Disclaimer: I do not own House of Anubis.

"Would you like to dance with me, Nina?"

The dirty blonde haired girl turned to see Fabian offering her his hand. He wore a black tux and was giving her a wide smile.

It had been a long four years, but they had made it through, and finally it was the senior prom. Nina had returned to the school the start of their last year of high school. Although none of the Anubis residents ever heard from Mick again, Amber had returned as well. Unfortunately, Mara didn't come back that year and no one was too sure why. Much had changed since Nina had left, and she had the pleasure of meeting Willow and KT. After another mystery and even more drama, the students had successfully survived their last year at boarding school.

"Of course I'll dance with you, Fabian," Nina replied with a smile as she took his hand.

The two made their way to the dance floor. Nina put her arms around Fabian's neck and he rested his hands on her waist. She still couldn't believe that they were going to graduate. She then glanced around the room, observing her housemates.

Jerome and Joy were dancing as well, Joy laughing at something Jerome was saying. When she noticed Nina watching her, she offered her a small smile, which Nina returned. When Nina came back to the school, the two girls had set aside their former feud and became good friends.

A little ways away from them was KT, who was talking to someone from Isis House. She hadn't yet found a boyfriend, (even though there had been a lot of problems between her and Patricia about Eddie over the semester) but Nina had no doubt that she would find someone. KT was a nice girl with a great personality; it wouldn't take long.

Then there was Eddie and Patricia. Nina was well aware of the fights they had had over the years, but they couldn't be happier now. It looked as if Patricia was scowling at him for something and he only gave her a cocky grin. Eddie leaned forward and kissed her cheek, and she automatically forgave him. Nina had always found it funny that she could be so rude to everyone else, but when Eddie acted cliché she seemed to melt.

Alfie was a few feet away from them, dancing with Amber. She seemed to be pointing towards all the dancing couples in the room and squealing about scrapbooks. Alfie shut her up by kissing her, making a blush grow on her face.

Willow watched them with a gloomy expression on her face. Nina felt her heart sink slightly. Seeing Willow sad was like seeing a puppy cry. Alfie had been stressed out about his choice between Willow and Amber all year, but in the end he chose Amber. Nina wasn't too sure who's side she was on.

"Nina, are you alright?"

She turned to see Fabian giving her a concerned look. Giving him a reassuring look, she replied, "Yeah, I'm fine."

They fell into a long period of silence, but it wasn't awkward as some would think. Instead of saying nothing, it was the kind of silence that said everything.

All of a sudden, a familiar song came on, making Nina laugh slightly.

"It was two weeks after the day she turned eighteen

All dressed in white

Going to the church that night

She had his box of letters in the passenger seat

Sixpence in a shoe, something borrowed, something blue

And when the church doors opened up wide

She put her veil down

Trying to hide the tears

Oh she just couldn't believe it

She heard the trumpets from the military band

And the flowers fell out of her hand."

"What song is this?" Fabian asked with a confused tone in his voice.

Nina just stared at him in disbelief. "You've never heard this song before?"

"Nina, I don't listen to music. The only songs I know the name of are the stupid loud ones that Eddie plays all the time," he pointed out.

"Sick Puppies is not horrible!" Patricia's voice protested from a few meters away. The couple shot her an annoyed glanced before returning to their conversation.

"It's Just a Dream by Carrie Underwood," Nina informed him with a small smile. The dark brown haired boy blinked his bright blue eyes in confusion, clearly not recognizing the artist's name. Nina only laughed softly in response.

"Baby why'd you leave me

Why'd you have to go?

I was counting on forever, now I'll never know

I can't even breathe

It's like I'm looking from a distance

Standing in the background

Everybody's saying, he's not coming home now."

Fabian reached up and brushed a strand of Nina's dirty blonde hair out of her face. She glanced over at him, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips. Fabian hesitated before kissing her softly, and she kissed back.

"This can't be happening to me

This is just a dream."

Nina never did realize how iron those lyrics really were.

The rhythm of the song faded and was instantly replaced by a loud, continuous beeping. Panic rose inside of her, making her sit up with a jolt.

"Nina!" a familiar voice cried out from beside her, but she couldn't remember who it belonged to. She tried to whirl around to see who it was, but suddenly she was aware of a painful stiffness in her muscles.

The dirty blonde haired girl let out a small groan before falling back onto a thin, white bed. Blinking in confusion, she scanned the room with her light blue eyes. It was completely white and almost empty. In the far corner of the room beside the doorway was another bed with a fragile looking form in it. The person was completely surrounded by machines… And that was when Nina realized that she was surrounded by machines too.

She let out a frustrated growl as she suddenly felt the presence of wires and tubes on her skin. Struggling, she moved to pull them out, but when she tried she found that her hand was trembling and stiff.

"Hey, take it easy."

Relief rushed through Nina as she realized who was speaking to her. She slowly turned her head to the side, a faint smile forming on her face. "Eddie."

"So you remember your twin brother, huh?" Eddie replied with a teasing smile.

Nina froze, staring at him in disbelief. "Brother?"

"Yeah, brother. You know, your only family besides mom and dad?"

Nina didn't respond. A thousand questions swam in her mind, but she could only manage to ask one. "Eddie, what happened?"

For a moment, Eddie didn't reply. He just ran a hand through his spikey blonde hair and took a deep breath. After a couple of moments he finally said something.

"You were in a coma."

So there you go. I'm not really sure whether to make this a One Shot or not, so please review and tell me what you think! If anyone wants me to continue, I think I know where this storyline will go.
