Chapter One

Hello everyone, so I started to read a lot of evil/dark Harry and where Dumbledore, the Weasley's and Hermione are the bad and I thought I would write one myself.

The people on Harry's side are:Fred and George Weasely, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Voldemort, the Malfoy's, and so on. And there will be slash, it will be: Harry/Draco Remus/Sirius Voldemort/Snape and hetro Luna/Neville Narcissa/Lucius

Summary: What if Harry knew he was a wizard, what if he could do both wandless and wordless magic, what if he wanted revenge on Dumbledore for putting him with the Dursleys, what would have happened if Harry got into Slytherin and made friends with Draco. And what if Harry like Voldemort was the heir of Slytherin, but wait not only Slytherin, but Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw as well. Dumbledore is gonna get a surprise when he see's Harry isn't as naive and innocent as Dumbledore wanted him to be.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, if I did, it would be slight **ed up, and Sirius, Fred, Remus and Snape wouldn't have died. And Ginny would die in the Chamber of Secrets, and Fred and George would have hit Molly in the head with a frying pan.
A/N: well I hope you will enjoy this story.

It starts when Harry is ten a day before Dudley's birthday. The real story will start in the next chapter, this is just an intro.

It was a normal day in the little street called Privet drive, well as normal as it could get, you see here lived a boy, by the name Harry Potter.
Harry was a little boy of the age of ten, he had jet black hair, a cute face that would grow to be rugged and handsome and intense green eyes, that glittered like emeralds, and on his forehead, he had a small scar formed like lightning bolt.

Yes Harry looked like any other kid his age, yet Harry wasn't like any other kid, you see Harry was a wizard, yes you heard me wizard, Harry knew years ago he was a wizard, he found out when he was seven and his uncle had called him a freak and had hit him in the face, Harry lost control and suddenly his uncle flew across the room and hit the wall, after that Harry started to train his powers, and when he had enough control of his powers, which was at the age of eight and a half, Harry started to take control of his family, and forced them to tell him everything about the wizarding world and his parents, about the war, about the fight between the good and the evil, and of two wizard's called Albus Dumbledore and Lord Voldemort.

He also knew about Hogwarts and about the four founders, Harry also knew that he was in family with Salazar Slytherin, how you ask? Well Harry was a Parselmouth, which means he can speak to snakes, and that was something Salazar Slytherin was known for, something only he could do, and that was how Harry knew.

So yeah, Harry wasn't like any other kid, and he rather liked the fact that he wasn't like everybody else, but Harry knew that when he turned eleven he was off to Hogwarts, where there would be tons of kids just like him, Harry couldn't say he was happy, yet he couldn't say he didn't like it either, he couldn't wait till he would meet some purebloods wizard and learn more about the wizard world, because he may know something, but he would need pureblood friends if he wanted to get far in the wizard world.

And before you ask, yes Harry knew about him being the boy-who-lived thing, and what happened with him and Voldemort, and that it was him that killed his parents, yet he didn't blame Voldemort for what he did.

No, Harry blamed Albus Dumbledore for everything, why? Well because Harry would have done the same thing if he was the dark lord, and someone was gonna kill him, Harry blamed Dumbledore because if it weren't for Dumbledore no one would have heard the damn prophecy, you see a prophecy was made about Harry and Voldemort, something about that Harry was gonna kill him or something, yet that was only a part of the prophecy, and no one knew the rest of it except Dumbledore, which made Harry quit skeptics over the whole prophecy thing, because the only one who knew was the man he did not trust.

When Harry was little his parents went into hiding because of the prophecy, yet they still got them self killed, and Harry was shipped off to his aunt and uncle, Petunia and Vernon Dursley, and who could forget their kid Dudley, who was so big, fat and ugly that he could be mistaken for a pig, or a very little cow.

In the first six years Harry was with them he was treated like a slave, he was hit, screamed at and starved, but when Harry got control of his life, he got healthier food and made the Dursleys pay for everything they had done to him, he made them face their worst fears, like Petunia who had to clean the house with her toothbrush, even the toilet and after that, still brush her teeth with it. And Vernon who was shoved into a little cage filled every kind of dangerous and big spiders, and had to stay there for three day without food, and only a little bit to drink. He had the most fun with Dudley though, he broke his ribs and then pushed him out of the window.

You may think it was cruel, but trust me when I say Harry didn't think it was enough, after that they started to be nice to him and give him what he wanted, yet it wasn't enough so Harry of course still tortured them when he was bored or when they disobeyed him, and Harry didn't like to be disobeyed.

Yes Harry was ready for the wizard world, but was the wizard world ready for harry.

AN: I hope you liked it please review say if you liked it, I will have the next part up someday this week, I hope you will read.
With love from Moon Vongola.