Here it is. The sequel to Got Caffeine! You don't necessarily need to read that story to get this story, but I suggest you do. It explains where this story came from.
Thank you to everyone who wanted a sequel! You are the reason I'm writing this.
Disclaimer for whole story: I don't own PJO, HOO, Kool-Aid, or Mountain Dew
May 2013
Hey, it's Gwen here! It's science fair time (again) and my teacher forced everyone to keep a journal of their experiments. Lame, I know. Who the heck even has the time to read this anyway?
So, my project is due in about three days and I have nothing done. Nada.
Thank the gods we made peace with the Greeks, or I would be done for. Sorry Rachel, but I'm gonna take your experiment. Except I'll Roman-ize it, since, you know, I'm a Roman.
I'm not really sure what to write in this pointless journal, but I'm pretty sure I should include stuff about the actual experiment instead of my rantings.
Wait, I'm getting a text. Hold on a moment... OH MY GODS! Leo has a girlfriend!
Insert snort. Did you really believe that? I just put that in there to see if you were paying attention. Leo having a girlfriend is about as likely as Dakota asking me to prom. That ignorant boy. I swear, he's about as oblivious as Percy.
Wow. I have gotten really off topic. BTW, it was Bobby texting me saying the participants are waiting for me to start the experiment. I'd better go.
Here's some information about my science fair: Does Caffeine Affect Roman Demigods?
Question: Does the caffeine in Mountain Dew affect Roman demigods?
Hypothesis: I believe caffeine will affect some Romans, but not all. Reyna going crazy? Please. I doubt that'll happen. Dakota, however...
Materials Used:
-multiple 24-packs of Mountain Dew cans
-three demigods, (Reyna (I forget her last name), Frank Zhang, and Dakota (his last name is pretty embarrassing, so I'll be nice and not put it up here) )
-one faun (Don) Hey, that rhymes!
-one Amazon (Hylla)
-one Roman god (Terminus)
-one evil augur (Octavian)
-one harpy (Ella)
-digital camera to record everything
-this stupid journal
-a day of my life
1. Lock all participants and moderator (that would be me) in the Senate room. (Let's hope no one needs to use the Senate house...)
2. Give every participant a Mountain Dew. Keep having participants drink Mountain Dew until every Mountain Dew is gone.
3. Observe and videotape participants and their reaction to the caffeine.
4. Keep participants in the room for the duration of the experiment, 24 hours.
5. Write down what happens in each hour in this journal.
Observations and Experiment: I'm about to preform the experiment now. Wish me luck.
May 2013, 24 hours after last entry
I just finished the experiment. Frankly (that makes me think of Frank. Oh, gods no...), I'm surprised I made it out alive. I have a feeling we are all going to need therapy.
I wouldn't want to spoil anything, but here is some things you should be expecting if you wish to continue reading.
1. Against popular belief, a daughter of Bellona can turn into a daughter of Venus.
2. It's possible to get rabies without ever getting bitten by an animal with rabies.
3. Son of Bacchus + Mountain Dew + Kool-Aid + rapping = RUN!
4. Fauns enjoy eating cans as much as they enjoy drinking the contents.
5. Even Amazons have obsessions.
6. Stuck up Roman gods can party pretty hard.
7. Don't date teddy bears. They are harsh when breaking-up with you.
8. Harpies like caffeine. Caffeine is good. Ice cream is good. Ice cream is cold.
Thanks for reading! Please review and tell me any suggestions or guests stars you want!