Author's Notes: Okay okay okay... Bear with me for a minute here. I'm sure you're all somewhat familiar with my fanfic "The Upgrade" (and are most vexed with me for not getting back to it in a timely manner, sorry!). But here's a thought for you.
What if... The events of the movie never happened... but the Upgrade DID? How might that go?
And yes, it will STILL be Ralph/Vanellope. But it might take a little bit.
The Alternate Upgrade
Prologue: The Upgrade
The citizens of Sugar Rush didn't know what to make of it. One minute they'd been chatting and fiddling around with their cars, and the next...
Taffyta examined her new body and outfit with apprehension. She looked around and could easily spot all the other racers doing the same. No one seemed to know just what had happened.
"What the hell?" Taffyta muttered to herself.
"Where's King Candy?!" Jubileena shouted.
Vanellope sat up quickly in her little cove and-
"Oww!" She flopped back down onto her bed and held her forehead tightly. She sighed and swung her legs a bit to straighten them out and- THUNK! Her boot hit what she thought was the wall, but that didn't make any sense. After a moment she was finally able to sit up, slowly this time, and see what was going on.
She gasped in surprise. Her legs, at least she thought they were her legs, were still slightly bent because they didn't have enough room on her little spongecake. She scrambled quickly out of bed and stood upright. She whirled around, trying to get a look at herself.
She couldn't see much, her long hair got in the way, but that didn't deter her. She spun in the other direction and started patting herself down. She twisted a little too far and fell to the floor of the cave, dizzy and shell shocked.
She sighed and looked up, trying to distract herself. It worked a little too well. The track over the Diet Cola Hotsprings had been repaired! She followed it with her eyes as it looped around the whole cave and went out a hole near the top.
"What's going on?" She asked the air miserably.
Author's Notes: Okay guys, I PROMISE I'll get back to "The Upgrade" eventually. Pinky swear. It's just that, y'know... you get stuck sometimes. I'd been working on some of my other fanfics (as those who were following me might know) but there seems to be an awfully high demand for Wreck-It Ralph. So I just thought I'd... try this. To get the juices flowing again.