AN: This is my first multi=chapter fic on here. Please be kind in reviews and no flames please! Other information you need to know for this story: Nessa and Elphaba are not sisters. Frex is not Elphaba or nessa's father. Instead, he runs the orphanage. The Wizard is not a really old man, more like mid-40's. Melena is not the girls' mother, but is the Wizard's assistant.

It was a dark snowy night in the Emerald City. Most of the city's inhabitants were asleep, save for one emerald skinned teenager sitting at the window of the Emerald City Municipal Orphanage. As she sat there alone with her thoughts, the silence was broken by a small voice.

"Mamma. Mommy!"

"Son of a …"

"shut up!"

"Nessa, wake up and shut up!"

"Oh leave her alone!" Other voices rose in annoyance at having their sleep interrupted. With a sigh, Elphaba rose from her perch next to the window.

"SHUT IT! Lay off of her. If Thropp wakes up he'll get pissed then we are all in for it!" Elphaba cried. Turning back to Nessa, she tried to soothe the distraught child. "It's ok Nessa. It was just another nightmare."

"I want my mommy and daddy," whimpered Nessa.

"Slight problem with that! We ain't got moms or dads!" snapped Milla rudely. "And we aren't ever going to have them! That's why we're called orphans!"

"Shut up! I'm not an orphan!" Everyone rolled their eyes at Elphaba's outburst. "My parents are alive and someday they are going to come get me out of this hell hole."

"Yeah! Elphaba has a note that proves it!" Nessa stuck out her tongue at Milla. "Will you read it to me Elphaba? PLEASE?"

Elphaba smiled, unable to resist Nessa's angelic face.

"Ugh here we go again." Milla rolled her eyes, but settled into her bed to get comfortable and listen to Elphaba as she started to read.

Please take good care of our little darling. Her name is Elphaba. She was born April the 18th. We will be back to get her soon. We have left half of a silver locket around her neck and kept the other half, so that when we come back you will know that she is our baby.

The other orphans joined in and started reciting the note from memory with Elphaba. When she was finished, they all started laughing, especially Milla.

"Do you want to sleep as a person tonight or a toad?" Elphaba asked Milla, who continued to sneer at the green skinned girl.

"Now get to sleep! All of you! I know these don't mean anything to youl, but to me they mean hope! They are everything to me! They're proof I have parents."

"yeah right! Who would love a green bean like you?" Milla glared at Elphaba.

Elphaba ignored her and continued to put Nessa back to bed.

"You really think they're out there?"

"Yep, and someday I'm going to meet them."

"Will you sing for me about your parents?" Nessa's request was accompanied by her best puppy dog eyes.

Elphaba sighed and nodded.

"Move over little one" Nessa did so and made room for Elphaba, who started to sing softly.

Later, after everyone had settled down to sleep again, Elphaba moved back to the window, thinking on what she had just told Nessa about her dreams of a family.

"He may be pouring her coffee. She may be straightening his tie. Somewhere in a house hidden by a hill, she's sitting playing her piano, while he pays a bill." She snorted at the thought. "It all sounds so normal, so why did they give me up? Is it because I'm green? Whatever. I told them all my parents will come for me, but I've been here sixteen years. If they haven't come for me now, well, I doubt they ever will. At least the part about their only mistake was giving up me…I think."

On that depressing thought, she walked over to her bed, grabbed her pillow case and started stuffing all of her possessions into it, which admittedly was not much. With her belongings packed, she ran.

"If they aren't going to come for me, I will try to find them." That was the resolute thought running through her head as she wandered around the city.