A/N: New Finchel fanfic! It's not going to be very long, but there are going to be more parts! Thank you anonymous who suggested this

Finn and Rachel have been best friends since birth. They are inseparable. They did almost everything together through their childhood. But the day they have always been afraid of was coming, the first day of high school.

Rachel looked another time in the mirror. She wanted to look as good as possible for her first day on high school. She had never really been a girl with a lot of friends, but she didn't mind. She sometimes got bullied or laughed at, but she ignored it and focused on the future. On her dreams.

The only friend that has always stand by her was Finn. They were friends for as long as she could remember. Whenever Finn saw that Rachel was getting bullied or laughed at, he would go up there to protect her. It was pretty great to have such a friend. Everybody liked Finn, they always did. And because of Finn, they sometimes liked Rachel too, and then she had some more friends. But of course they were never real friends. They were Finn's friends, who actually only liked Rachel because Finn did.

''Rach?'' A very recognizable voice was hearable.

Rachel turned around and saw Finn poke his head into the room. ''Oh, there you are.'' He smiled.

''Hey Finn.'' Rachel greeted him as he gave her a hug. ''How are you?''

''Great! Pretty stocked about our first day.'' He said. ''What about you?''

''I'm nervous.'' Rachel admitted.

''Don't be.'' Finn told her. ''It's gonna be fine. And luckily for us, we have a few classes together.''

''Yeah..'' Rachel nodded. ''Anyway, let's go now! Don't want to be late.''

Finn and Rachel went downstairs where both Rachel's dads were waiting for them. ''Picture time!'' Hiram smiled, showing the camera.

''Dad…'' Rachel sighed, a little annoyed.

''Please, just one pic of you too! We have pictures of almost every occasion like this! This one have to be taken!'' Hiram said.

''Come on, Rach!'' Finn smiled, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. ''Smile!''

Hiram took the picture and smiled. ''You look cute.''

''Alright, children. I'll take you two to school. Let's go!''

Rachel had made more friends than she would have ever thought. And not just because of Finn, she did it all by herself. She had auditioned for the glee-club. The others who did were very nice to her. They were even having lunch together, since Finn was nowhere to be found. It was not like Rachel was worried about him, though. She already knew that he was probably somewhere with his new friends. He had told her that her wanted to get in the football team. He was pretty good and Rachel really hoped that he got in.

''There is the new football team and the cheerleaders.'' Mercedes, a hefty girl who was also in glee-club, said. ''My cousin told me that you shouldn't talk to them. Especially not when you're in glee. We're like..the lowest of the school, and they're like the highest.''

''We don't even need to talk to them.'' Kurt pointed out. ''They're probably gonna bully me for being gay anyway.''

''There is nothing wrong with being gay.'' Rachel told him. ''We're not going to let them bother us, right?''

''No.'' Mike agreed. ''We're friends and will stand by each other.''

''Hey Rach!''

Rachel looked around and noticed Finn waving at her from the other side of the canteen. He quickly made his way other to her and bumped down beside her.

''I'm in! I'm in the football team!'' He cheered.

''Really? That's amazing, Finn! I'm so proud of you!'' Rachel smiled, afraid to give him a hug since his new friends were watching them.

''Finn, what are you doing?'' A pretty blonde girl questioned. ''Those people are…too low.''

''This is my best friend, Rachel.'' Finn told them. ''She's not that tiny, is she?'' He frowned, not exactly getting what the blonde girl meant.

''Hello lady!'' A guy with a Mohican haircut said. ''I'm Noah. But everybody calls me Puck.''

''Hi.'' Rachel said shyly.

''Come on, Finn. Let's go somewhere else for lunch.'' The blonde girl said, already starting to walk away.

''Quinn, wait up! I-I think I'm gonna eat lunch with Rachel today. If her friends don't mind?''

''Fine.'' Was the only thing this Quinn girl said before walking away, making the rest of the group follow her.

''So.'' Finn said. ''Hi, everybody. I'm Finn.'' He introduced himself.

''Hi Finn.'' They all greeted him.

Rachel was glad that they all were okay with Finn. But she was even happier that Finn was still normal to her. She knew those people didn't like her, especially Quinn. She had seen it in the girl's eyes. But she didn't mind. Not as long as Finn was her best friend. There was nothing that could break them apart. Not even high school. Rachel wasn't sure what was gonna come in these four years. But she knew that eventually, Finn would always stand by her. No matter what.

A/N: Just a start. What did you think? Should I continue? xx