Ch 1

Hey guys Raika here and this is my new story so please read! I DOWNT OWN ANY OF THE SHUGO CHARA CHARACTES!


The Guardians betrayed Amu. She then goes to Paris with Lulu to forget about the guardians, she lost Ran, Miki, Suu and Dia but found Ikuto in Paris. Amu comes back with Ikuto with her new two eggs! Amu goes to Seiyo Senior High school with Ikuto?! She came back to take revenge on the guardians! Please R&R!

"Amu chan are you sure you will be able to come back to japan after what happened?" asked Lulu
Lulu was one of Amu's closest friends since that day happened

Flash Back 6 years ago

"Ahhh… schools finally finished!" Amu said while yawning and walking out of of the school gate

"Go! Go! Amu-chan!" Ran cheered

"Oh no desu! 'X'eggs!" Suu cried

"Why now?" Amu argued with herself "Anyway Ran let's go!"

"Hai" Ran replied

"Hop Step Juuummmpppp!" Ran and Amu shouted together

Pink wings appeared on her wrists and on her ankles as Amu jumped from a building to another. Soon Amu and her charas reached the park and saw about 100! 'X 'eggs. Amu couldn't believe her eyes!

"The guardian has already beaten Easter but who could do such a thing?" Amu asked herself

"Amu-chan lets character transform!" Ran shouted at Amu, she then nodded

"Watashi no kokoro unlock!" Amu screamed

"Charanari Amulet Heart!" Amu and Ran said together

"Yosh! Miki, Suu and Dia stay here and wait for the rest of the guardians!"Instructed Amu and they nodded.
Amu kept battling the eggs for quite a long time now but there were still no sign of the guardians.

"Where are they when you need them?" Amu asked no one

"Amu-chan! /Hinamori! "Screamed Nagihiko and Kukai as they ran where Amu was

"Where's the rest of the guardians?" Asked Amu

"Well about that-" Kukai was cut off

"We will talk about that later, now we have to fight those 'X' eggs!" Nagihiko said cutting off Kukai
The three was battling the 'X' eggs but the amount of the eggs just kept then Amu,Nagihiko,Kukai and Amu's charas were trapped by the 'X' eggs

"No! let us go!" screamed Amu
Just then the three got weaker and weaker so their character transformation went off and the 'X' eggs let go of Amu but not her friends or their charas. Then Amu saw the most horrible thing that she has ever seen: Her friends were unconscious and the 'X' eggs forced her charas back to their eggs and then…her eggs were destroyed by the 'X' eggs!

"NO! RAN, MIKI, SUU, DIA!" cried amu "This can't be happening no it's just a bad dream right?"Amu sobbed
Just then the 'X' eggs let go of Nagihiko, Kukai ad their eggs and everything went white…

~~~~The Next Morning~~~~

"uhg…"groaned amu and checked her clock "Oh no it's almost school time! Ran,Miki Suu,Dia why didn't you… wake…me up…"Amu said whispering the last part as she remembered what happened the day before and a tear ran down her cheek
but quickly wiped it away cause she know that he charas are still inside her heart. She changed to her uniform and quickly went to Seiyo Academy but before she went to her class she went to the royal garden there she saw all the guardians but there was an another girl sitting on her seat.

"Hey guys! Do we have a new group member?" asked amu as she entered the royal garden

"Hinamori Amu-san may you please tell us why you are here?"Tadase asked as if he doesn't know Amu

"What do you mean? I'm part of the guardians aren't I?"Asked Amu and looked at Kukai and Nagihiko but they just lowered their heads and said nothing

"No, you are no longer part of the guardians, Nanalie here is the new joker." Said Tadase

"But how?" Amu asked

"Simple Nanalie here has five charas and you have well…none" Tadase said as he shrugged

"That's not fair how could you use your own friend just to find that freaking non existing Embyo!? All of you are heartless excluding Nagihiko and Kukai! Do you know why?! It's beacause they freaking HEPLED me when I was in trouble! They were the only people that cares for their FRIEND! I HATE ALL OF YOU HEARTLESS PICE OF SHITS!" Amu shouted while tears were running out of the royal garden and leaving the school gates.

Then she bumped into someone
"I'm so sorry" Amu said while wiping her tears away and looked she saw Lulu the person that she used to have battles with "Lulu?"

"Amu? What happened? Why are you crying?" asked Lulu

Amu explained everything that had happened and made her feel better telling someone her problems

"How about you come with me to paris so you could forget about those oh so called 'guardians'?"

Offered Lulu "Also, don't worry about plane tickets or anything like that ill take care of it and I'll ask your parents if you could stay with me at paris for a few years, how does that sound?" Lulu asked Amu

"Is that really okay?I mean I don't want to be a burden to you…" Said Amu

"don't worry, you're a friend in need right?" Said Lulu

"Thatnk you soooo much! Would you like to be my new best friend?"Asked Amu

"Sure why not?" said Lulu while smiling at her


"Yeah don't worry about it I'm fine and when I see them I'll give them what they gave me from the past." Amu said with a smirk

"Awww… Amu is hanging out too much with me eh?" Ikuto said with a smirk

"That's true nya~!" exclaimed Yora, Amu's new chara

"EHH! HOW?" Amu shouted

"The smirk Amu, the smirk." Lulu said with a teasing voice

"Oh shut up." Amu said while acting like a little girl


"YAY we will get our revenge! Right Amu?" said Misaki, Amu's also new chara
"Yes we will Misaki" reassured Amu

~~~~~ The Plane Landed~~~~

"I'm back Japan!" shouted Amu excitedly

Raika: aannnddd DONE!
Okay so I added new characters and I promise I will make this story good as best as I can!