I'm sorry for the delay again. Well, final chapter of my first fanfic, but if you gonna miss it, don't worry, I'm working on sequel. Enjoy!

Chapter 14

James reflexively drew his sword. "No!" Emma stopped him by stepping in front of Regina. But the queen screamed anyway, falling on Emma from behind. Emma tried to turn and keep Regina on her feet but she didn't success, they both fell to the ground.

"Regina!" Emma finally rolled to her side to see brunette lying motionless on the stone paving, eyes closed. "Regina!" she exclaimed with high pitched tone, when jumping to the queen, her knees painfully hitting the stone. "Regina!" Emma gripped Regina's dress, shaking her desperately. Regina let out hoarse sound, her face scrunched in pain. "Regina!" Tears trailed down Emma's cheeks, burning with desperation. She pulled the queen to her embrace and whispered to her, trying to comfort her or better herself. "I'm sorry," she repeated that sentence till her voice wasn't working anymore; just sobs were fighting their way to the air. Everyone was like frozen in place. Of course they hated the Evil Queen. She took everything from them for twenty-eight years. She was considered a heartless beast and they couldn't see any reason to change their mind.

"Emma?" She heard James' voice. She looked up to his face, Mary Margaret squatting next to her with her hand on the blonde's back.

Emma shook her head. She shifted her gaze back to Regina. "Come on! You can heal yourself can't you?"

Regina let out another sound, growling from the back of her throat. Emma carefully put her back to the ground and jumped to her feet. She looked around and spotted a figure standing there with long dagger dripping with blood. Face of the attacker covered with hood. The person took off the hood and showed everyone his identity. He calmly took few steps forward.

"My lord sends his regards. Well," he looked at Regina with mock worry, "And condolences."

Animalistic scream left Emma's throat as she pounced on the man, hitting him everywhere she could.

"Emma!" Few people took her by her arms and pulled her away from laughing man.

"You think you did good saving the Sun-horse? I wouldn't be so sure about it." He chuckled and made a move to stand up. Once on his feet he could freely walk away and no one tried to stop him. They were sorry for Emma but not for the queen.

Emma extracted herself from the weakening grasp and kneeled back to Regina, touching her face with back of her hand. "Regina? Regina?" The queen wasn't moving but she was warm under her touch and Emma could feel the pulse on her throat. She embraced the queen, put her arm under her knees and picked her up from the ground, taking her inside, to the direction of the chamber she lived in before, Snow walking next to her with worried expression plastered on her face.

Emma couldn't help herself with ironic thoughts. Now you care, mom?

"What are you doing?"

"Let her die!"

"She deserved it!"

"Yeah, let her die!"

Voices from all around called for more of queen's blood. "That's enough!" James grounded them with confident tone. "We'll decide what to do with her when she will be fully recovered."

Few people took a breath as to say something but Charming raised a finger. "I know. But circumstances changed. We'll talk to her about everything and then judge."

Emma heard all of that, but didn't turn to say anything on that matter. It's useless anyway. Explanations are useless. They want her dead. Maybe she was right. She can't live here. And if she doesn't I don't too. What's the point if everyone hates her? She hurt them. She hurt me. But from good ones she expected more sympathy.

Snow White opened the door to the chamber for her and she put Regina gently on the bed. Emma's hands were covered in blood, but she didn't care, putting them at her hips. "Do you have a doctor here?" She turned to Snow White.

Snow White looked at her guiltily. "Well, we got a leech…" Her attempt of smile failed.

"What about magic?" Emma tried to stay reasonable. She was thinking if the True Love's kiss would work again if it's so powerful.

Snow White shook her head, than froze. She shot a glance to sweating Regina, moving in agony. "Blue Fairy."

"Yes, I'm here." Little fairy flew to them, surrounded by gleaming blue dust. "I know what your wish is and I can't give you that. But I know someone who can." She looked significantly at Regina, then back at Emma. "So I'll help you with any other wish. Oh, I know!" She smiled widely and flew over to Regina. Few moves of the wrist with hand holding a wand and the blue dust circled the queen. There was something that took blue fairy aback. They could see black minim mixing with light blue, then some kind of purple like when Regina was performing magic. Utter shock was obvious on all three of them. Silence was unbearable but everyone was scared even to breathe just not to distract the healing process. What was the intention of Blue Fairy they didn't know, but she made Regina disappear. "What the hell?" Emma's eyes went wide. "What are you doing?"

"No one should see that, not even you."

"What's happening with her?" Emma didn't like the behavior of the fairy. She was supposed to be helping, not making people more confused and nervous; not taking hope away. Smile spread on fairy's lips. "She's fighting the dark side in herself, it grew too big. Don't worry; she'll come back to you." Blue fairy was still holding her smile in place.

"What? No, no, no, no. Bring her back! Now!" Emma pointed to the floor to emphasize her point.

Fairy couldn't do more about it, Emma assumed so. What else could it be if not that? Because the fairy didn't look happy making Regina to appear again in the bed Emma laid her to.

"There's not much what we can do about it. She has to fight it alone."

"Says who?" Emma glowered at Fairy and Snow, who was silent all the time. Disgustedly, Emma turned from them and stepped to Regina.

"Emma?" She heard that pathetic voice of Mary Margaret. "I believe you."

Tears found their way to Emma's eyes, her chest tightening around her heart as a loop. Was this her mother or her friend? Emma nodded to them.

The dust with the darker shades was radiating energy which made Emma shiver, as if electricity tickled her. She took Regina by hand and the familiar feeling captured her body. Magic flowing through her limbs, her whole body in whirl of emotions that magic brings with itself. The blonde closed her eyes and attempted to adjust to that successfully. She felt empty and full of it at the same time. And in that emptiness she searched for something, she didn't even know what. But she knew it's somewhere there. She felt it. Hundreds of lights were shining in darkness forming some object. It didn't take long and as if Regina was standing there; made of golden light flies. What Emma didn't understand was why she was there and why it felt so real? It was just illusion made by the magic battle. So why is this so necessary? Why do they have to prove something all the time? To whom? To the others? To themselves? She was standing there firmly, waiting for Regina to do something. But it wasn't real Regina, how could it? But then the queen spoke, "You're engrained, Miss Swan."

Ok, that sounded like Regina. But it could be some sort of trap. They were in the Evil Queen's mind after all. Or not? Where else would they be? Emma didn't want to think about it. She was focusing on Regina's figure in front of her, shining with energy of the magical flies. Some of them moved around the others creating her face to more details. Despite the golden light, eyes of the woman were kind, even that hurt was apparent there, as all the time, Emma realized. She took a step forward, but hesitated when the figure shifted. Regina turned to look at something. They both heard sounds from everywhere.

"What is it, Regina?" Emma did get her answer but not from the figure standing there. Suddenly, they were on the meadow and Emma could see three or four people standing there. She watchfully approached the group and could recognize young girl with, as she assumed, her parents. Just then she realized it's Regina. How could she not see it? She hasn't changed much. With whole new eyes, Emma watched the scene and listened to the dialogue. Her heart skipped a few beats from fear of what Cora would do to her daughter. And it continued all the way through Regina's life. Her last night with Daniel, Emma's mother betraying her, Regina at Rumpel's, trying to bring her loved one from the grave. How the Queen learned to use magic, how she ripped the heart out of someone for the first time, how she planned the vengeance, how she killed her father, how she killed other people, all those people! And then saw what she experienced herself with the Mayor in Storybrooke. It was all so heartbreaking she thought she'd explode, seeing that little girl in Regina her whole life. All the time it was there, in her eyes. She could see it when she killed, when she ordered to kill. She could see the fear of young girl who didn't want to do it but had to somehow. That battle in Regina which was there her whole life, thirst for revenge and tears of forgiveness which she so wanted to feel.

Emma tried to send all those thoughts somewhere. Fight it for god's sake! How can anyone judge you after all you've come through!? They hurt you more than anyone could imagine, you had it with yourself for so long and no one even tried to help you with that! You've done horrible things, you ruined more lives than anyone but no one ever wanted to find out why. Regina, I am here and I know why. So get the hell back here! I love you…

Emma didn't know how but she was back in the darkness with Regina, flies getting back to their places. Tears ran down the Savior's face, she couldn't stop sobs coming from her chest.

Regina stepped to her and embraced her. "That's exactly why I can't."

Emma frowned. "What?"

"I understand now. I never paid for what I did. I never paid for magic I used. I can't come back to you. This is my destiny."

How can she do that to me? And how can she be so calm about it?

"No! I'm not buying that stuff!" Emma pulls out of the embrace fully. "You suffered enough. You paid a lot more than you deserved. Here." Emma put her hand over her own heart. "You suffered that much no one can imagine."

"That's where you're wrong, Emma."

Emma took the breath to answer, but Regina motioned her not to. "Emma. I am here for the reason. Person like me never suffers enough. No matter what she came through."

"That's bullshit!" Emma wanted to scream it the whole world. Corners of Regina's lips lifted in a smile. The figure started to disappear, little flies flying away slowly. "No, you're not going out of this!" Emma took the face warm like flaming metal and kissed burning lips of the queen. Last thing she remembered was coldness and darkness surrounding her.

Her head hurt like hell. She shifted and opened her eyes, seeing dull red drapes at the balcony. She took a look at the room, her eyes adjusting to the light. It felt so empty and cold. Someone was at her side, sleeping. She tried to recognize the small figure. Henry!

As if she called out for him aloud, he lifted his head and smiled at her, hugging his mum with all his strength.

"Emma! I knew you'd make it!"

She smiled, confused, but hugged him back. After a while he pulled out and leaned his back against a headboard, crossing his legs in Turkish style.

"Henry…" she looked at the wall opposite but not really seeing it. Her mind was full of images.

"Yes you did. You saved her!" Emma turned to Henry so fast she thought she might screw open head from her neck. Henry's smile was widest she ever seen on him.


The kid shrugged his shoulders. "Don't know exactly but you did. You helped her to see good in herself again, to see what good she has left to do in a future."

Emma smiled and tried if she could move. Her preferences were good, so she pushed away the blanket and sit at the edge of the bed. Her first attempt to stand up was really poor and she had to sit back down.

"Henry? How long have I been like this?" She asked him, but imagined it could be long if her legs were like that.

"Two weeks." He jumped to his feet and helped her to get up.
"And you're not saying I should get back to bed?"

"No. It would be useless and you don't need it." Smart kid.

"Right. Where's your mom?"

"Come!" Henry took her by hand and dragged her outside the chamber. Emma didn't care she didn't put on her boots or something. They walked a few hallways and entered the chamber Emma put Regina in.

The queen was still lying in bed, few servants moving around her, putting some wet towels to her forehead. No one paid attention to them. Emma stepped to the bed just like before all that happened and motioned the people to leave them. She sat down at the edge of Regina's bed, looking at peaceful features of sleeping queen. She took the sight of the beauty while she was sleeping. Hahaha! My own sleeping beauty! Emma's smile matched the Henry's. She took Regina's hand and kissed it, feeling no shame in front of her son, quite the otherwise. It felt so right. Like the family was complete again. Together after such a long time. Emma never thought of having a family, after all she experienced. But now she had at least hoped this could work. That she could live with Regina and Henry like proper family. Or like a family that would be. She knew Mary Margaret was gonna complain about hundreds of things, but she didn't mind. That's what mothers usually do isn't it? The only thing that worried her was how everyone else will take the news. She didn't want to start a civil war.

Regina stirred from her sleep and opened her eyes. The sight in front of her made her smile but just shyly. "So you're awake, finally."

Emma looked at Henry.

He just shrugged again. "Mom woke up that night you saved her."

Emma blinked a few times. So she was the sleeping beauty. Or maybe just sleeping. Henry laughed at her reaction and she nudged him to his ribs. "Hey kid. I did a lot of work that night! I had to rest for a while," she joked.

Regina laughed with them. But coughed after a while.

"Why are you still in bed then anyway?"

"Henry. Can you please bring me some water?" Regina looked at him significantly and the boy understood. He kissed both of his moms and left them alone in the chamber.

"You didn't catch some illness from me, did you?" Emma asked with humor in her voice when the door after their son closed.

Regina smiled again. "No. When…" she trailed off, shade ran across her face. She didn't look at Emma, but somewhere out the window. "When you pulled me out…from the abyss of torture…I…you passed out, you were unconscious for a long time…I was so worried." Regina fought back her tears. She had to stop and gulp them down. "I…I was weak. But I thought you're worse than me. And you were…I thought I lost you…" Regina shifted her gaze full of tears back at Emma.

The Savior didn't know but she was gripping queen's hand so much it became white.

"I'm not leaving you. No one's ever gonna leave you again. You understand?"

Regina nodded. She heard those words before. A few times actually. But this time she felt it's true. That this person will never leave her.

"Ok enough of this emotional talk! I'm horrible at that." Emma beamed.

"It's ok. I can listen to that. Just don't tell me you'll always find me. Or I'll kick you out in a second." Again that serious look.

Emma's smile faded but she could see the fun Regina's having in her eyes. "Henry will explain to you, I'm sure."

"Yeah, I should ask him about few things."

They had such a good time in each other's company they couldn't hear persistent knocking. Just when the heavy door cracked open they turned they're heads toward the entrance.

Snow stepped in cautiously. "How are you feeling?" her question addressed to god knows whom. She realized her mistake and skated out of if. "I mean both of you."

They couple looked at each other than back at Snow and back at each other.

"I know," Snow ducked her head, taking a good look at the hem of her dress. "My actions towards you were inappropriate and very childish and I apologize."

They still didn't know to whom Snow's talking. She noticed and rolled her eyes, waving her hands desperately. "I mean both of you!" She sighed.

Emma and Regina were more having fun now than taking it seriously, but didn't want to end it now. Fortunately Snow didn't noticed and tried to continue. When there was another knock on the door.

"Come in!" Regina and Emma said simultaneously and then laughed at that warmly.

Charming came to the room. What a family reunion!

"Ehm. Am I interrupting something?" He asked not sure if he can come in.

Emma shook her head and that gave him a little courage. He stepped next to Snow White.

"Welcome back!" He smiled at them awkwardly, as if embarrassed of what he was there for. "Um…apology is appropriate, I guess. So…" before he could finish, the door opened again and Henry came in with Ruby and Zain behind him, their arms circling each other's waist.

That took the Savior and Queen by surprise. "Hey folks!" Ruby greeted the family.

When Emma put her jaw back in place she started but…

Another knock on the door. Grumpy peered to the room and stepped in, encouraged by doc pushing him inside.

"Ok." Emma couldn't take more of this. "Who came to apologize?" Everyone lifted their hands to the air. "You're forgiven." Everyone smiled at that. Emma noticed Regina's hand in the air as well and took it, kissing it again.

"And now!" The blonde found Zain and Ruby in crowded chamber again. "What's going on here?"

They were chatting about things that happened past those two weeks Emma was out. Zain and Ruby found a way to themselves. Charmings were ruling the Forest, well that was kind of boring for Emma. Henry had fun with Zain and dwarves and pretty much everyone he met. But Regina was quite silent all the time. Emma knew what was going on in her head. She knew she didn't forgive Mary Margaret and she thought it will hardly ever happen. And the same on the other side. Mary Margaret was just not ready to forget everything and consider Regina a friend or part of their family. James maybe, but not Mary Margaret. It wasn't that easy as it seemed to be. They might talk now but they could feel the tension filling the room.

You didn't think everything's gonna be alright now? As if nothing happened. No. That was a life. You can't forget. And it will always be there.

When everyone said their goodbye, to leave them alone again. Emma lied down next to Regina, staring to the ceiling.

"What we gonna do now?" she mused.

The older woman didn't have answer, and she didn't care. It was more rhetorical than a real question. She rolled on her side and put her arm on Emma's flat stomach, kissing her shoulder. Emma leaned her head against Regina's savoring the fragrance of her lover. Regina raised her head again and took Emma off guard, pressing her lips tightly to the blonde's. Emma responded right when she composed herself, getting such a pleasure with the taste of the full lips of the queen who demanded to enter her mouth. She opened it slightly and Regina's tongue slipped in, running over Emma's; tasting every spot as if for the first time. Emma's hand shot to brunette's hair, playing with it and muffling it, pushing her closer to herself, her hips pressed tightly against Regina's in attempt to feel her, all of her. Regina was caressing the spot of bare skin she found on Emma's stomach and continued upwards, under the shirt Emma was wearing, feather like touch performing on her breast. Shiver ran down Emma's spine, goose bumps found their way to her skin. She closed her eyes and ended the kiss with moan, from the back of her throat. Regina enjoyed the situation. Making the Savior putty in her hands. Queen's lips moved to Emma's neck biting, than licking the spots to sooth them, to comfort the woman. But she didn't want to be comforted. Not in that way. Emma opened her eyes, despite her heavy eyelids and reversed their positions, taking hungry bites of the brunette's body. Kissing her through her soft clothes, eager to feel more. Regina wasn't taking a rest as well. She tugged at Emma's white shirt and the blonde allowed her to pull it over her head but she was back at Regina's lips in a second. Emma pressed her bare chest to Regina's feeling the queen's arousal through the material of her own shirt, so not willing to wait she ripped it in two pieces. Regina gasped to her mouth, not expecting such a thing and her body shot upwards to Emma's. With Regina wearing just the shirt it was Emma who was overdressed. Regina found the waistline of the pants the blonde was wearing and also not caring about it she tried to push it down, not bothering to unbutton them. Sound of ripping fabric mixed with moans from both women. Emma kicked the pants somehow off her body, feeling free at last and pleasuring Regina's breasts already, which meant pleasuring herself as well. Her hands roamed the brunette's lightly sweated body, not touching her where she needed her the most. Regina almost cried out in pain she felt in the fire between her legs, yelping till Emma ran a finger across her center. She couldn't keep it anymore and let out frustrated cry. Emma took the finger away and waited for Regina to open her eyes. When she did so, Emma put the finger to her mouth and licked it clean. Regina's hazy eyes focused on Emma. The blonde knew what effect she's got on her lover and she played with it. But not for long because she knew she would regret making the queen wait, so she put her hand back on Regina's body, running over her stomach and thighs, right to the destination of her waiting center. Regina bucked her hips upwards and Emma tried to calm them down, pushing them on the mattress again. She slowly slid up to kiss Regina's lips again. The queen pulled her down on herself, sending all the love she felt to Emma's lips. She grabbed Emma's ass and squeezed it, not realizing she's grinding her hips against the thigh Emma put in between her legs and so did Emma. They were moving together, more frantically with every second, feeling the orgasm coming, not wanting to push each other over the edge but wanting the relief at the same time. Crushing each other's lips again, moaning to each other's mouth they climaxed together, their bodies melting to create one. Emma collapsed on Regina but rolled on her side after few seconds. Her muscles were sore and soft like a jelly. She couldn't move, only reached with her hand to brush the strand of hair behind Regina's ear, keeping the hand at the queen's flushed cheek. Their shallow breathing didn't want to calm. They laughed at each other and kissed again, slowly, almost painfully, waves of pleasure still running down from their spines to the fingertips. Emma laid on her back, pulling Regina to her embrace.

When they woke up, it was night already, but there were candlesticks lighten in their chamber and tray of food was at the table. So someone was there. Emma smiled. Who cares?

She tried to wake Regina up but the brunette was too comfortable sleeping snuggled to her lover. "Regina, sweetie, wake up!" Regina murmured something and loosened her grip but didn't open her eyes. "Regina come on, I'm starving!"

"Yeah, yeah." Came the muffled answer.

"I'm inviting you to diner."

Regina lifted her head from Emma's shoulder. "What?" That deep sleepy voice was so sexy.

"A diner. Just the two of us. Sounds like a date." Emma shook her head in the direction of the table. "What do you think?"

Regina looked around the room. "Right. But just because I'm hungry. Remember, it's not a good thing to kiss the girl on the first date."

Devilish smile formed on Emma's face. "Ok, I won't."

Few days passed and they were surprised how easily. Too easily. Snow was too eager to show them around and smiling persistently. James was his normal self. At least someone, and Henry of course. Ruby and Zain were planning on their life; even Granny liked him and considered him a good suitor material for her granddaughter. The other were circling them wide, not wanting to meet the queen and talk to her as if nothing happened. They still hated her to death and that wasn't gonna change just because their Savior lost her mind with loving her. So the couple decided to leave the castle and live in Regina's at least for a while. They wanted to take Henry with themselves as well but he wanted to stay a little longer to finish his training at the Snow's castle. His mothers were a little bit disappointed by that but only till they realized they'll have all those weeks just for themselves. After all, they deserved a vacation.

Thank you for reading to the end. Reviews are welcome.