(Authors note- After watching the movie "A Beautiful Mind" I was very touched by the dedication and classic touch of the film. And to my own motivation I decided to create something similar to the story line. Note that I will kind of take the story line from the movie, and a little from the show. Now my I present to the readers a Beta writing piece, "Friendship is an Imagination")
I don't know what's going on but I know one thing, my life all turned upside down from the start. Right now I'm in my hospital bed staring at a ceiling. You may be wondering why I am even here, the smart Twilight Sparkle who could use her magic to fix anything up. Truth is the stallions in white coats say I'm 'mentally ill'. Ha! Can you believe that? How can I be crazy if I'm smart? This is just all a misunderstanding!
There was a knock on the door of my hospital room, "Patient Twilight Sparkle? It's time for your conversation with your teacher."
I turned my head toward the digital clock next to my bed. It said 6:30p.m! I've only been here for a few hours but to me, it felt like days have passed.
"Alright in a minute!" I called out getting out of bed quickly.
Not wanting to waste anytime I trotted to the door and with my 'care taker' and we arrived at the interrogation room or how the hospital wants to call it, the "Conversation Room". The room wasn't that special. Like some special mental rooms for 'crazy' clients that were much deeper in the hospital, the room had puffy white pillows around the room from ceiling to the floor covering every single inch of the area. All that was added in here was a wooden table and two squishy chairs. And on one of the chairs, my favorite teacher, Princess Celestia was sitting with her back toward me.
My 'care taker' opened the heavy metal door for me and I just gave him a nod of thanks.
"Do you need any help with this one Miss Celestia?"
The Princess turned and just gave him a smile and shook her head, "No thank you Bob. I think I could handle this on my own."
Bob just nodded and exited the room, leaving only me and the Princess alone.
Walking with ease I sat on one of the chairs and faced the Princess. Her royalty radiated in front of me, her colorful mane and her long horn. Also her beautiful wings! Oh how much I want to be like her!
"Ah my favorite student how are you doing?"
"I'm doing just fine Princess Celestia. But I was a little alarmed to be taken from my house in the middle of the day and taken here. I was having a pillow fight with my friend Applejack since we were having a sleep over-"
Celestia just raised her hooves in front of my face and gave me a concerned stare.
"My dear student… Who exactly is this… Applejack?"
I raised an eyebrow looking at her with confusion. "What do you mean? Applejack is my friend. She sent you a letter once or twice, and I even told you about her."
"I don't remember such thing Twilight. You never sent me any letters regarding your so called friend Applejack."
This time I was starting to get a little irritated. How can my own teacher not know who Applejack was!?
I placed my hooves together and let out a small sigh. "What do you mean so called friend? I've been playing with my friends Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy for a year! We've sent you tons of letters and also the elements of harmony-"
"First of all Twilight… Let's go through this one at a time. Who is this Applejack."
My head started to throb. Now I was really irritated. Was the Princess joking around or kidding?
I let out a nervous laugh, "Oh okay Princess. I see that you're joking! It's all fun and games right? Look I just want to go home and continue the sleep over-"
"Just tell me who this Applejack is my student! Who is this Applejack!?"
Clearing my throat I just stared at the Princess in the eyes. "Alright but you'll think you're silly after I'm done Princess. Applejack is a sister of Big Macintosh and is a part of the Apple Family. She works at Sweet Apple Acres and bucks apples all day-"
"Do you mean Apple Seed?" The Princess said giving me a frown.
I just shook my head. "Applejack… Don't you know-"
"There is no such person as Applejack around here my student… Neither are any of the people you mentioned exist."
I blinked… What did she say now?
"My student… Tell me… After I sent you here to study about the interaction of others… Just what happened?"
I looked at a plastic clock above the exit door and it read 6:35p.m. This was going to be a long talk…
I took a deep breath and started to tell the Princess the beginning of my story.
Chapter 1- It All Started Here…
"Where the heck are we going Twilight!?" Spike spinning round and round in my magic bubble.
"We have to go to the Academic University before sun set Spike, or else I'll be faced with lateness!"
Spike shook his tail and tried to scratch at the bubble but to no avail. "But I don't see why I have to go!"
I just smirked, "You're going to be a test subject Spike! The teacher and my classmates are dying to actually see a real life dragon! And not to mention a special spell I have in store…" I said patting my backpack.
'W-What kind of spell!?"
I just giggled, "You'll see!"
Spike and I were heading toward the University of LAM, short term for Land/Air/Magic. A university for all types of ponies who have talents that could be enhanced even further. The classes could range from Fashion, Animal Care, Agriculture, Sky Racing, you name it! But this wasn't any ordinary school where ponies can attend to. You needed to be chosen… And I repeat, 'chosen' by the Princess herself to enter this school.
The University was pretty big. It had a large campus and library, and it even had school stores dotted around the place to buy things. But this was a place to study and not dilly dally. I've only entered this school a few weeks ago and it was pretty far away. So I talked with the Principle here and they decided that I could stay in one of the girl dormitories. And of course, I have Spike with me. I was originally planning on him to stay at home and tend to all the cleaning and stuff like that but I decided against it. He was just a little dragon after all.
"We're here Spike! This is your first time in a University right?"
I looked at Spike and he stopped struggling. Instead of seeing a raging dragon, I instead looked at one with big eyes and an open mouth that could have touched the ground if he wasn't stuck in a bubble.
"Pretty amazing huh?"
Like all top Universities in Equestira this place was top notch. Trimmed grass, beautiful statues, tall trees and flowers! This place was a real good for peace.
I released Spike from his bubbly prison and placed him on my back.
"Hope you're ready for the demonstration Spike. Cause this might hurt a bit."
"And after that what happened my student?" The Princess said to be across the table.
I placed my hooves on my head. "Truth is I don't remember a whole lot of it… I just remember I went in, powered up my horn, and then everything went white. Next thing I knew I was on my bed in my new dormitory."
The Princess just gave me a nod, "Alright… Keep going my student. What happened next?"
"Woowee! These beds are more comfortable then I imagined!"
I groaned as I stirred from my sleep. I opened one eye and stared at the clock on my night stand…
I grunted once again and placed a pillow over my head. But the sound of laughter and grunts from the other bed kept me from my sleep.
Finally having enough I got up from my bed and approached the pony before me. Even if it was still dark the light from the moon gave me a clear picture of what the pony looked like.
Of course it was a mare since it was a girls dormitory so I wasn't surprised by that, but what I was surprised was that she didn't have a horn. This puzzled me and the fact that this section of the dormitories were for magic wielding mares.
So let's go over the problems now shall we?
1- No horn!
2- No horn means no magic.
3- Well… That simply explains everything.
I got out of my bed and carefully walked over to the mare with a cowboy hat. She had a light brown coat and a blonde mane. And her cutie mark were apples.
"So this is how you met this Applejack I presume?"
"Yes… That's how I met her… But she is real I'm telling you!"
Again the Princess just nodded and this time she waved a hoof. "Go on my student. What happened next?"
"Hey can you keep it down a bit? It's four in the morning and I have class at eight so if you could quite down a bit that would be really helpful-"
"Well how are you doen little missy!? The name's Applejack!" The mare said shoving a hoof out.
As friendly as possible I took the hoof and shoot it lightly. I wasn't very keen in interacting with other ponies around me… But since she was (or what I thought) going to be my roommate then I guess I have to make some connections.
"My name's Twilight Sparkle."
"Well now that's a mighty fine name young lady!"
There was a loud snore and a mutter coming from a corner of the room. I looked toward the direction of the noise and found my pet dragon Spike huddling against a blanket and sucking his thumb.
"Sorry but as I said before could you keep it down?"
The mare placed a hoof to her mouth as I pointed toward my sleeping dragon and she gave me an energetic nod.
"Oh I'm sorry about that. It's just that I'm just so excited about being here! I just got here about a minute ago and while I was walking here I was amazed by this places structures!"
I gave her a small smile, as you might notice I was still kind of sleepy. "Yeah I guess you're right."
I was about to retreat toward my bed until a hoof was placed on my back, "Sorry to bother you again but do you re'con you could show me around campus a bit? I have to get to class in a hurry in the morning so I wouldn't want to get lost."
I frowned. Didn't this mare Applejack know the school rules? You can't walk around the corridors after midnight and you can only get out if you wanted to go to the bathroom. But she was new here so I guess that could be an excuse.
I let out a sigh knowing that my night of slumber was already over, "I guess so… But you have to keep it down or else we'll be found out. And I don't want to get in trouble just get you know."
Again she just gave me a happy nod and then she showed off a cheery grin.
"Alright then. When we get out to the corridors I'm going to cast an invisibility spell on us so we wouldn't be spotted. But we could still be heard so we must be as quiet as possible. Got that?"
I opened the door toward the corridors and looked left, right, and straight.
The coast was clear…
"Alright… Touch me Applejack."
I felt a hoof touching my back and I closed the door behind us. After that I concentrated on my horn and with a flash of light we weren't able to see our own hooves. And the bright flash only last half a second.
"I didn't know at the time but Spike woke up during the middle of our little talk. He just pretended to sleep until we disappeared."
"So Spike saw you talking to Applejack?"
"I believe so… I mean, he met Applejack a bunch of times before and-"
"Twilight… Spike never saw Applejack before…"
I just shook my head. There must be something going on. How could they have been vanished to thin air? This was ridiculous!
"Twilight listen to me."
I looked at the Princess again but this time her expression went from frowning a little bit, to a down right hard stare.
The Princess placed her hooves together and closed her eyes. "I don't know what is going on but… We talked with Spike. We questioned him about your actions and he told us this…"
She inhaled and exhaled and was silent for a while before looking at me again.
"He said 'I've seen Twilight speaking at the first night on campus. I opened one eye and all I saw in the moon light was Twilight. I overheard something and I figured she was sleep walking. But then she said something about going around campus… At that moment I knew something was wrong. She seemed to be speaking to someone… Someone named Applejack?'"
I tapped my hooves together. How could no one know Applejack. She's been here in Ponyville for a long time… Even longer then I have!
"Spike must be joking" I finally said, "He likes to joke a lot-"
The Princess just shook her head. "No Twilight. He wasn't joking and he was telling to truth. Of course I didn't want to believe it but I confronted him myself… I even went as far to placing an 'Honesty is Policy' potion in his plate of diamonds at the Royal dinner a few nights ago. And again he told me the same thing as before when we talked to him."
"Wait so you're saying that… That Applejack isn't really real…"
The Princess just nodded her head.
"There is no Applejack Twilight… It was all in your head…"
I stared at her confused. Was she taking me as a fool? Was she!?
I pounced out of my seat toward her using my magic to add in more force but I knew I was to foolish. She casted a simple but powerful spell and before I knew it I was on the far side of the wall facing the Princess.
"Are you calling me stupid Princess!? Are you!? Applejack is real I tell you!"
The door suddenly opened and a group of tuff looking stallions flooded in and wrapped me in strong cloth. I felt like I was trapped in a cocoon.
And when I looked up I saw Applejack… She was right at the entrance looking at me with a smile and holding a pillow.
"Look there she is! Applejack is right there! There at the entrance!"
The Princess didn't even bother to look behind her. Her face was as solid as iron…
"Take her to emergency block B and send in a Mind Doctor right away… Also keep her chained and place magic resisting bindings around her."
One of the tuff stallions bowed and dashed off.
Applejack just stood there frowning.
"Applejack!" I called out, "Tell them! Tell them that you're real! Please tell them! Tell them!"
"Take her to emergency block B right now!" The Princess yelled.
"No!" I yelled out as I was being carried away.
"You don't understand! I'm not stupid! I'm not stupid! I'm not an idiot! Applejack! Tell them that you're real!"
Applejack just frowned even more and muttered something but I didn't quite catch it.
Damn it… Why was she doing this!? Why!?
"Twilight," Said the Princess at the door.
I was about half way down the hall way but with her royal voice I could hear her words clearly.
"I'll come back tomorrow at the same time as today. We'll have a nice chat again. Just the two of us-"
"Don't even come back! You humiliated me! You're the idiotic one! You're the stupid one! I'm not the one who's crazy, you are-"
I felt a sharp pain in my neck and I felt some kind of liquid being injected into me. I suddenly felt dizzy and exhausted. My eye lids felt heavy. I just wanted to rest…
"Sleep little mare… You'll be alright…"
The voice came from Bob, my 'care taker'. Funny… I didn't see him with the rest of the stallions before…
The last thought in my mind was this….
Was he stupid too?
(End Note- I didn't write a lot since I just wanted to see what you guys think of the setting. If you guys don't like it then I won't continue it. It's kind of like a Beta I guess you can say. If you like it please click the like button and if you don't like it then write a comment on what I can improve on and dislike I guess. This was just a quick write so I don't believe it would be a perfect piece. Just something I thought up of after seeing "A Beautiful Mind". Hope you enjoyed!)