had millions of dresses, "pick one, or I will for you, and you probably won't like it."

"Do I have to wear a dress?"

"Fine then," Ruby replied, almost giving up, and dug through her closet.

"Here," she held up a black top, there were flower designs on the sleeve and and pearls in the front.

"Not bad," Emma was surprised that Ruby had a shirt as normal as this one.

"But," aannd there was the catch, "you have wear these too."

She held up short shorts, a pair of converse boots and many bracelets and necklaces, "all of them?"

"All of them," Ruby confirmed and Emma groaned, at least it's not a dress and stomped off the bathroom to change.

Emma had to admit, she looked pretty good. The top dangled on by the button of the short shorts which only went down to a third of her thigh, the black converse boots went up a little more than halfway up her shin. The necklaces were loose and the bracelets hung around her wrist, and was uncomfortable. She grabbed the clothes she was just in a while ago and tossed it on her bed and walked into Ruby's room.

"Happy?" she asked, trying not to grin.

"I know you like it," Ruby said, and it was true. She would always say what Emma was thinking, but Emma always denied it.

"Sure," she replied in a sarcastic voice, and grabbed her phone as Ruby dragged her out of the room.

"In..there?" Emma gulped.

"There's nothing wrong with going in there," Ruby told her, pushing her in. As soon as they entered, the atmosphere became cooler, a lot cooler. The music blaring as people were dancing, jumping and singing; Emma left to the bar and Ruby followed her.

"Keys," she said, holding out her hand.

"What?" Emma asked in desperation, "it's my car too."

"Not taking the chance that you would run and leave me here," Ruby replied coldly.

"You might do that to me," Emma complained, but handed over the car keys, adding: "You leave me here alone, when I get back I will kill you."

"Wallet," Ruby said and Emma let out something that sounded half sigh and half scoff.

"I need to buy drinks," Emma replied, "and no I'm not going to take a taxi home, I swear."

Ruby gave her a glare and walked away, into the dance floor; Emma sighed, man, Ruby was still a pain in the ass.

"Mind if I sit here?" a voice asked her and she turned. The person was quite handsome- no, Emma get it together, she mentally slapped herself. He had dark black hair, his ears pointy and his deep, ocean blue eyes- the feature you will not a lot, along with his accent. Irish, she thought.

"Like what you see, love?" he asked, grinning and taking the chair next to her. "Name's Killian Jones."

"Emma," she told him, not meeting his eyes, "Emma Swan."

"A drink for the lady!" he yelled to a bartender and he poured two cups, "cheers," he raised his glass and Emma did the same.

"For better times," she said, hitting his glass and tipping it in her mouth.

"Better times?" he asked in a heavy accent, "you must not be having the best of times."

"Irish, am I correct?" Emma asked before answering his question or knowing what she was saying; she had to know.

"Ya think?" he told her in a sarcastic voice and- not knowing why- she laughed.

"I rarely have good times," she told him, looking at her empty drink, "my friend Ruby dragged me out here."

"Well, tell me to thank your friend Ruby then," she finally had the courage to look at him when he said that, but then he winked and Emma couldn't help blushing.

"Are you sure you don't know me?" Killian asked out of nowhere.

Emma answered by just blinking, "no, why? I mean, are you a stalker or something- why would I know you?"

"Oh nothing, and I'm not a stalker I swear," he smirked.

"Heard of the celebrity sighting? Ruby said there was one, but I don't know."

"Yeah, Starbucks," he smirked and Emma looked away, her face red, "not the usual place for a celebrity sighting."

"Yeah," she agreed, "was a minute late to work because of that."

"So where do you work?" he asked her.

"Just.. well, a place.I don't really care, just paperwork and filing," she said, "wish I had a better job, but I couldn't find any."

"Any job sounds better," he chuckled and she laughed with him.

"Yeah, but I want.. like a fun job, just not any random job," she couldn't believe she was telling a stranger this- an extremely attractive stranger- no, Emma stop. She mentally slapped herself again. "What about you?"

"Well," he paused, his eyebrows scrunched up, "you can call it fun, but it's not really the one where you have.. well privacy."

"What is it?"

"Acting," he told her and she was caught by surprise.

"I would love to be behind the scenes," she said aloud and immediately regretted it.

"Would you?" Killian asked, with a smirk on his face, and Emma blushed, but didn't look away.

"Yeah, it sounds fun," Emma smiled and pulled out her phone that just vibrated.

Emma where are you?

The same place where you left me

better not be lying

Emma rolled her eyes and felt Killian lean closer to her, she turned and his face was just inches away from her.

"Ah, is that Ruby?" Emma nodded and he smiled, "what's with the 'better not be lying' text?"

"She dragged me here. She thinks I would just run back, 'cause I'm not like her."

"'not like her'?"

"She's a party girl. I'm not really the type. She made me wear a dress," she told him, spinning her phone.

He leaned back, "you're not wearing a dress," he commented.

"Yeah, I told her no, and she made me wear this."

"Ah, there's always a friend that's a pain in the ass."

Emma laughed, "yup, and Ruby is that one."

The two drank and laughed, until the check came. "Well, shit," she muttered, checking her wallet.

"I got this love," he held out the money and winked at her.

"You seem nice," he told her, "may I do the honor of adding my number to your contact list?"

Emma laughed and nodded, "you don't seem like a rapist, may I do the honor of add my number to your contact list?"

The two exchanged phones, he had the new one, the very luxury and expensive one; she added her number and handed it back.

"I like your phone," she complemented.

"Well, I like your... er..." he didn't know what to say. Emma laughed- no giggled. Since when did she giggle?

"Well, midnight's coming in about a few minutes, would my lady like a kiss?" he winked and Emma was tempted, she didn't know what to do.

"Well- I don't.."

"Close your eyes," he told her.


"Try something new darling, it's called trust," he was leaning closer to her and she closed her eyes. "Speak your mind," he whispered in her ear and her immediate answer surprised her, as well as Killian: "yes."

"Well," he said, "that's that."




"Happy New Years!" everyone in the bar cheered and Killian looked at her. He was leaning closer and closer. She smelt his ocean scent, ocean?- no Emma, this isn't the time. Their lips met, as well as millions of others at the same time somewhere. She tasted some of the wine he had been drinking earlier and felt a spark. A jolt of energy, no- something more. She began to pull back and he knew what she was doing, and gave her a last nip on her bottom lip.

"Did my lady enjoy that?" Killian asked, his blue eyes sparking and face red.

"You think?" she replied in a sarcastic voice.

Ruby came walking from behind Killian and said, "glad to see you haven't left."

"Was thinking about it," she teased, "but this gentlemen stopped me," Emma winked back and he chuckled.

"OH MY GOD YOU'RE KIL-" was all Ruby said before Killian covered her mouth.

"Shut up," he hissed, "this is the most freedom I got since like forever ago."

"Er.." Killian checked his phone, "I have to go, but- call me." He winked at Emma and she couldn't help blushing, "see you."

"So," Ruby said, smiling, "I see you met your love you said you wouldn't meet here."

"Oh shut up," Emma replied and buried her face in her hands.

"How much do you have left?"

"Didn't use a single buck," she replied.

"He paid?" Ruby gasped, sitting where Killian just sat.

"He was quite the gentlemen," Emma smirked and pulled Ruby's hand.

"Let's go."

A/N: I hope you like x) Maybe a little out of character- but it's New Years there... Review?